=== Brand Regard Plugin === Contributors: sigurbjornsson Donate link: http://www.brandregard.com/ | http://transmit.is/ Tags: brand, brands, brand regard, toolkit, plugin, marketing, pr, logos, plugin, widget Requires at least: 2.8 Tested up to: 3.0.5 Stable tag: 3.x Brand Regard users can now publish logos, marketing material or any other files related to their brand on theirs company's Wordpress website. == Description == Brand Regard is a user-friendly, cost effective brand asset management solution that makes it easy to maximize the impact of your brand. The Brand Regard Plugin enables you to easily publish logos, marketing material or any other files related to your brand on your company's Wordpress website. The plugin connects to your Brand Regard account so that the assets you publish can be managed directly from within Brand Regard. More information about Brand Regard can be found at http://www.brandregard.com/ == Installation == 0. Create an account at Brand Regard, www.brandregard.com. We offer a free trial for up to 30 days. 1. Install the Brand Regard Plugin on your WordPress website. 2. Activate the Brand Regard Plugin on your WordPress website. 3. Go to your admin page (/wp-admin/) and under Settings you should have a new menu called Brand Regard. 4. In Settings > Brand Regard you will have to configure your plugin before you start to use it. 5. First, enter your company name. It's the same as the subdomain of your Brand Regard account. http://[company_name].brandregard.com/ 6. Enter your Brand Regard API key. It can be found after you have logged in to Brand Regard and in Settings. Just copy the API key and paste it. Don't leave any empty spaces. 7. When your API key and the company name has been correctly entered you can select up to two toolkits. Leave one empty if you don't want to use two. You can select what to show from all your toolkits on your Brand Regard account. 8. Configure the thumbnails, i.e. how big you want them to be. The default is Medium. 9. The last thing is then to configure which page or a post within your website or post you want to attach the plugin with. If both a post and a page has the same name it will appear on both places. 10. Now we have configured everything and the plugin is ready to use. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Why doesn't my API key work? = Are you sure you copied the right key? Have you checked for spaces? You should find your API key after you have logged onto your Brand Regard account and = Can I display all my toolkits? = No, only up to two. = I think I found a bug. Where should I report it? = Hey, please email the developer; magnus@transmit.is and tell him about the error you found. Also if you have idea for the plugin, please also include them in your email. = My plugin is not working. I need advice from the Brand Regard team. = You can contact the developer, magnus@transmit.is and he will assist you setting up the plugin properly. His name is Magnus. == Screenshots == 1. Brand Regard Plugin displays two toolkits. `screenshot-1.png` 2. Brand Regard Plugin displays two toolkits. Thumbnails are here with each assets name via Brand Regard. `screenshot-2.png` == Changelog == = 1.2.1 = All thumbnails can now display their name below the thumbnail. CSS adjusted for a nicer look for all four sizes. You can also choose if you want to display thumbnail size or not via Settings. = 1.2 = Every thumbnail file within a toolkit have been aligned better. Design looks much better. Every thumbnail has the same size. CSS adjustments. New screenshot. = 1.1 = Settings menu fixed. Now you can select from all your toolkits from your Brand Regard account. Better error handling as well for both settings and the plugin itself. = 1.0 = First version. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.1 = Read the installation steps carefully and everything will work properly. = 1.0 = First version.