=== BRADESCO GATEWAY === Contributors: Jefersson Nathan de Oliveira Chaves Donate link: http://www.swapi,com.br Tags: bradesco, swapi, swp, gateway, wp-e-commerce, malukinho, nathan, banking, brazil, banco, bancos, integração Tested up to: >3.0 Stable tag: 1.1.12 License: GPLv2 Create one gateway for integration whith Bank Bradesco == Description == Plugin/Gateway for wp-e-commence integration with the gateway Bradesco (http://www.bradesco.com.br/) == Installation == 1. Copy the file Bradesco-gateway.php to path /wp-contents/plugins/wp-e-commerce/wpsc-merchants 2. Access the WP Administration and configure the gateway whith you information from bradesco banking == Screenshots == 1. Interface of configuration for Bradesco Gateway == Changelog == == Upgrade Notice ==