=== Plugin Name === Contributors: boonebgorges, cuny-academic-commons Tags: buddypress, tinymce, wysiwyg, rich text, editor Requires at least: WPMU 2.8, BuddyPress 1.1 Tested up to: WPMU 2.8.6, BuddyPress 1.1.3 Stable tag: trunk Replaces textareas throughout BuddyPress with the TinyMCE rich text box. == Description == This plugin enables rich text editing for BuddyPress users. It uses the TinyMCE editor that is distributed with Wordpress. == Installation == * Upload the directory '/bp-tinymce/' to your WP plugins directory and activate from the Dashboard of the main blog. * Because of some inconsistencies with the way that WP's TinyMCE is integrated, you may want to change the name of the TinyMCE language file you'll be using (for English, `wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/wp-langs-en.php). The correct format is `en.php`, without the `wp-langs-` prefix. * If you're not seeing the TinyMCE box in BuddyPress, check to make sure that the path to TinyMCE on line 20 of bp-tinymce.php is correct. *** IMPORTANT: This plugin allows certain pieces of HTML to be put into BuddyPress, including hrefs. Make sure that you are satisfied with the security of the plugin before activiating it on a production site! *** == Changelog == = 0.1 = * Initial release