=== BuddyPress Security Check === Contributors: bungeshea Tags: math, registration, buddypress, security, anti-spam Tested up to: 5.4.2 Stable tag: 2.1.1 License: MIT License URI: https://opensource.org/licences/MIT Donate link: https://bungeshea.com/donate/ Combat spam registrations for a BuddyPress-powered site using Google's reCAPTCHA == Description == > **Important**: Since version 2.0, this plugin now requires at least PHP 5.3. Please make sure you are running latest available version of PHP on your server. This plugin adds [Google's reCAPTCHA](https://www.google.com/recaptcha/) to the BuddyPress registration field to prevent bots from registering and keep your site free from spam registrations. reCAPTCHA is "tough on bots, easy on humans": while it is increbianle effective on preventing bots from registering, most of the time all the user needs to do to verify themselves is simply check a box. After installing this plugin, you will need to [register your site with Google](https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin) (requires a Google account) and enter the site key and secret key on the **Settings > BuddyPress > Options** admin menu. If you would prefer not to use Google's service, there is an alternative security check method also available; see below; Prior to version 2.0, a less effective security check method was used where the user needed to answer simple math sum before registering. This method is still available, and can be turned on on the **Settings > BuddyPress > Options** menu. You can learn more at the [plugin's website](https://bungeshea.com/plugins/bp-security-check/), or on [GitHub](https://github.com/sheabunge/bp-security-check) **Translations** Thanks to the awesome work of the following translators, this plugin can be used in these languages: * **Russian** thanks to [Howard Steele from SuperbWebsiteBuilders.com](http://superbwebsitebuilders.com/) * **Swedish** thanks to [Thord D. Hedengren](http://tdh.me) * **French** thanks to Frédérick Baldo * **Serbo-Croatian** thanks to [Andrijana Nikolic from WebHostingGeeks](https://webhostinggeeks.com) and [Ogi Djuraskovic from FirstSiteGuide.com](http://firstsiteguide.com/) * **Spanish** thanks to Renato Alves * **Hungarian** thanks to Laszlo Espadas * **Brazilian Portuguese** thanks to Renato Alves * **Danish** thanks to Andreas Bjørn Hassing Nielsen * **Italian** thanks to [Nicole Curioni](http://nicolecurioni.com/) If you have a translation to contribute, please sent it through to me [by email](https://bungeshea.com/contact/) or [on GitHub](https://github.com/sheabunge/bp-security-check/pulls). == Installation == This plugin extends the functionality of [BuddyPress](https://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress), which must be installed for this plugin to work 1. Upload the `bp-security-check` directory to `/wp-content/plugins/` 2. Activate the plugin through the **Plugins > Installed Plugins** menu in WordPress 2. Visit the **Settings > BuddyPress > Options** admin menu 3. If you want to use the more secure reCAPTCHA mode, you will need to [register your site with Google](https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin) and enter the site and secret keys. Otherwise, choose the 'legacy math method' to turn on security checks. == Changelog == = 2.1.1 (2016-05-12) = * Fixed: Centre-align math check field [[#](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/align-by-center)] * Fixed: Only load reCAPTCHA script on registration page [[#](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/load-recaptcha-script-only-on-the-registration-page)] = 2.1.0 = * Fixed: Don't strip special characters from input fields * Added: Load reCAPTCHA in the same language WordPress is in * Fixed: Translations not loading = 2.0.0 = * Converted code to class-based OOP format with namespaces * Added plugin settings * Implemented Composer for package management and classloading * Added reCaPTCHA security check method * Added Swedish translation by [Thord D. Hedengren](http://tdh.me) * Added Russian translation by [Howard Steele from SuperbWebsiteBuilders.com](http://superbwebsitebuilders.com/) * Updated Serbian translation by [Ogi Djuraskovic from FirstSiteGuide.com](http://firstsiteguide.com/) = 1.4.0 = * Added Serbo-Croatian translation by [Andrijana Nikolic from WebHostingGeeks](https://webhostinggeeks.com) * Added French translation by Frédérick Baldo * Fixed subtraction sums always being marked incorrect = 1.3.2 = * Added Spanish translation by Renato Alves = 1.3.1 = * Fixed incorrect term in Danish translation (Sikkerhedsspørgsmål is a single word) [[#](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/translation-293)] = 1.3.0 = * Added Danish translation by Andreas Bjørn Hassing Nielsen * Added Italian translation by [Nicole Curioni](http://nicolecurioni.com/) * Made transient names unique to prevent race conditions = 1.2.0 = * Added Hungarian translation by Laszlo Espadas * Added Brazilian Portuguese translation by Renato Alves * Saved sum information in database instead of hidden fields in an attempt to prevent bots * Code refactoring = = * Fixed bug preventing the plugin from loading = 1.1.0 = * Updated to support translations * Use mt_rand() function instead of rand() * Add code documentation * Use proper class methods, not completely static * Ensure that the sum never equals 0 = 1.0.1 = * Remove buggy multiplication and division functionality = 1.0.0 = * Stable version release == Upgrade Notice == = 2.0.0 = (Requires PHP 3.5 or later) Added reCAPTCHA check = 1.3.2 = Added Spanish translation = 1.3.1 = Updated Danish translation = 1.2.0 = New translations plus fixes to prevent bots = = Fixed bug preventing the plugin from loading = 1.1.0 = Updated to support translations = 1.0.1 = Quick patch to remove buggy multiplication and division functionality