=== Plugin Name === Contributors: blpiltin Donate link: http://brianpiltin.com Tags: pages, categories, combine, together, list, pagegories Requires at least: Tested up to: 2.6 Stable tag: 1.1.0 A sidebar widget that displays both the pages and categories as a single list. == Description == A sidebar widget that displays both the pages and categories as a single list. This is useful if you don't care to have users distinguish between categories and pages when they are navigating your site. Optionally you can give a title to your list and you can opt to list the categories before the pages if you so desire. == Installation == 1. Upload `bp_pagegories.php` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 1. Under the 'Design->Widgets' administration page, drag to the sidebar you would like the widget to appear on and click "Save Changes". 1. You can optionally set a title for the widget within the widget control panel, by default there is no title. 1. You can opt for the categories to be listed before the pages within the widget control panel, by default pages are listed first. == Frequently Asked Questions == = What is the point of this plugin? = I developed this plugin for my own blog because I saw no point in listing the pages and the categories seperately, it only seemed to confuse the user and add more clutter to my site. = Do you offer support for this plugin? = Not really. I don't have much time in the way of enhancing, supporting, or developing these things, but feel free to modify it and distribute it freely. If you make some good changes that can be incorporated into my version then please let me know and you can take over support/development of the plugin. = Why not release this plugin under the GPL? = Honestly I have no idea what the GPL entails and I didn't have the patience to read through it, but I wanted to give this away nonetheless. I'm not going to come after anyone for taking this code and doing what they will with it. They can even take credit for it for all I care. == Screenshots == 1. Screen shot of both pages and categories listed together. Can you see the difference? == Change History == v1.1.0 * Added the ability to list the categories before the pages. v1.0.0 * Initial release.