=== BuddyPress Album+ === Contributors: francescolaffi, foxly Donate link: http://flweb.it/ Tags: Buddypress, BP, album, picture, pictures, photos, privacy Requires at least: WP 2.9, BP 1.2 Tested up to: WP 2.9.2, BP Stable tag: 0.1.4 This plugin adds Photo Album Capabilities to BuddyPress. Includes Photo Posts to Wire, Member Comments on Photos, and Privacy Controls. Works with current BuddyPress theme and includes Easy To Skin Templates. == Description == A user can upload pictures to their album, they can add a title, and a description, choose privacy options ( public, visible to members, visible to friends, private) and enable/disable comments for the pic. Users can edit and delete their pictures. Admin can set limit for picture upload total count, to enable/disable privacy options and limit for each of them, if description can be empty, pic per page in the default query. Admin can globally enable and disable comments on photos, and control whether or not thumbnails of uploaded pictures are posted on a user's wire. For each uploaded picture, the plugin will generate a thumbnail image and a gallery size image. The admin can set thumbnail size, gallery image size and if original file should be kept. Site admin can edit or delete any picture. They can also hide members' pictures without deleting them. At the user level, picture comments are connected to a picture's activity. Enabling comments for a pic also enables post an activity for that pic. Disabling comments also deletes previously posted activity for that picture. Templating should be easy as the pics template class works in a way similar to the wp posts template. = Configuration = This latest version of the plugin has been upgraded with an admin panel, allowing all plugin admin options to be set from the WP back end. You can override template files, you only need to create `album/` in your theme folder and put your files there. = Disclaimer = This is an early release and should be used carefully. You can test this plugin in [my BP test site](http://bptest.flweb.it/) It is provided on an “as is” basis without any warranty. I’m not liable for any damage or losses. I created this plugin because i needed it for a work and bppicture-album plugin wasn’t enough flexible. As I started from scratch (well, from the bp1.2 skeleton component) this is not a mod of bppicture-album, is not compatible with it, so please don’t install this if you have bppicture-album and you cant migrate the db tables by yourselfs. = Translations = * it_IT by me * nl_NL by Xevo * fr_FR by Chouf1 * tr_TR by Şerafettin Yarar, Hüseyin Cahid Doğan * de_DE by Micheal Berra * es_ES by jorge ocampo * ru_RU by Chimit * send translations at francesco (dot) laffi (at) gmail (dot) com = Future release may have (casual order): = * album for groups * objet caching * a command to delete all options, database table and files other good ideas or suggestions we have received: * widgets * page with all pics of the site * upload remote pics * multiple albums * watermark uploaded pics = Known issues: = * If a public pic that have comments changed to private, then the pic activity will be hidden from sitewide stream, but the comments will not (i think this is a bp issue, but i need to look more into it) * Picture thumbnails might not be immediately posted to a user's wire. The user might have to perform an edit action on a photo or other site activity to get the wire to update. * Admin menu numeric values are not type-checked. If you enter text in a box that should have a number in it, unpredictible things could happen. = Contact = For issues/bugs/suggestions use the wordpress.org support forum with tag 'bp-album'. After [browsing existing topics](http://wordpress.org/tags/bp-album?forum_id=10), you can [open a new one](http://wordpress.org/tags/bp-album?forum_id=10#postform). No duplicates please. == Installation == 1. Upload `bp-album` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory or use automatic installation from wp plugin panel 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress == Frequently Asked Questions == = no faq here? = still no faq == Screenshots == 1. screenshot-1.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif) == Changelog == = 0.1.4 = * admin menu added * added global comment disable option * added global wire post disable option * added es_ES and ru_RU = 0.1.3 = * buddybar menu link fixed * broken image link fixed * now tested with success on FF,Webkit,IE7,IE8, IE6 display well but without cool effects * fr_FR updated; tr_TR,de_DE added = 0.1.2 = * Corrected readme text encoding * Added fr_FR translation = 0.1.1 = * General bugfixes * Added nl_NL translation = 0.1 = * Early release of the plugin == Upgrade Notice == = 0.1.4 = admin menu added, es_ES, ru_RU = 0.1.3= bug fixes,css fixes, tr_TR,de_DE translations = 0.1.2 = i forgot to include fr_FR in last release = 0.1.1 = all known bug are fixed