=== Boxzilla === Contributors: Ibericode, DvanKooten, hchouhan, lapzor Donate link: https://boxzillaplugin.com/#utm_source=wp-plugin-repo&utm_medium=boxzilla&utm_campaign=donate-link Tags: pop-up, optin, call to action, exit intent Requires at least: 4.6 Tested up to: 6.5 Stable tag: 3.3.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Requires PHP: 7.0 Flexible pop-ups or slide-ins, showing up at just the right time. == Description == ### Boxzilla for WordPress Boxzilla is a plugin allowing you to add pop-up or slide-in boxes to your WordPress site. Boxes can slide or fade in at any point and can contain whatever content you like. #### Some of Boxzilla's features - Boxes can contain any content you like. - You can show boxes at various events: - After scrolling down past a certain percentage of the page height. - After scrolling down to a specific page element. - After X seconds on the page. - After X pageviews on the site. - Manually by clicking a link or button - When the user intents to exit your website (Premium) - After X seconds on the site (any page). (Premium) - Customizable box position on the screen. - Animations for showing or hiding boxes. - Page targeting, to only show pop-ups on certain posts or pages. - Full control over how long boxes should stay hidden once they are dismissed. - Customizable box appearance using a simple visual interface. - Only 6 kB of JavaScript is added to your website. [Read more about Boxzilla](https://boxzillaplugin.com/#utm_source=wp-plugin-repo&utm_medium=boxzilla&utm_campaign=description). > #### Premium add-ons for Boxzilla > > The Boxzilla plugin itself is entirely free. Advanced functionality is available through several paid add-ons. Not only do they extend the core functionality of the plugin, they also help to fund further development of the core (free) plugin. > > [Browse available add-ons for Boxzilla](https://boxzillaplugin.com/add-ons/#utm_source=wp-plugin-repo&utm_medium=boxzilla&utm_campaign=description). #### Documentation Please have a look at the [Boxzilla Knowledge Base](https://kb.boxzillaplugin.com/). #### Demo There's a [Boxzilla demo site](https://demo.boxzillaplugin.com#utm_source=wp-plugin-repo&utm_medium=boxzilla&utm_campaign=description) with some examples. #### Support Please use the [WordPress.org plugin support forums](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/boxzilla) for community support. If you're a [Boxzilla Premium customer](https://boxzillaplugin.com/pricing#utm_source=wp-plugin-repo&utm_medium=boxzilla&utm_campaign=description), please use our support email for a faster reply. == Frequently Asked Questions == = What does this plugin do? = Pop-ups. Have a look at the [Boxzilla demo site](https://demo.boxzillaplugin.com/#utm_source=wp-plugin-repo&utm_medium=boxzilla&utm_campaign=description). = How to display a form in the box? = Boxzilla will work with any plugin that allows for shortcodes, like [MailChimp for WordPress](https://wordpress.org/plugins/mailchimp-for-wp/) or [HTML Forms](https://wordpress.org/plugins/html-forms/). = Can I have a box open after clicking a certain link or button? = Yes, you can create a link that refers the box ID. For example, if your box has an ID of 94. ` Open Box ` = Can I have a box open right after loading a page? = You can configure this in the box settings. Or you can add `#boxzilla-13` to your URL, where 13 is the ID of the box you want to show. = Can I customize the appearance of a box = Boxzilla comes with a simple interface for customizing the pop-up appearance. But you can also use your own custom CSS if needed. ` .boxzilla { } /* all boxes */ .boxzilla-5 { } /* only the box with ID 5 */ ` = I want to disable auto-paragraphs in the box content = All default WordPress filters are added to the `boxzilla_box_content` filter hook. The example below shows how to remove them. ` remove_filter( 'boxzilla_box_content', 'wptexturize') ; remove_filter( 'boxzilla_box_content', 'convert_smilies' ); remove_filter( 'boxzilla_box_content', 'convert_chars' ); remove_filter( 'boxzilla_box_content', 'wpautop' ); remove_filter( 'boxzilla_box_content', 'do_shortcode' ); remove_filter( 'boxzilla_box_content', 'shortcode_unautop' ); ` == Installation == = Installing the plugin = 1. In your WordPress admin panel, go to *Plugins > New Plugin*, search for *Boxzilla* and click "Install now" 1. Alternatively, download the plugin and upload the contents of `boxzilla.zip` to your plugins directory, which usually is `/wp-content/plugins/`. 1. Activate the plugin. 1. (Optional) Install some [add-on plugins for Boxzilla](https://boxzillaplugin.com/add-ons/) = Creating a Boxzilla box = 1. Go to *Boxzilla > Add New* 1. Add some content to the box 1. (Optional) customize the appearance of the box by changing the *Appearance Settings* = Additional Customization = Have a look at the [frequently asked questions](https://wordpress.org/plugins/boxzilla/faq/) section for some examples of additional customization. == Screenshots == 1. A Boxzilla pop-up with a newsletter sign-up form. 3. Another Boxzilla pop-up, with different styles. 4. Screenshot of the page to manage a Boxzilla pop-up. == Changelog == #### 3.3.1 - May 17, 2024 - Minor performance improvements to plugin bootstrapping and autoloader implementation. - Fix link in license key form. - Move CSS out of JS file for improved parsing performance. - Move to webpack instead of Gulp for preparing client-side asset files. - Bump required PHP version to 7.0 or later. #### 3.2.27 - Mar 28, 2023 - Fix scroll based trigger regression introduced in previous version. #### 3.2.26 - Mar 21, 2023 - Check if `administrator` role exists before adding capabilities to it. Thanks [Jaime Martínez](https://jaimemartinez.nl/). - Fix "undefined array key href" warning on PHP8. - Fix PHP8.1 deprecation warnings. #### 3.2.25 - Apr 20, 2021 - Change usage of deprecated jQuery.load method. - Add `aria-modal="true"` to overlay element. #### 3.2.24 - Nov 3, 2020 - Allow for `#boxzilla-ID` links in `` elements. - Show certain settings even if no trigger is chosen. - Only show auto-hide setting if trigger is set to element or percentage (ie trigger condition can revert). #### 3.2.23 - Jul 13, 2020 - Add `aria-label` to close icon to help screen readers. #### 3.2.22 - Mar 19, 2020 - Minor code improvements - Check if body element exists before updating class attribute, fixes an issue with some page builders. #### 3.2.21 - Feb 18, 2020 - "If post category" or "if post tag" conditionals now apply to any post-type using built-in WP categories or tags. #### 3.2.20 - Jan 20, 2020 **Fixes** - An issue with the "pageviews" trigger on Safari Mobile where session storage is inaccessible in the beforeunload event. **Improvements** - Prepare for upcoming [Mailchimp for WordPress](https://wordpress.org/plugins/mailchimp-for-wp/) plugin update which changes the name of the JS object when a form is submitted without AJAX. #### 3.2.19 - Dec 30, 2019 **Fixes** - Box rules using "contains" would only check first argument (when using comma-separated value). **Improvements** - Use a dedicated overlay element per box to prevent issues with multiple boxs showing on a page. Thanks Jason Maurer! #### 3.2.18 - Dec 2, 2019 **Fixes** - Missing quotes in HTML attribute on "edit box" page. #### 3.2.17 - Nov 18, 2019 **Fixes** - Notices when checking for updating and not having some add-on plugins installed. #### 3.2.16 - Nov 15, 2019 **Improvements** Roll-back a change in version 3.2.15 that caused an issue with Boxzilla Theme Pack and Boxzilla WooCommerce. Please make sure your [Boxzilla plugin license](https://my.boxzillaplugin.com/) is activated and then update Boxzilla Theme Pack and Boxzilla WooCommerce to the latest version. #### 3.2.15 - Nov 6, 2019 **Improvements** - Add proper SVG icon with neutral color for admin menu. - Use Page Visibility API for time-based triggers (time on site & time on page). - Stop using `supress_filters` when retrieving boxes for a possible performance improvement. - Minor performance improvement in bootstrapping logic. - Add link to [Koko Analytics](https://wordpress.org/plugins/koko-analytics/) #### 3.2.14 - Aug 7, 2019 **Fixes** - Issue with incorrect argument count for some sites with custom menu's. #### 3.2.13 - Aug 5, 2019 **Improvements** - Allow more query hash parameters for opening a box. - Allow bypassing animation for opening or closing boxes. **Additions** - Easily link to boxes from WP Menu's. #### 3.2.12 - June 7, 2019 **Improvements** - Allow skipping animations when showing, hiding or dismissing a box. - Check for empty box content after running filter hooks, instead of before. #### 3.2.11 - May 8, 2019 **Improvements** - Update loading configuration when duplicating a box. - Accept query parameters in URL hash for opening a box through a link click or on loading a page. #### 3.2.10 - February 15, 2019 **Improvements** - Better [exit intent detection](https://boxzillaplugin.com/add-ons/exit-intent/) for mobile devices. **Additions** - New bulk action to quickly duplicate a box with all of its settings. #### 3.2.9 - December 5, 2018 **Improvements** - Make sure preview updates with correct color values when applying box styles. - Use small margin of error to prevent iOS scroll bounce from closing box again. #### 3.2.7 - July 31, 2018 **Fixes** - Issue with boxes with only an iframe, image or video and no text not being loaded. #### 3.2.6 - June 27, 2018 **Improvements** - Show and/or between rules to help clarify rule logic. - Consistent line endings in main plugin file. #### 3.2.5 - June 6, 2018 **Fixes** - Some JSON encoders would print Boxzilla config as object, resulting in no boxes actually being loaded. **Additions** - Add "does not contain" qualifier in URL and referrer conditions. #### 3.2.4 - May 31, 2018 **Fixes** - Boxzilla content replicating parts of the page if other plugins "incorrectly" use `the_content` filter. #### 3.2.3 - May 29, 2018 **Improvements** - Allow "contains" qualifier in URL and referrer conditions. - Include query string in URL conditions. - Use SVG for the menu ico. Thanks [Kurt Zenisek](https://github.com/KZeni) - Added Czech translations. Thanks [Zdenek Petrbok](https://petrbok.cz/) - Run the_content filter on Boxzilla post content, to enable plugins like Photon. - Ensure content element exists when initialising Boxzilla. - Improvements to licensing related code for [Boxzilla Premium](https://boxzillaplugin.com/pricing/) users. #### 3.2.2 - March 12, 2018 **Improvements** - Print box contents at an earlier footer hook, so it works with "smart enqueue" methods in other plugins like Mailchimp for WordPress or Maxbuttons. #### 3.2.1 - March 5, 2018 **Fixes** - Can't use return value in write context error, introduced in v3.2. #### 3.2 - March 5, 2018 **Fixes** - Compatibility with plugins that use JavaScript rendering. **Improvements** - Skip boxes with empty content. #### 3.1.23 - December 13, 2017 **Fixes** - Event listener for hyperlinks referencing `#boxzilla-123`. We recommend using `[boxzilla_link]to generate your links though[/boxzilla_link]`. [Here's how that works](https://kb.boxzillaplugin.com/shortcode-boxzilla-link/). #### 3.1.22 - November 20, 2017 **Fixes** - Showing box by location hash after page load wasn't working. **Improvements** - Load `