=== Plugin Name === Contributors: codingourweb Donate link: http://www.codingourweb.com Tags: Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.2.1 Stable tag: 1.01 Create beautiful boxes using one simple shortcode == Description == A WordPress plugin that will assist in creating beautiful content boxes by using 1 simple shortcode. Each of those boxes consists of a header, an image, some content and an optional link which can point to any given location. Boxes can be added to one or more box sets for grouping purposes. == Installation == This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. 1. Extract the zipfile 2. Place the entire folder named "boxes" in the plugin folder 3. Go to the admin panel and activate the plugin --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Start by adding a new Box Set and naming it "box-set-1" 5. Add a new Box - Specify a title: this will be the box header - Specify your content: this will be the box content - Specify a featured image: this will be the box image (optional) - Select the Box Set to which this Box should be added 6. In the Additional Box Settings box: - Select a Box Type (Default: 1) - Specify whether the image should be wrapped within a frame - Specify the alignment for header and content - Specify the width of the Box (Default: 250px) - Specify the url to where the Box should point - Specify the type of link (Default: link) - Specify the text for the link 7. Repeat step 5 and 6 for as long as you like 7. Create a new post or page 8. Add the following shortcode: [box set="box-set-1"] By default 3 columns will be placed next to each other. If you need this to be a different number, you can add another parameter to the shortcode: [box set="box-set-1" cols=4] Another parameter you can set is [box set="box-set-1" link-color="dark"] which will make all link buttons dark. 9. You're done! TIP*** Boxes also works within a Text widget! So you can easily incorporate Boxes into sidebar and footers. == Frequently Asked Questions == = A question that someone might have = An answer to that question. == Screenshots == 1. Example 1 2. Example 2 3. Admin section == Changelog == = 1.01 = * Fixed a problem with boxtype 1 and 2. Images would be resized to full width of box. = 1.00 = * First version