=== Bottom of every post === Contributors: salzano Donate link: http://www.tacticaltechnique.com/donate/ Tags: post footer, every post, call to action, about the author, bottom of post Requires at least: 2.0.2 Tested up to: 3.2.4 Stable tag: 1.0.2 This plugin adds some content to the bottom of every post. That is all. No extra crap. == Description == This plugin does one thing, and that thing is to add some content to the end of each of your posts. This change happens on the fly, so if you deactivate or uninstall this plugin, the feature goes away. I created this plugin because the others are too complex. There are few plugins that claim to add a footer to each of your posts. Some of them work, and all of them have way too many features. == Installation == 1. Upload the plugin to your wp-content/plugins folder, or use the Plugins > Add New section of your dashboard to search for "bottom of every post" 1. Visit Plugins > Editor and choose Bottom of every post from the drop down list in the upper right 1. Modify `bottom-of-every-post.txt` to contain the content you would like at the bottom of every post and save your changes 1. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress == Frequently Asked Questions == = What does this plugin do? = This plugin adds some content to the bottom of every post. = How can I edit the message? = To edit the message that will be added to the bottom or footer of your posts, Go to Plugins > Editor and choose “Bottom of every post” with the top right selector. The plugin’s files will be loaded on the right. Choose the file `bottom_of_every_post.txt` and change the contents to whatever you want. = Where can I see the change? = Anywhere posts are displayed on your website, like the blog index, a post's single page or a category page. == Changelog == = 1.0.2 = * I added a handler to change the default text in the event that the PHP file is updated but the text file is not. A lot of websites out there are still running an old version of this plugin. = 1.0.1 = * I changed the default text to no longer include my name and phone number. A surprising amount of people have installed this plugin and not changed the default text, resulting in my name and number being shown on very strange websites. = 1.0 = * First build == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0.2 = This update makes the plugin more effective at preventing my name and phone number from being shown on random websites that people do not update. If you accept this update, backup your bottom-of-every-post.txt file so you can restore the custom message you now have. = 1.0.1 = This update changes the text file that is included on all of your posts. I need the default file for new installs to no longer contain my name and phone number because it is resulting in strange phone calls and emails. If you accept this update, backup your bottom-of-every-post.txt file so you can restore the behavior you now have. Sorry for this inconvenience, but I don't want my name on these strange porn sites anymore. = 1.0 = There is only one version available at this time