=== BoostSuite Tracking Code === Contributors: squidMark Requires at least: 1.2.1 Tested up to: 4.5.3 Stable tag: 1.7 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Use this plugin to easily install the BoostSuite tracking code on all non-admin pages of your site. == Description == ### Advertise Your Business! Drive valuable traffic to your website by combining forces with like-minded businesses to cleverly share customers. Online advertising can be overwhelming, especially when it's just you against the big boys. Only through BoostSuite can you combine forces with like-minded businesses to cleverly share customers. As a result, you drive valuable traffic to your website and achieve big-time marketing results. Use the BoostSuite plugin for WordPress, to easily and automatically install the BoostSuite tracking code in the section of all non-admin pages on your site. Please note that the BoostSuite plug-in sends data about your website and its visitors back to the BoostSuite service so that this data can be analyzed and used in your BoostSuite account. This data includes information about each website visitor including their IP address, the URL of the page they are viewing, specific content they are viewing, and the search keywords they used to reach the website. This plug-in requests data from the BoostSuite service which allows BoostSuite to customize the on-page experience when you run content tests for your visitors through BoostSuite. This plug-in also tracks users for use with the Google Adwords platform in order to show your ad to your marketing audience as they browse the internet. > "I tried the free plan and added eight partners in the first week. Five months later I have 65 partners and monthly traffic is up 30%." - Dr. Larry Shapiro, [www.helphair.com](www.helphair.com) ### Sign-up in seconds. Choose your partners. Design your ad (we make it easy). Then dominate the Web. It’s that simple. **[Try BoostSuite for Free!](http://www.boostsuite.com)** == Installation == 1. Install either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or upload to the `BoostSuiteWP-tracking` directory and contents to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. == Changelog == = 1.7 = * updated google_conversion_id for comarketing ads * updated 'tested up to' version to 4.5.3 = 1.6 = * updated 'tested up to' version to 4.4.2 = 1.5 = * updated 'tested up to' version to 4.3 * import Google remarketing pixel for BoostSuite Ads comarketing feature = 1.4 = * updated 'tested up to' version to 4.2 = 1.3 = * updated 'tested up to' version to 4.0 = 1.2 = * updated JavaScript tracking logic = 1.1 = * updated plugin description = 1.0 = * initial release * insert tracking code on all no-admin pages