=== Booking Calendar | Appointment Booking | BookIt === Contributors: Stylemix Donate link: https://stylemixthemes.com/ Tags: booking calendar, appointment booking, appointment calendar, booking, calendar, availability calendar, booking engine, tour booking Requires at least: 4.6 Requires PHP: 5.6 Tested up to: 5.8 Stable tag: 2.2.4 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Description == Booking and Appointment Calendar plugin for WordPress was designed for you to provide professional help in managing your schedule. If your priority is to meet your client’s needs, then you should try this plugin. Any business entity with different kinds of services has to make it easy and fast for clients to book staff or services. ⭐ [Booking Plugin Pro](https://stylemixthemes.com/wordpress-appointment-plugin/?utm_source=wporg-bookit&utm_medium=en&utm_campaign=2021) ⭐ [WordPress BookIt Plugin Demo](https://bookit.stylemixthemes.com/) ⭐ [Documentation](https://docs.stylemixthemes.com/bookit-calendar/) Don’t make your clients book appointments over the phone, try the new way of online bookings. If you provide any services requiring meetings, an online appointment system is one of the most essential tools. And you can install it on your WordPress website without any help. You and your customers will cut the time. You will schedule with ease the appointment for the required time. Only using the BookIt plugin. The calendar also has an alternate form layout, providing users to try between two interactive forms. The plugin allows site admins to control and manage all the requests. It makes it possible to cancel, approve, and update meetings with a few clicks. Integration with WooCommerce and Payments Gateway gives you more power to administer appointments. An awesome booking calendar, resource management, appointment scheduling system. The plugin has everything to turn bookings into an easy automated process. Cut down the time you spend on email and the phone arranging appointments and spend seconds on booking management online. Select the time and day you wish to make a booking for online and let clients self-book. Reduce scheduling conflicts and other mistakes. Use our solution to get booking requests for whichever services you wish. ## Introducing the BookIt — Booking Calendar & Appointment Management Plugin BookIt Appointment Calendar is a software created by Stylemix Themes. We used the progressive JavaScript Framework Vue.js. Key features of the comprehensive plugin include a booking calendar, resource management, appointment scheduling, and ordering. The BookIt plugin is available to download free of charge. Although there are optional extras that come at an extra cost. We will cover these here a little later on. The plugin is compatible with WordPress version 4.6 or higher. It is also open source meaning that modifications to the source code are possible. Modern BookIt plugin has been developed according to the latest design trends. We used technology based on the practical concept. We collected all the essential features in one calendar system. The plugin has everything that you need to provide a perfect booking flow. You can create calendars for your services and manage your schedule. And it all is by using our appointment plugin. The BookIt WordPress plugin is a simple booking calendar for your WP website. Its primary task is booking management. In a few minutes, you will establish a perfect scheduling system for your customers. You can create booking forms with a calendar view and easily manage all your bookings. While you can approve and update appointments. Display available dates and just with one click insert a calendar into any page on the site. Get requests immediately from the clients and manage them in no time. Start receiving bookings from your visitors today! ## WordPress WooCommerce Booking Plugin You can greatly extend the [BookIt plugin with WooCommerce](https://stylemixthemes.com/wordpress-appointment-plugin/?utm_source=wporg&utm_medium=landing&utm_campaign=2020). BookIt integrates smoothly with Woocommerce providing the best service. This plugin creates more wonderful opportunities for your clients. They can make the most of the shopping cart. Clients can use the specific payment gateways. There are lots of other features that the WooCommerce plugin includes. The BookIt WooCommerce Integration addon is an alternative option for receiving payments. This open-source e-commerce plugin applies for any sized online merchants. This addon makes it easy for your customers to pay for appointments. They can use the WooCommerce checkout page. Customers can add many selections to their cart before checkout. Or, they can pass the cart page and go directly to the checkout page to make a payment on a single item. When your clients pay in advance, they become more responsible and take it more seriously. They will do all they can to show up and if they can’t, they will just change the appointment date using an online system. This puts you in control of your schedule and protects you from overlays. To make use of this addon, you would need to download the WooCommerce plugin. Then activate it within the BookIt settings sections. You can access it from the primary admin panel. Then, you will add the product available for sale. Also, you will need to add a page. Your customers will be redirected there after they have created an appointment. You will also need to remember to enable the relevant payment options for your business. As well as PayPal, Stripe, and cash, other payment options include direct bank transfer and checks – deliverable in person. All in all, the BookIt plugin and its optional addons allow for more simple bookings and payment services. This will help with the day-to-day management and structuring of your business. The software will allow you to focus on providing the best service you can for your customers. Make sure to take control of your appointments with the BookIt Appointment Calendar. [Watch the Plugin Demo here](https://bookit.stylemixthemes.com/) ## Who is it for? The plugin makes an excellent addition to any business WordPress website. Especially those where appointments or reservations are necessary. Its very flexible functionality means that it can be adapted to suit a wide range of services. Your website visitors can check the availability of a property or place. It includes a hotel room, meeting room, classroom. Or they can check the availability of a provided service. These can be hairdressing, beauty treatments, taxi services, tours, special events, medical appointments, or golf bookings. They can then request a reservation with you on a specific day. Customers want service providers to be accessible and simple. If your client can’t reach you when he or she wants to, then you can lose the client. Whatever your company does — provide consultancy services, location or equipment rentals, medical and beauty services — BookIt and its powerful appointment system is making it easy for the clients to reach you and schedule a meeting and saving time. ###Industry Driven Booking Solution * Law consultancy — schedule meetings, show the services, manage staff. * Repair services — provide the availability of servicemen, list working timetable, and services. * SPA and Beauty — set up a smart online front desk for your beauty salon. * Medical clinics — manage all appointments through your dashboard. * Fitness centers. Allow clients to choose types of training, select the time, and book the session. * Ticket booking — let clients check the seats in real-time, choose, and book them online. * Restaurant orders — enable online reservations and orders on your restaurant website. ### Booking & Service Management The main purpose of the BookIt plugin is a booking calendar/ appointment calendar. Even so, it does not limit you to this single option. First, you can use the plugin for the usual appointments for your services. Another option is class scheduling, for example, dance classes. It is especially useful when you have more than one type of class presented and deal with multiple bookings. The plugin can be applied to resource scheduling as well. For example, real estate or agents, hotel rooms, machines, etc. Event scheduling is another big area that can use the benefits of BookIt. Calendar view booking form can be a real lifesaver here. And don’t forget about popular activities — reservations. Hotel reservation, tour reservations, restaurant reservation, and other. The comprehensive BookIt calendar can be used for almost any business that accepts appointments. ## How do I install Booking Calendar Plugin? Installing the plugin onto your computer couldn’t be easier. Configuring BookIt is taking a few clicks. We focus on simplicity for our users. Both front-end and back-end panels are intuitive and do not need many steps to take. Yet, if you need help, you can always find an answer in the detailed documentation or submit an issue to the support. In the WordPress plugin menu, search for BookIt and then click on the button to download. Upload those files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. Finally, you activate the plugin through the ‘plugins’ screen in WordPress. You will then be able to view the service on the admin bar of your WordPress site. ## How do I use Appointment Booking Plugin? The free version of BookIt allows you to add an interactive appointment calendar to your website. The visitors can use it to make an online booking form for a product or service that your company provides. You can make use of the calendar to specify the availability of the product or service. You can also alter the time available to allow your customers to book from fifteen minutes up to days. The plugin functionality is much more varied. Besides its primary option of online scheduling, it allows you to organize your services and provide a separate calendar for each of them. Also, you can manage the staff, add new members, and control the working hours. Custom fields provide you with the possibility to set up a calendar exactly as you want. Both one-time and recurring appointments are quickly achieved through the user-friendly interface. An easy-to-read form with calendar view allows visitors to peruse availability. And also to schedule appointments as necessary with a few clicks of their mouse. The system is incredibly simple to use for all. If you offer many products or services, you can assign them to different colors. This will avoid any confusion. BookIt plugin also allows creating appointments right in the admin dashboard. Using the admin panel site administrator can create appointments through the admin dashboard. This allows easy handling of bookings coming from customers through emails or phones. Back-end booking submissions make sure no scheduled appointment will be left unrecorded. Calendars can be easily added to any page of the website. Each calendar has its unique shortcode. You can create it yourself using the Shortcode Generator. Simply paste it to the page required to display the relevant calendar. BookIt also supports page builder widgets. Both Elementor and WPBakery page builder contain special elements for the booking plugin. It makes it even easier to insert a calendar into the page. ## How do my customers use it? The booking form can be easily used by any customer. Any website user will be able to cope with this task. It takes several minutes to submit the form. Users need to enter some contact and personal information via the custom fields. When submitted, the customers will receive an automated confirmation. They can print it as well. When the customers manage bookings, they will first need to state the date and time from a calendar. Customers rely on the time ranges that you specified before. Users simply click on the appropriate space and opt to create an appointment. A popup will then appear, which confirms the date and the time. The individual will be able to select many time slots. A tick box further allows the user to make a recurring booking. When they choose, more information such as the day and end date must be filled in. Dropdown boxes list both the resources and services available. The latter contains details on the cost. Finally, the customer will need to provide their name and email address. After that, he will be able to click the button to create the appointment order. Once they have done this, you will be notified of their request. You can find it under the ‘order’ section of the admin panel in WordPress. You will need to confirm the appointment before it is shown on the calendar. Or you will be able to block the date if it is not possible or convenient. If you approved the request, the customer will receive an email notification. It contains the confirmation reminders of the various details, including the date, time, and cost. Then the time slot will become unavailable for others to book on the online calendar. Customers can easily create multiple bookings using only available slots. Benefits for the customers You owe it to your clients to offer convenience at all times. Consumers are more knowledgeable today. They know that they have a right to quality service. An online appointment system offers the convenience that clients expect from you. It is allowing them to book appointments from anywhere in the world and at any time. Your services become more accessible. Clients spend much less time to make an appointment and have 24/7 access to do so. With BookIt you can simplify the way your customers can book services provided by you and allow them to create multiple bookings. You practically have a receptionist available every hour during the day. This receptionist perfectly knows every service you sell. It can schedule an appointment for your clients, and notify them when needed while saving time for you and providing a professional booking management. Key benefits: - Online scheduling with the BookIt plugin can’t be any easier. Customers can use any device to schedule a meeting at any time they want. - Reduces time — it takes about 5 minutes to check the availability of the dates and submit a booking. - Printable confirmation. Your client can always protect himself and check possible mistakes in the reservation. - Notifications — customers are notified about upcoming appointments. - Book services and schedule appointment in minutes - Select the dates and time that work best for them - Access available slots only minimizing the risk of double booking - Choose the service and employee ## Booking Dashboard One of the key benefits of the plugin is its convenience and simplicity. While containing all the required features and options to establish a great appointment system, it has capacious content. It amazes with ease of use. The plugin menu was developed in a very convenient way. So the users could easily navigate the settings and understand their purpose. Your WordPress website dashboard will contain a special section for BookIt options. Calendar. On the calendar page, you will find a calendar display. There are three types of calendar view - daily, monthly, weekly. Bookit makes it easy to change the form from a default to a step-by-step option in the Bookit Settings. In a step-by-step form, the user will be able to book services in stages: - Category. First by selecting the interested category - Service. Then a specific service - Date and Time. Determine the date and time of the service - Details. Select available elements and secondary services - Payment. Pay for the service (if required) - Confirmation. Final completion of payment and validation of booking. It provides you access to all the appointments you have. Calendar view helps to easily navigate and find the appointments, as you can check bookings added for the exact day. Easily switch back to the current date by clicking on the Today button. The filtering system lets you display arrangements by staff, by services, or by status. Approve or cancel appointments right in the calendar. Access all the booking details with the Detailed View options. Appointments. This section contains the full list of all available appointments. You can categorize this list by the appointment status: Approved, Canceled, Pending. The page includes all the request details. These are time, service, price, user contact information. Here as well you can access any appointment and edit it, change the date, time, service, staff, and price. When the client submits the form and books the appointment it immediately appears on this page. Services. The services section displays the services that your company provides. The plugin functionality allows adding new services, supporting them with the relevant information. For each service, you can easily specify the employee. He will be responsible for it. Also set up the price and duration. Besides this, you can create categories to organize the services. Staff. The plugin creates the most comfortable conditions. It allows you to control everything, including the staff. Add new members, provide working hours for each of them. Employees can be responsible for different services. While booking customers will be able to select the needed staff member. Customers. As a website admin, you can manage customers using your website for creating appointments. New customers can be added, you can submit the primary contact information for them. The plugin also allows you to edit any information related to them. Settings. The major section of the plugin menu is Settings. It consists of several parts, typically dividing all the settings into smaller sections. It includes customization options. These are calendar theme and booking type, color settings, and header titles. The plugin allows you to adjust the f form to correspond to your business needs. You can modify the appearance of your booking calendar by changing the color scheme. All the important functions are also located here. These include payment options, currency setup. Moreover, you can customize email templates for email notifications. Use the shortcode generator. It creates a unique shortcode for every calendar. You can use it on every page. You can create and publish unlimited booking forms. Create calendars for different services on your site and don't limit yourself. ## Why should I get it? This website plugin is an excellent tool for making services or products more accessible to your customers. It also allows for greater convenience. They can check availability and book at any time of day and from any device. Additionally, it offers you many benefits. The efficient layout of the calendar allows you to quickly peruse bookings for the day. The appointment system and confirmation system also ensure that double bookings are avoided. This may not be the case with other methods. The product is great for saving time. It enables you to focus instead on the more essential aspects of your business. Key features of the plugin: - Easy to use — user-friendly admin interface and intuitive booking website for your customers. - Flexibility — apply it to a wide range of businesses. - Working dates and hours can be defined for each service/staff member. - Each service can have its price and duration. - Automatic price calculation. - The practical and minimalistic design of calendars. Custom options to fit your brand identity. - Responsive front end and back end design. - Simple installation and integration process. - Easy integration into posts/pages, by using shortcodes or widgets. - Email notification system. - Ability to add as many services as you have, organize them by category or the specialist who performs it. Business tasks performed by the plugin Our free online booking calendar helps to grow sales. It simplifies the process across hundreds of industries. BookIt plugin is an excellent choice for entrepreneurs. It’s a free appointment scheduling software. *Saves costs.* An appointment system, first of all, helps a business owner to save cost. By using an online system, provided by the WP plugin, you will save a lot of time in reception hours. You will reduce phone calls and bills relatively. Don’t forget about the operating cost. Clients can book appointments anytime they want even after business hours. Without an appointment system, your office will have to be open 24/7. So that your clients who want to book appointments at odd hours can do so. *Minimizes Mistakes.* Your employees can make mistakes, and some of them can be costly. An online scheduling system protects your business from possible issues. The data kept updated and stored in your calendar on your WordPress site. You can always recheck any requests made and edit if needed. Booking management turns into a reliable and simple task. *Alleviates Excess Paperwork.* All firms at some point need to get those papers done. This routine work requires lots of time. It puts you at risk of losing important documents and creates a mess. Yet, with BookIt you can easily compile all client information and appointments. Have it always accessible on your website. ## What are the pro version? With the premium version of the scheduling system, you can allow customers to make online bookings. They can use the most popular online payment platforms. These addons unlock the limitations of the BookIt plugin. Enable new features, improve the service satisfying the clients' specific needs! There are two more addons to this plugin. They are designed to further make things simpler for you and your customers. They deal with the issue of accepting payments. Allow the site users to make payments online. Let them specify their chosen method of payment at a later time. Both of these are available on [just $29.99](https://stylemixthemes.com/wordpress-appointment-plugin/?utm_source=wporg&utm_medium=landing&utm_campaign=2020) for use on a single site. There are also options to buy the extra licenses to use on five sites or even twenty-five sites. Multi site license is applicable to companies managing multiple businesses. The pro version of the plugin is a perfect fit for any business and entrepreneurs. Especially if you want to automate the service booking process and integrate online payments. Installation of the pro version is beneficial for customers and business owners. Advanced scheduling software can fit any industry. It will improve online scheduling routine, generate leads, and increase conversion rates. ## WordPress Booking Plugin with Payment [Booking Payments](https://stylemixthemes.com/wordpress-appointment-plugin/?utm_source=wporg&utm_medium=landing&utm_campaign=2020) makes it easier for you to get paid online as soon as the customer schedules their appointment. This means that it is suitable for specialists, companies, and hotels alike. The installation process is nicely uncomplicated. After purchasing the product, you will receive an email. It includes the download link and the license key. There are special instructions for those using Apple Safari as their browser. Make sure you are thoroughly checking any extra information. Once you have downloaded the file, you will need to install it into WordPress. As you did with your BookIt plugin and enable it in the settings section of the plugin. In use, upon booking the appointment as outlined above, the client is redirected to another page. There the details of the booking are provided. They are further presented with the total payment required alongside various credit cards payment options. These can include PayPal, Stripe, and wire transfer. All payments made through this service are completely secure. The information is clearly and simply presented to the user. They are well supported through each of the payment options individual processes. Or, you can provide the option of offline payment to allow your customers to pay via cash and in person. ## FLEXIBLE, FAST, AND POWERFUL Before creating our product we looked over the different platforms comparing booking plugins. Many other appointment scheduling software is too simple and lacks some general functions. Or it is too complicated, making it hard to configure. Not only business owners suffer from it but the customers as well. That is why the BookIt Calendar and Appointment plugin has all the features you need. The features of online booking add value to your business. You can create an online scheduling system on a website. And you can do it without confusion and unnecessary settings. Our goal was to create useful software and avoid complexity. We took the best technologies and means as a basis. We want to be sure our end users get the perfect plugin for their needs. We constantly improve the plugin performance and add new features. Feel free to share your opinion with us! ## More Awesome Free Plugins by Stylemix ⭐ [Cost Calculator & Price Estimation Plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/cost-calculator-builder/) ⭐ [Zoom Meetings and Webinars Plugin — eRoom](https://wordpress.org/plugins/eroom-zoom-meetings-webinar/) ⭐ [BookIt - a free booking calendar plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/bookit/) ⭐ [MasterStudy - All-in-One WordPress LMS Plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/masterstudy-lms-learning-management-system/) ⭐ [Free Classifieds and Listings Plugin - uListing](https://wordpress.org/plugins/ulisting/) == Frequently Asked Questions == = How many booking forms can I create? = You can create as many booking forms as you need. The plugin does not limit you allowing to create the desired number of calendars. = Can I set up notifications? = With BookIt you can set up custom notifications and adjust email templates. In the plugin settings, you are able to prepare the email notifications for various activities on the website such as new appointment submission, appointment update, and others. Add all the needed elements to create a perfect email template. = Can I get free updates? = Definitely. Once you installed the plugin, you can get free updates every time there is a new version released. Find more information on how to update BookIt in the plugin [Documentation](https://docs.stylemixthemes.com/bookit-calendar/). = Do I need to have coding skills to use BookIt? = Even if you are not familiar with coding, you can easily use our booking plugin. BookIt was developed for a wide range of users with different skills, an easy-to-use dashboard and a neat pack of settings make it very simple to navigate the plugin and create appointment calendars. = What payment methods the plugin supports? = The PRO version of the plugin supports several online payment methods. Among them PayPal and Stripe. Also, BookIt is fully integrated with the WooCommerce plugin, which also allows users to checkout via WooCommerce. = Can I create different calendars for different services? = You can create booking forms for any service. For more convenience, you can surely build separate calendars for the services you provide. This also will be more comfortable for your users. = Is it possible to add a booking form to any page? = Yes, you can insert the calendar into any page of your WordPress site. We have provided several ways for that: you can use either a unique shortcode, which can be easily generated for the calendar or use the page builders’ widgets. Both methods take minutes to complete the form integration. == Installation == This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. 1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress 3. Please find more details on Plugin Installation in documentation 4. Set Up Page in Menu -> BookIt. == Changelog == = 2.2.4 = **updated**: Admin Dashboard notifications updated = 2.2.3 = **fixed**: Shortcode logic issues ( correct data for fields depends on choosen values in admin ; frontend - set staff services and categories if staff ID in shortcode, etc.) **fixed**: Сonnect staff to google calendar button style (*Google Calendar addon) **fixed**: Min height for appointment on dashboard **fixed**: Show day off by black color **removed**: Hover/focus on inactive days **removed**: All fonts from frontend **added**: Close option for date and time blocks after selection (mobile devices) = 2.2.2 = **fixed**: The 'show currency symbol' setting on service step for the step-by-step view. **updated**: The WordPress user with Administrator role can not be connected to BookIt staff = 2.2.1 = **added**: Services that are not assigned to any Categories will not display in the booking calendar. **added**: Add to Calendar button added on the last step of appointment creation for Standard Calendar Template **added**: Admin Dashboard notification **fixed**: Step by step Calendar Template style fixes = 2.2.0 = **new**: Step by step calendar template with six stages of making appointments: Category step; Date & Time step; Details step; Payment step; Confirmation step. **added**: Categories without any Service will not be displayed on the appointment booking process. **added**: Step by step calendar template is set by default for mobile devices **added**: Calendar templates section with Default and Step by step calendar templates **added**: Add to calendar button added on the last step of appointment creation **added**: 'Clean all on delete' option that deletes all database tables and plugin settings on plugin uninstallation. **updated**: Dashboard General Settings style updated **added**: Woocommerce custom title and custom icon for step by step calendar template (Pro) = 2.1.9 = **fixed**: Bookit Payments add-on deactivation issue = 2.1.8 = **added**: Links to purchase add-ons on the landing page. **fixed**: Bookit Payments add-on icon = 2.1.7 = **new**: WordPress user roles for bookit staff and bookit customer **new**: Sender Name and Sender Email fields on Settings for changing default WordPress sender details in notification emails **added**: Staff assignment as a WordPress Users **added**: WPML translations for email templates **added**: Google Calendar add-on section on Settings **added**: New tab to buy add-ons in the free version of the plugin **added**: Confirmation email for appointments for Staff **fixed**: Style fixes in Appointments section **fixed**: Date/Time issue in Appointments section **fixed**: The Staff disappeared if service written in cyrillic = 2.1.6 = **fixed**: CSRF issue fixed in appointment actions = 2.1.5 = **added**: Feedback module inside BookIt settings **added**: Roadmap voting in BookIt settings **added**: New payment type “free” for free services. = 2.1.4 = **fixed**: Book appointment bugfix = 2.1.3 = **added**: Two or more calendars on one page **added**: Notification alert if WooCommerce is not installed **added**: Create appointment from dashboard appointment list section **added**: Create appointment from dashboard calendar section by clicking on chosen date **added**: Create customer while creating an appointment in dashboard **added**: Customer autocomplete field while creating appointment in dashboard **added**: Notification alert before deleting staff, service, customer or category that shows all related data to the object that will be deleted **added**: Time slot duration setting **fixed**: Style issues in plugin dashboard **fixed**: Style issues on service list and booking form **fixed**: Use staff price while creating or editing appointment **fixed**: Appointment creation after dynamic authorization **fixed**: Edit appointment without staff **fixed**: Custom price for each staff **fixed**: Show error if service time is not available **fixed**: Edit/Create appointment blocked open accordion **fixed**: Check is email exist before create customer **updated**: Database structure changed - payments tables separated from appointment table = 2.1.2 = **fixed**: Styles for calendar week view = 2.1.1 = **added**: Calendar views added ( Day, Week, Month ) **added**: 'customer_phone' and 'customer_email' in email templates settings **fixed**: Demo import data updated **fixed**: Ability for editing appointments created for the staff member that was deleted **updated**: Currency list **updated**: Phone validation , minimum 8 symbols **updated**: Appointment creation for a free service **updated**: While delete customer save customer info for appointment = 2.1.0 = **updated**: Default time slot range set to 15 minutes **updated**: Correct time slots for staff members **added**: Show new phone in appointments If user logged in and input new phone in the booking form **added**: New notification when changing service duration - "Changing of the service duration will not affect the existing appointments and will be applied only to new appointments" **added**: 'Delete appointment' button **added**: Notification email settings for deleted appointments **added: Email template for "Delete appointment" notification **updated**: 'Update appointment' button, update appointment status, payment status and other fields **fixed**: Date input for Chrome **removed**: Autofill working hours end time and breaks for staff members **fixed**: Inability to create free service **fixed**: Style issues on category/service slider = 2.0.9 = - **fixed**: Scrollbar for booking details modal window on small screens - **fixed**: The booking form doesn't work if no active payment methods set - **added**: Validation for add category form - **added**: Validation for staff form - **added**: Validation for services form - **added**: Validation for customer form - **fixed**: Bottom scrollbar appearance - **fixed**: View full letters inside the input fields - **fixed**: Border appearance on active field - **fixed**: Rows height in booking details modal - **updated**: Demo import data updated - **added**: Icon for export JSON on Settings page -> import/export tab - **fixed**: Buttons alignment on Settings page -> import/export tab - **fixed**: Special symbols for the translation - **fixed**: ‘Day Off’ value saved incorrectly 00:00:00 instead of Null while adding and updating working hours - **fixed**: Arrows appearance for service scrolling - **fixed**: Last service elements appearance from the list - **added**: Hide services that have no staff assigned to it - **fixed**: Show correct tab on settings page after page refresh - **added**: Show selected file on import JSON with styles - **added**: Error messages from the server if import JSON or import demo returned error - **fixed**: Select file button pseudo-element style - **updated**: Currency in main settings now applied for all payment types (autocomplete by name and currency code, can choose by buttons) - **added**: Bookit form validation for user “book appointment” - check the full name ( from 3 - 25 letters) - check phone if exist - check email (email is required if booking type = registered_user) - check is exist phone or email if booking_type = guest - check password and password confirmation fields if booking_type = registered user - **fixed**: Styles for icons on the calendar on hover for small screens - **fixed**: Text alert style for redirect URL info - **added**: Security features = 2.0.8 = - **added**: Stripe Strong Customer Authentication (3D Secure) = 2.0.7 = - **fixed**: Copyright text removed = 2.0.6 = - **fixed**: Copyright disabled for Pro Plugin = 2.0.5 = - **added**: Plugin Copyright - **added**: Import / Export feature - **fixed**: Print Appointment Confirmation bug = 2.0.4 = - **added**: Stylemix announcements in admin dashboard = 2.0.2 = * Guest Booking bug fixed = 2.0.1 = * Icon field added to Services * Trimming titles issue fixed = 2.0.0 = * Plugin Refactoring = 1.2.2 = * Minor bug fixes. = 1.1 = * Minor bug fixes. = 1.0.3 = * Minor bug fixes. = 1.0.2 = * Features improved. = 1.0.1 = * Minor bug fixes. = 1.0 = * First Version of Plugin.