=== Booking Calendar | Appointment Booking | BookIt === Contributors: Stylemix Donate link: https://stylemixthemes.com/ Tags: booking calendar, appointment booking, appointment calendar, booking, calendar, availability calendar, booking engine, tour booking Requires at least: 4.6 Requires PHP: 5.6 Tested up to: 5.5 Stable tag: 2.0.4 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Description == ## Introducing the BookIt Calendar Appointment Plugin BookIt Appointment Calendar is a software created by Stylemix Themes on the progressive JavaScript Framework Vue.js. Key features of the comprehensive plugin are a booking calendar, resource management, appointment scheduling, and ordering. The BookIt plugin is available to download free of charge, although there are optional extras that come at an additional cost – these will be covered here a little later on. The plugin is compatible with WordPress version 4.6 or higher, and it is also open source meaning that modifications to the source code are possible. ⭐ [BookIt Pro](https://stylemixthemes.com/wordpress-appointment-plugin/?utm_source=wporg&utm_medium=landing&utm_campaign=2020) ⭐ [WordPress BookIt Plugin Demo](https://bookit.stylemixthemes.com/) ⭐ [Documentation](https://docs.stylemixthemes.com/bookit-calendar/) ## Who is it for? The plugin, which is extremely straightforward to use, makes an excellent addition to any business website where appointments or reservations are necessary. Its highly flexible functionality means that it can be adapted to suit a wide range of services. Your website visitors can check the availability of a property or place such as a hotel room, meeting room, classroom, or venue or of a provided service like hairdressing, beauty treatments, taxi services, tours, special events, medical appointments, or golf bookings. They can then request a reservation with you on a specific day selection and at a particular time in a matter of minutes. ## How do I install Booking Calendar Plugin? Installing the plugin onto your computer couldn’t be easier. In the WordPress plugin menu, search for BookIt and then click on the button to download. Once the files have been downloaded, you need to upload those files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. Finally, you activate the plugin through the ‘plugins’ screen in WordPress. You will then be able to view the service on the admin bar of your WordPress site. ## How do I use Appointment Booking Plugin? Free version of BookIt allows you to add an interactive appointment calendar to your website that visitors can use to make online booking form for a product or service that you provide. You can make use of the calendar to specify the availability of the product or service. You can also alter the time increments available to allow your customers to book from fifteen minutes up to days or even weeks at a time. Both one time and reoccurring appointments are quickly achieved through the user-friendly interface. An easy-to-read calendar allows visitors to peruse availability and to make bookings or schedule appointments as necessary with just a few clicks of their mouse. The system is incredibly simple to use for all, and if you offer multiple products or services, you can assign them different colors to avoid any confusion. ## How do my customers use it? When the customers manages booking, they will first need to indicate the date and time from a large and clearly displayed calendar. This will be set out according to the time increments that you previously specified. Users simply click on the appropriate space and opt to create a booking. A popup will then appear, which confirms the date and the time. The individual will be able to select multiple timeslots as required. A tick box further allows the user to make a reoccurring booking, and when this is chosen, additional information such as the day and end date are required to be inputted. Dropdown boxes list both the resources and services available. The latter contains details on the cost. Finally, the customer will be required to provide their name and email address before being able to click the button to create the appointment order. Once they have done this, you will be notified of their request under the ‘order’ section of the admin panel in WordPress. You will need to confirm the appointment before it is shown on the calendar, or you will be able to block the date if it is not possible or convenient. If you allow the booking, the customer will receive email notification of their appointment with a confirmation reminders of the various details, including the date, time, and cost. Then the timeslot will become unavailable for others to book on the online calendar. ## Why should I get it? This website plugin is an excellent tool for making the services or products that you have to offer more accessible to your customers. It also allows for greater convenience in that they can check availability and book at any time of day and from any device. It additionally offers you a number of benefits. The efficient layout of the calendar allows you to quickly peruse bookings for the day, the weekly appointment, or the month. The booking system and confirmation system also ensure that double bookings are avoided – this may not be the case with other methods. Overall, the product is a real time-saver enabling you to focus instead on the more essential aspects of your business. ## What are the pro version? There are two additional addons to this plugin designed to further make things simpler for you and your potential customers. They deal with the issue of accept payments by either allowing the site user to make payments online or by letting them specify their chosen method of payment at a later time. Both of these are available on a yearly subscription from just $29.00 for use on a single site. There are also options to purchase the addons for use on five sites or even twenty-five sites for companies that are managing multiple businesses. ## WordPress Booking Plugin with Payment [BookIt Payments](https://stylemixthemes.com/wordpress-appointment-plugin/) makes it easier for you to get paid online as soon as the customer schedules their appointment. This means that it is suitable for specialists, companies, and hotels alike. The installation process is nicely uncomplicated. After purchasing the product, you will receive an email, including the download link and the license key. There are special instructions for those using Apple Safari as their browser – so make sure you are thoroughly checking any additional information. Once you have downloaded the file, you will need to install it into WordPress as you did with your BookIt plugin and enable it in the settings section of the plugin. In use, upon booking the appointment as outlined above, the client is redirected to another booking page where the details of the booking are provided, and they are further presented with the total payment required alongside various credit cards payment options; these can include PayPal, Stripe, and wire transfer. All payments made through this service are completely secure. The information is clearly and simply presented to the user, and they are well supported through each of the payment options individual processes. Alternatively, you can provide the option of offline payment to allow your customers to pay via cash and in person. ## WordPress WooCommerce Booking Plugin The [BookIt WooCommerce Integration](https://stylemixthemes.com/wordpress-appointment-plugin/) addon in an alternative option for receiving payments This open-sourced e-commerce plugin is designed for small to large-sized online merchants. This addon makes it easy for your customers or clients to pay for the appointments through the WooCommerce checkout page. Customers can add multiple selections to their cart before selecting check out where they will be redirected to the payment page. Alternatively, they can bypass the cart page and simply go directly to the checkout page to make a payment on a single item. To make use of this addon, you would need to download the WooCommerce plugin and then activate it within the BookIt settings sections, which can be accessed from the primary admin toolbar. You will then be encouraged to add the product available for purchase as well as a page where your customers will be redirected to after they have created an appointment. You will also need to remember to enable the relevant payment options for your business. As well as PayPal, Stripe, and cash, additional payment options include direct bank transfer and checks – deliverable in person. All in all, the BookIt plugin and its optional addons allow for a more simple bookings and payment service for a variety of products and services, everything from hotel bookings to room rental and specialized services such as beauty treatments, tutoring, and events. This will help with the day-to-day management and structuring or your business or service to allow you the chance to focus on providing the best service you can for your customers. So, make sure to take control of your appointments with the BookIt Appointment Calendar. [Watch the Plugin Demo here](https://bookit.stylemixthemes.com/) == Installation == This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. 1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress 3. Please find more details on Plugin Installation in documentation 4. Set Up Page in Menu -> BookIt. == Changelog == = 2.0.4 = - **added**: Stylemix announcements in admin dashboard = 2.0.2 = * Guest Booking bug fixed = 2.0.1 = * Icon field added to Services * Trimming titles issue fixed = 2.0.0 = * Plugin Refactoring = 1.2.2 = * Minor bug fixes. = 1.1 = * Minor bug fixes. = 1.0.3 = * Minor bug fixes. = 1.0.2 = * Features improved. = 1.0.1 = * Minor bug fixes. = 1.0 = * First Version of Plugin.