=== Booking.com Banner Creator === Contributors: SP - Booking.com Tags: responsive banners, banners, easy banners creator, banners for Booking.com affiliates, Booking.com banners, search hotels, accomodation, Booking.com, destinations, travel, holidays, hotels, Booking.com affiliation programme Requires at least: 4.3 Tested up to: 5.8.2 Stable tag: 1.4.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html With the Booking.com Banner Creator plug-in, you can make attractive, profitable banners for your website and start earning commission. == Description == It’s never been easier to create a personalised banner that matches the design of your site and engages your audience. The Banner Creator is easily customisable to your needs, your audience and the devices they use. You can create a banner from any image* you want, or choose from six beautiful photos inspired by the most popular themes on Booking.com. Then just enter a clear call-to-action and you’re ready to go! Once you’re done creating it, you’ll need to track the reservations it brings in. The Banner Creator makes tracking simple. Once you attach a label to the banner, the Partner Center Individual Bookings Performance report will clearly show you which reservations have come through the banner. *Minimum 1920px to ensure the best image quality* *To activate tracking, you will need to enable the ‘Label’ column in the report* = Features = * Responsive - banner adapts to any device and screen * Easy to use - no programming knowledge required * Customisable - a wide range of possibilities, including the choice of any photo * Professional look - six ready-to-use themes * Label tracking, Partner Center banners are not tracked in the Performance reports * Unlimited banners - create as many as you need * Use shortcodes to show the banners inside posts/pages or as a widget in the Widget area = Possible customisation = * call-to-action button yes/no * call-to-action button colours * call-to-action button copy * call-to-action button copy colour * call-to-action button size * six ready-to-use themes * banner copy colour * CSS * customisable tracking labels == Installation == **First installation** 1. Download the zip file from this page 2. Login to your WordPress dashboard 3. Go to Plugins >> Add New, under Install Plugins title click on Upload and use the browse button to search the .zip file you have downloaded at point 1. 4. Once activated you can start using the Add New Banner link on the left hand side menu. 5. View banner list clicking on B.com Banner link on the left hand side menu in order to view/edit them. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Do banners adapt to desktop, tablet and mobile screens? = Yes, they adapt to different screen sizes and page layouts. = How can I change the default copy and colours? = The plug-in has a settings area where you can change colours, text and add your Booking.com partner affiliate ID. = What is the Affiliate Partner Programme and how can I sign up? = The Booking.com Affiliate Partner Programme is a way of earning extra money by offering hotel bookings to your customers or website visitors. From each hotel booking that comes from your banner, you get commission. Find out more [here](http://www.booking.com/content/affiliates.html) . = How can I change the default copy and colours? = Yes, you can. You don’t need to be an affiliate partner to install the plug-in. However, you cannot earn affiliate commission unless you are a partner. Sign up now [here](https://secure.booking.com/partnerreg.html) ! = Can I have multiple banners in the same page? = Yes, just paste the short code wherever you want on the page. = Where should I put the banners? = You can use the short code to display the banner wherever you need - usually in posts, pages and sidebars. == Screenshots == 1. The plug-in shows in the plug-in area. Remember to activate the plug-in after the installation is completed. 2. To add a new banner, click the link in the left-hand menu. 3. Banner settings page 4. Remember to include your affiliate ID to earn affiliate commission. 5. Give your banner a unique title. 6. The title also works as label to track the reservations generated. 7. Copy the short code and paste it in a post or page. 8. Paste the short code in the **Text** section of the editor (NB: not in **Visual**). 9. The plug-in is also available in the widgets area. 10. Select a banner from the drop-down menu == Changelog == = 1.4.3 = * Rel. on Dec 2021 * Fix : security fixes + some functionality fixes = 1.4.2 = * Rel. on Aug 2018 * Fix : copy color not changing. * Fix : variable missing in default theme. = 1.4 = * Rel. on September 2017 * Fix : images called from secure server (https prot) to avoid error in secure enviroments. * Improvement : added 3 fresh new images for inspirational theme. = 1.3 = * Rel. on February 2017 * Fix : height of call-to-action button. On some themes the button becomes incredibly high. = 1.2 = * Rel. on January 2017 * Fix : height of clickable surface. On some themes the default height : auto !important property override the height : 100% given on our css * Improvement : default image assigned to banners if nothing is selected by the user * Improvement : internationalization-ready feature. Plugin will be translated into all available languages on B.com * Improvement : added aid to tracking labels = 1.1 = * Rel. on October 2016 * Improvement : better usability of default theme feature = 1.0 = * launch on October 2016 == Upgrade Notice ==