=== Gallery - Photo Gallery, Image Gallery, Theme Gallery, Blog Gallery WordPress Plugin === Contributors: 2jgallery Donate link: http://2joomla.net/wordpress-plugins/2j-gallery Tags: gallery, image gallery, photo gallery, portfolio gallery, wordpress gallery plugin Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 4.8 Stable tag: 2.2.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Gallery is one of the most powerful wordpress gallery plugin. Gallery have eye-catching interface and amazing hover animation effects == Description == Wordpress gallery plugin with easy interface and very attractive hover animation effects. Gallery have simple clean interface, quick and simple gallery settings config. Gallery support multiply categories and advanced eye catching hover text animation. Our albums fully responsive it is support all mobile touch screen devices in gallery. You can create gallery with classical square thumbnail or grid layout. In gallery implemented modern, very stylish lightbox with dark and light themes. With advanced media manager you can easily upload images to the gallery. With media manager you can manage all gallery images. Change ordering and additional parameters for every image of the gallery. Gallery could publish albums with photos on the page with widget or in post/page with shortcode. For install and config you do not need any special skills. Everything build in Wordpress native style. = Gallery Demos = * [Ligth weight wordpress gallery demos. White styles hover colors and animated text. White lightbox with slider and full screen mode](http://2joomla.net/wordpress/wordpress-gallery-demo-1/) * [Gallery with square thumbnails. Dark background and black border. Grey menu and dark gallery lightbox](http://2joomla.net/wordpress/wordpress-gallery-demo-2/) * [Multi pages gallery pagination. Fresh blue hovered images. White title and description](http://2joomla.net/wordpress/wordpress-gallery-demo-3/) * [Zoom gallery thumbnails hover effect. Combination of the different size borders. Fullscreen slideshow in lightbox](http://2joomla.net/wordpress/wordpress-gallery-demo-4/) ###Key Features * **Fully responsive gallery** - this is fully responsive gallery. You don't need to worry about gallery view on different operation systems, browsers and screen sizes. * **Mobile devices support** - our gallery is automatically detect mobile devices visitors. Gallery generate code with count on all specific requirements of this type of devices. * **Multi categories / albums** - possible create not only single gallery on page but more complex structures. With gallery settings you can create build categories with sub-categories. There's no limits for amount of the gallery on page. * **Attractive Hover effects** - with different hover animation you can create unforgettable style for your gallery. Just select hover effect from the list of pre-configured animation for gallery thumbnails. We have plans to extend gallery hover effects list. * **Gallery with the fullscreen mode** - lightbox of the gallery have full screen mode for the images slideshow. Very beautiful and stylish interface make you able to create gallery with fullscreen mode. * **Breadcrumbs navigation** - with such navigation element it is possible to provide your visitors few absolutely different gallery navigation mode. Styles and view of the gallery breadcrumbs could be easily modified. * **Cover gallery image** - we implement cover gallery image for the case of the nested gallery categories. Cover gallery image show as label of the sub category in current album. * **Unlimited sub categories / albums** - there's no limits for amount of categories and nested categories in our gallery. You can publish as much as need gallery of the pictures on page in single or mode with sub categories. * **Plugin shortcode** - publish your pictures on the front end by few different ways. Insert it into widget or post/page with gallery shortcode. Gallery shortcode automatically generated to the every images album in overview section of the gallery. * **Batch images upload** - manage of the image it is one of the most important parts of such gallery. Images it is main resource of the gallery. You can upload gallery images one by one or as a batch of the images. Don't need any additional knowledge. Everything could be done in admin section of the gallery. * **Multi columns thumbnail layout** - layout of the gallery thumbnails on the front end have multi columns view. Amount and style of this gallery layout could be easily modified in options block. * **Lightbox with mobile devices support** - gallery lightbox support all mobile devices and touch screen swipe navigation. Images and gallery interface elements in lightbox resizing, changing position and view modes depend of the visitor device specification. * **Gallery menu** - menu on top of the gallery block provide you flexibility of the navigation and access to all categories of the current gallery. Style and functionality are configurable in gallery settings. * **Slideshow style lightbox** - when you open enlarged gallery image in lightbox you can see there additional navigation elements like thumbnails carousel and navigation arrows. This carousel could be used for two goals. First it is gallery images preview and fast switch between images directly in lightbox mode. * **Customizable Colors** - all gallery interface elements support colors customization. With color selector you can easily change color and transparency for main colors of the gallery interface. This possibility give your freedom for gallery customization. Make gallery interface fit your page theme colors. * **Customizable Interface Spacing** - spacing and different padding between thumbnails of the images, navigation menu, breadcrumbs menu and many other elements it is very useful and simple way to configure interface. Make is more comfortable to your needs. * **Image link** - every image of the gallery have link option. Link could be absolutely different and we have no limits here. You can link gallery pictures to some internal page of the blog. It is possible to link gallery images to some other pages and domains. * **Video link** - every picture allow to use video link in image gallery settings. Just insert link to the Youtube or Vimeo video in picture link field. When you click on gallery thumbnail on the front end you can see popup with pre-loaded video. * **Video in lightbox** - video to the gallery could be imported from hosted resources like youtube or vimeo. When you click on thumbnail with video link in gallery lightbox you can see defined video. * **Social media in lightbox** - gallery lightbox interface include social sharing functionality. With media share buttons you can share gallery images on different resource. Supported resources is Twitter, Facebook, Google+. * **Optimized to avoid conflicts** - we did all tests to make sure that our gallery avoid conflicts with another themes / plugins. In the case if you have some kind of conflict just contact our support with fix request. * **Optional touch swipe support** - most of the modern mobile devices implemented based on touch screen technology. We have optional swipe navigation mode for the gallery lightbox. This option could be switch off in settings of the gallery. * **Advanced pagination function** - pagination functionality make possible to have much more gallery images on page. Pagination navigation have classic gallery interface with button and navi arrows. Is it possible to define how much gallery images you wish to have on page and how much images you have after first page load. * **Lazy load option** - this mode help to load gallery images by parts. Do not overload page with huge amount of load gallery resource in one time. * **Classic and grid layouts** - you can switch between classic style of gallery thumbnails or with grid layout of the images. Just switch modes and gallery create thumbnails depend of the settings. * **Resizing crop function** - additional functionality for configuration gallery images implemented in resources manager. It is possible to use crop function or rotate uploaded image. * **Floatable front end interface elements** - menu, thumbnails, breadcrumbs, pagination navigation and gallery thumbnails spacing are floatable and support different positions on the front end. * **Custom ordering of the images** - ordering of the images in the gallery could be manual or custom build based on gallery configured modes. * **Compatible with IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome** - gallery tested in all modern browsers versions. All gallery functionality work exactly the same in all this browsers. **Useful Links** * [More Details](http://2joomla.net/wordpress-plugins/2j-gallery) ###Functionality overview **Content Gallery** With our gallery you can create simple images section with animation. In gallery settings you can find shortcode which you can insert to the post or page. in the case of content usage instance have all necessary options for gallery interface config. Gallery don't have any limits for images hover animation effect. **Lightbox** Gallery lightbox provide you great looking images grid and lightbox with advanced interface. Gallery interface looks stylish work very quick. Gallery lightbox work properly with all mobile, touch screen devices. Gallery lightbox interface have few elements: navigation arrows, thumbnails carousel. Gallery lightbox support full screen mode. **Responsibility** Our gallery implemented with fully responsive layout. Our wordpress gallery tested on most popular mobile devices with different screen size. Gallery lightbox and image on front page work properly with different screen sizes. **Gallery Thumbnails** Front end gallery interface represented as thumbnails grid. Gallery support few thumbnail layouts: classic square thumbnails and gallery grid layout with different image size. Gallery thumbnails have very attractive hover effects. Animation of the gallery is customizable. All styles of the gallery thumbnails could be also easily changed. Every gallery thumbnail have border, backgrounds and spacing options. **Portfolio Gallery** Use gallery as portfolio section of your website. Portfolio gallery site it's most effective way to represent result of your hard work. Portfolio gallery with pictures it's one of the most important section of your website. You can customize gallery interface of your portfolio the way you need very fast. **Photography** Gallery have wide range of config settings where you can customize gallery view. Media library can contain images of the different formats. Upload gallery images into media resources, configure hover effect and styles off the thumbnails. Publish gallery in few minutes with eye-catching animation on your page. **Photo Gallery** Photo gallery it is main tool for photographer blog. Portfolio gallery is the main section of the website for such type of the art. Exactly! Art, because photographer it is an artist. Quality of the gallery photos representaion of the website it's a key option. If you wish to show your photos the best way use this photo gallery and you will never sorry about it. Alot of gallery options combination with simplicity gonna hit the target. **Image Gallery** Gallery media resources on your block could have really different shapes and forms. You can use videos, images and text elements to create unforgettable gallery page for your visitors. Quality of gallery images and layout play very important role. In combination with other interface elements gallery images make your pages more attractive. **Watermark** Unfortunately for now this functionality do not implemented in our gallery. But we have plans to implement it in future gallery releases. If you have some ideas or suggestions for this functionality feel free to contact our support team. If you have some support questions feel free to post your request to gallery support section. == Installation == Download gallery plugin from the Wordpress.org repository and install it using regular wordpress plugin installer. If you see some error or have any other problem == Frequently Asked Questions == = How to install gallery ? = Download gallery plugin from the Wordpress.org repository and install it using regular wordpress plugin installer. If you see some error or have any other problem with our gallery please contact our support team = How to upload images to the gallery ? = On the right side of the gallery settings you can see panel with big green button. This button open upload manager of the gallery. There you can manage all resources of the gallery uploaded to the server. Upload new gallery images or config already existen media of the gallery. = How to align thumbnails block on page with the gallery ? = In general settings of the gallery you can find align option. There you can align whole gallery thumbnails block on front end page/post of the gallery. = How to change images settings of the gallery ? = In gallery media manager, when you click on some image of the gallery you'll see panel with additional parameters on the right side. There you can see all additional parameters for every particular image element of the gallery. = How to make linked image for the gallery ? = In resources manager you can find additional gallery images parameters. There you can specify link to some page or video in the gallery. Link could be different for every photo of the gallery image. = Where to change layout of the thumbnails for the gallery ? = In settings section you can find option for gallery layout mode. With this layout configuration option you can switch gallery layout of the front end thumbnails of the gallery. You can switch between classic and dynamic gallery layout modes. = How to change gallery thumbnails resolution ? = Open gallery settings section and there you can find gallery thumbnails quality option where represented four implemented modes: small, medium, large or full. = How to select cover image for the category/gallery ? = You can select which category image will be used as cover in gallery on the front end. There is two options first gallery image or random option. = How to align gallery on the front end ? = In settings section you can align whole gallery thumbnails block depend of your need or disable alignment option if you do not need it. Avaliable options for the gallery block is left, center, right or disabled. = Where to change background color of the gallery ? = In gallery settings section you can find background color option. When you click on this field you'll see popup where you can select gallery background color for the thumbnails panel. = Is it possible to use video resources in gallery ? = Yes, it's possible to insert video resources into gallery. You can use link to the youtube or vimeo videos in gallery images settings. Every gallery image have video link field where possible to specify direct link to the video. Every gallery image could have different link and video link values. = How to upload cover image ? = You don't need to upload cover images. In our gallery cover images select from the list of the gallery images. We have implemented two modes: show first image or random images as cover for the gallery. == Screenshots == 1. Gallery - with light weight demo. White styles hover colors and animated text. White lightbox with slider and full screen mode. Screenshot 1. 2. Demo of the gallery with square thumbnails. Dark background and black border. Grey menu and dark lightbox. Screenshot 2 3. Multi pages pagination of the gallery. Fresh blue hovered images. White title and description. Screenshot 3 4. Zoom thumbnails of the gallery with hover effect. Combination of the different size borders. Fullscreen slideshow in lightbox. Screenshot 4 5. Layout settings of the gallery. Thumbnails. Align. Screenshot 5 6. Background color selector of the gallery. Thumbnails height. Screenshot 6 7. Horizontal and vertical offset for the thumbnails of the gallery. Horizontal and vertical thumbnails spacing. Screenshot 7 8. Hover text effect. Overlay color. Text color. Navigation view. Screenshot 8 9. Screenshot 9. Navigation size. Navigation color. Navigation offset. Breadcrumbs. 10. Screenshot 10. Images per page. Pagination offset. Pagination size. == Changelog == = 2.2.2 Version = * Update languages, modification of the labels = 2.2.1 Version = * Interface conflicts fixing, fixed spelling = 2.2.0 Version = * Fixed js conflicts and another plugins conflicts * Modified gallery rendering methods = 2.1.8 Version = * Fixed warning problem related with another libs conflict = 2.1.7 Version = * Update of the meda manager functions * Added new link option to the media manager = 2.1.6 Version = * Front end code fix. * Added clone functionality. * Clone button in overview section. = 2.1.5 Version = * Modification of the feedback form interface. * Added support ticket link. = 2.1.4 Version = * Added new speedy contact form. * Update of the admin interface section. = 2.1.3 Version = * Added new premium link in gallery in plugins manager section. = 2.1.2 Version = * Update of the admin interface, fix of the functionality. * Added new Gallery list link to the plugins settings section. = 2.1.0 Version = * Update lightbox functionality. * Added new slideshow mode. * New Play/Pause button. = 2.0.9 Version = * Prepared set of modifications for multilanguage support. = 2.0.8 Version = * Optimization of the gallery CSS on the fron end. * Modified of the CSS structure for load speed up. = 2.0.7 Version = * Recommit of the last modifications = 2.0.6 Version = * Updated languages support. = 2.0.5 Version = * Recommit plugin 2.0.4 after error. = 2.0.4 Version = * Added new thumbnail quality option. * New thumbnails resolution configurations. = 2.0.3 Version = * Updated of the admin interface section. * Added new admin features. = 2.0.2 Version = * Added new features which hide text for on hovered thumbnail. * Fixed compatibility with old PHP version. * Modification of the admin section. = 2.0.1 Version = * Fixes of the front end CSS. * Fixes in styles of hover effects. * Updated admin interface notification mode. = 2.0.0 Version = * Absolutely brand new gallery, new core engine, new front end and backend! Great set of functionality! Almost no limits! ==Wordpress Gallery Step by Step Guide== Gallery Functionality Overview It is much more effective to represent your product, service or some physical goods in good looking gallery on the website. Gallery view could contain different modes. Create great advertisement for goods or services which you wish to sell with attractive gallery interface. When your combine flexibility of gallery configuration and your creativity it is gonna be a very effective instrument. Why our photo gallery it is tool for you? It is simple with very modern and flexible gallery interface. All elements of the gallery interface is highly customizable. Colors and styles could be changed in admin section of the gallery. Gallery layout of the images could be easily changed. Gallery is support grid layout and classic thumbnails layout. Amazing tools for upload and configuration of the gallery images. Gallery image on the front end could have different shapes and amount of columns. Colors for the gallery interface could be easily selected with color selectors. Gallery hover animation looks amazing and cool. Gallery animation which you find here fit to the absolutely different website style. Configuration of the gallery hover animation really simple and you don't need spend hours to get a clue how to manage it. Our gallery is support unlimited level of categories. Categories show gallery menu on top of the front end interface. Gallery navigation have custom position with padding from sides. Buttons colors could be changed. Gallery menu layout could have tree or list view. Every sub category could have different cover gallery image. Select cover gallery image from list of other media resources. Don't waste your time for fixing and fiting with other gallery plugins which have bunch of conflicts. Our gallery plugin tested on different platforms and multiply browsers. General Gallery Settings Max width gallery - in our photo gallery we use smart algorithm for the size calculation. In Max Width option you define maximum allowed size of the gallery thumbnails grid. Available values in gallery settings: pixels. Gallery Thumbnails quality - here you can customize gallery thumbnails quality. Depend of this value you will have different gallery thumbnails resolution. Please check values for the gallery thumbnails resolutions. Available values in gallery settings: small, medium, large, full. Gallery layout mode - here you can define photo gallery layout modes. Classical with square shape gallery thumbnails or custom grid layout. Available values in gallery settings: classic, dynamic. General gallery thumbnail - here you can select which gallery image will be used as general thumbnail in category list. Available values in gallery settings: first, random. Gallery align - here you can align whole gallery thumbnails block depend of your need or disable alignment option if you do not need it. Available values in gallery settings: left, center, right, disabled. Gallery Background color - here you can define gallery background color for whole image block. Gallery Thumbnail Max Width - here you can define maximum width value for the gallery thumbnails in pixels. Available values in gallery settings: pixels. Gallery Thumbnail Max Height - here you can define maximum height value for the gallery thumbnails in pixels. Available values in gallery settings: pixels. Gallery Horizontal Offset - thumbnails horizontal offset for the general offset for outside border of the general gallery thumbnails block. Available values in gallery settings: pixels. Gallery Vertical Offset - thumbnails vertical offset for the general offset for outside border of the general gallery thumbnails block. Available values in gallery settings: pixels. Horizontal Gallery Thumbnails Spacing - horizontal spacing between gallery thumbnails in gallery grid. Available values in gallery settings: pixels. Vertical Gallery Thumbnails Spacing - vertical spacing between gallery thumbnails in gallery grid. Available values in gallery settings: pixels. Gallery Thumbnail Background Color - here you can select background color for gallery thumbnails. Gallery Hover Effect - here you can select hover animation effect for gallery thumbnails. In gallery settings Available next values: animated, move, scale, inverse scale. Gallery Hover Overlay Color - here you can select background color for gallery thumbnails hover overlay. Gallery Hover Text - with this option you can show/hide text from the gallery thumbnail in hover or static case , depend on type of selected hover effect. Available values in gallery settings: show, hide. Gallery Hover Text Color - here you can switch gallery thumbnail hover text style between pre-defined styles. Available values in gallery settings: dark, light. Gallery Navigation View - please select style of the gallery navigation menu from few pre-configured gallery menu modes. Available values in gallery settings: list, tree, hide. Gallery Navigation Size - here you can select size of the gallery navigation menu buttons. Available values in gallery settings: large, small, default, extra small. Gallery Navigation Color - here you can select color for gallery thumbnails navigation menu buttons. Available values in gallery settings: gray, blue, dark blue, green, orange, red, link. Gallery Navigation Offset - here you can select spacing between gallery navigation menu and main gallery block with thumbnails. Available values in gallery settings: pixels. Gallery Breadcrumbs - here you can turn on/off breadcrumbs navigation element below gallery main thumbnails block. Available values in gallery settings: show, hide. Gallery Button "Up" - here you can turn on/off up button navigation element below gallery main thumbnails block. Available values in gallery settings: show, hide. Gallery Breadcrumbs Offset - here you can select spacing between gallery breadcrumbs navigation element and main gallery block with thumbnails. Available values in gallery settings: pixels. Gallery Images Per Page - here you can select amount of gallery images per page for pagination functionality. Available values in gallery settings: images. Gallery Pagination Offset - here you can select spacing between gallery pagination navigation element and main gallery block with thumbnails. Available values in gallery settings: pixels. Gallery Pagination Size - here you can select size for the gallery pagination buttons, from pre-defined list. Available values in gallery settings: large, default, small. Gallery Lightbox Skin - here you can select theme for the gallery lightbox from the list of the pre-defined styles. Available values in gallery settings: dark, light. Gallery Demo List Demo Gallery 1 - http://2joomla.net/wordpress/wordpress-gallery-demo-1/ In first demo gallery we have single gallery without sub-categories. Gallery have center alignment. Thumbnails of the gallery have Аnimated hover effect. Size of the gallery images configured in dynamic mode. Size of the gallery thumbnails is mixed, some images have portrait some have album layout. White hover image background with black animated title of the gallery image. All gallery thumbnails have high quality resolution. Background gallery color defined as white, as result between every thumbnail of the gallery you can see border. Click on every thumbnail show enlarged gallery image in lightbox. Interface of the gallery lightbox have white color theme: enlarged gallery image have white border. In gallery lightbox you can enable thumbnails gallery carousel, below main image. For navigation between gallery images in lightbox you can use left/right navigation arrow. On top of the popup you can see fullscreen button to switch lightbox to the fullscreen mode. For the navigation in gallery enabled pagination buttons. Below gallery you can see buttons which switch between gallery pages. On top of the gallery enabled gallery menu. Between gallery thumbnails nd pagination buttons you can find breadcrumbs, where located path to the current gallery location. Gallery Features list: Gallery max width: 100% Gallery layout mode: dynamic General gallery thumbnail: first Gallery align: disabled Background color: #ffffff Thumbnails maximum width: 278px Thumbnails maximum height: 188px Horizontal offset: 0px Vertical offset: 0px Horizontal gallery thumbnails spacing: 5px Vertical gallery thumbnails spacing: 5px Thumbnail background color: #ffffff Hover text effect: animated Navigation gallery view: list Gallery navigation size: default Gallery navigation color: gray Gallery navigation offset: 10px Gallery breadcrumbs: show Gallery breadcrumbs offset: 10px Gallery pagination size: default Gallery lightbox skin: light Demo Gallery 2 - http://2joomla.net/wordpress/wordpress-gallery-demo-2/ This demo gallery have multiply sub-categories for the main gallery. Gallery have disabled alignment. Thumbnails of the gallery have Move hover effect. Size of the gallery images configured in classic mode. Size of the gallery thumbnails have classic landscape thumbnails. All gallery thumbnails have the same sizewith spacing between it. Black hover image background with white animated title of the gallery image. All gallery thumbnails have high quality resolution. Background gallery color defined as black, as result between every thumbnail of the gallery you can see border. Click on every thumbnail show enlarged gallery image in lightbox. Interface of the gallery lightbox have black color theme: enlarged gallery image have black border. In gallery lightbox you can enable thumbnails gallery carousel, below main image. For navigation between gallery images in lightbox you can use left/right navigation arrow. On top of the popup you can see fullscreen button to switch lightbox to the fullscreen mode. For the navigation in gallery enabled pagination buttons. Below gallery you can see buttons which switch between gallery pages. On top of the gallery enabled gallery menu. Between gallery thumbnails nd pagination buttons you can find breadcrumbs, where located path to the current gallery location. Gallery Features list: Gallery max width: 100% Gallery layout mode: classic General gallery thumbnail: first Gallery align: disabled Background color: #000000 Thumbnails maximum width: 278px Thumbnails maximum height: 188px Horizontal offset: 5px Vertical offset: 5px Horizontal gallery thumbnails spacing: 5px Vertical gallery thumbnails spacing: 5px Thumbnail background color: #ffffff Hover text effect: move Navigation gallery view: list Gallery navigation size: default Gallery navigation color: gray Gallery navigation offset: 10px Gallery breadcrumbs: show Gallery breadcrumbs offset: 10px Gallery pagination size: default Gallery lightbox skin: dark Demo Gallery 3 - http://2joomla.net/wordpress/wordpress-gallery-demo-3/ In first demo gallery we have single gallery without sub-categories. Gallery have center alignment. Thumbnails of the gallery have Scale hover effect. Size of the gallery images configured in dynamic mode. Size of the gallery thumbnails is mixed, some images have portrait some have album layout. White hover image background with black animated title of the gallery image. All gallery thumbnails have high quality resolution. Background gallery color defined as white, as result between every thumbnail of the gallery you can see border. Click on every thumbnail show enlarged gallery image in lightbox. Interface of the gallery lightbox have white color theme: enlarged gallery image have white border. In gallery lightbox you can enable thumbnails gallery carousel, below main image. For navigation between gallery images in lightbox you can use left/right navigation arrow. On top of the popup you can see fullscreen button to switch lightbox to the fullscreen mode. For the navigation in gallery enabled pagination buttons. Below gallery you can see buttons which switch between gallery pages. On top of the gallery enabled gallery menu. Between gallery thumbnails nd pagination buttons you can find breadcrumbs, where located path to the current gallery location. Gallery Features list: Gallery max width: 100% Gallery layout mode: classic General gallery thumbnail: first Gallery align: disabled Background color: #ffffff Thumbnails maximum width: 278px Thumbnails maximum height: 188px Horizontal offset: 8px Vertical offset: 8px Horizontal gallery thumbnails spacing: 1px Vertical gallery thumbnails spacing: 1px Thumbnail background color: #0082ff Hover text effect: scale Navigation gallery view: hide Gallery navigation size: large Gallery navigation color: dark blue Gallery navigation offset: 10px Gallery breadcrumbs: show Gallery breadcrumbs offset: 10px Gallery pagination size: default Gallery lightbox skin: dark Demo Gallery 4 - http://2joomla.net/wordpress/wordpress-gallery-demo-4/ In first demo gallery we have single gallery without sub-categories. Gallery have center alignment. Thumbnails of the gallery have Inverse scale hover effect. Size of the gallery images configured in dynamic mode. Size of the gallery thumbnails is mixed, some images have portrait some have album layout. White hover image background with black animated title of the gallery image. All gallery thumbnails have high quality resolution. Background gallery color defined as white, as result between every thumbnail of the gallery you can see border. Click on every thumbnail show enlarged gallery image in lightbox. Interface of the gallery lightbox have white color theme: enlarged gallery image have white border. In gallery lightbox you can enable thumbnails gallery carousel, below main image. For navigation between gallery images in lightbox you can use left/right navigation arrow. On top of the popup you can see fullscreen button to switch lightbox to the fullscreen mode. For the navigation in gallery enabled pagination buttons. Below gallery you can see buttons which switch between gallery pages. On top of the gallery enabled gallery menu. Between gallery thumbnails nd pagination buttons you can find breadcrumbs, where located path to the current gallery location. Gallery Features list: Gallery max width: 700px Gallery layout mode: classic General gallery thumbnail: first Gallery align: center Background color: #000000 Thumbnails maximum width: 278px Thumbnails maximum height: 188px Horizontal offset: 8px Vertical offset: 8px Horizontal gallery thumbnails spacing: 1px Vertical gallery thumbnails spacing: 1px Thumbnail background color: #ffffff Hover text effect: inverse scale Navigation gallery view: hide Gallery navigation size: default Gallery navigation color: gray Gallery navigation offset: 10px Gallery breadcrumbs: show Gallery breadcrumbs offset: 10px Gallery pagination size: default Gallery lightbox skin: dark