=== Gallery - Photo Gallery === Contributors: 2jgallery, 2j-slideshow, blogmechanic Donate link: http://2joomla.net/wordpress-plugins/2j-gallery Tags: gallery, image gallery, photo gallery, portfolio gallery, wordpress gallery Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 4.7 Stable tag: 2.0.8 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Gallery one of the most powerful wordpress gallery plugin. Plugin have eye-catching interface and amazing hover animation effects == Description == **Gallery** ### Gallery wordpress plugin with easy interface and very attractive hover animation effects. Plugin have simple clean interface, quick customization of the settings. Plugin support multiply categories and advanced eye catching hover text animation. Our albums fully responsive it's support all mobile touch screen devices. You can create images albums with classical square thumbnail or grid layout. In photo gallery implemented modern, very stylish lightbox with dark and light themes. With advanced media manager you can easily upload images. With media manager you can manage all images. Change ordering and additional parameters for every image. Plugin could publish albums with photos on the page with widget or in post/page with shortcode. For install and config you don't need any special skills. Everything build in Wordpress native style. > #### **Gallery Demos** > * [Ligth weight demos. White styles hover colors and animated text. White lightbox with slider and full screen mode](http://2joomla.net/wordpress/demo-1-gallery/) > * [Demo with square thumbnails. Dark background and black border. Grey menu and dark lightbox](http://2joomla.net/wordpress/demo-2-gallery/) > * [Multi pages pagination. Fresh blue hovered images. White title and description](http://2joomla.net/wordpress/demo-3-gallery/) > * [Zoom thumbnails hover effect. Combination of the different size borders. Fullscreen slideshow in lightbox](http://2joomla.net/wordpress/demo-4-gallery/) = Key Features = * **Fully responsive**; * **Mobile devices support**; * **Multi categories**; * **Hover effects**; * **Fullscreen mode**; * **Plugin shortcode**; * **Batch images upload**; * **Implemented in native Wordpress way using native classes, structures, models, controllers**; * **Auto-resizing for thumbnails and images**; * **Menu, breadcrumbs navigation**; * **Implemented to avoid AJAX libs conflicts**; * **W3C XHTML validate (no errors, notices, warnings)**; * **Optional mobile touch support**; * **Advanced pagination function**; * **Compatible with IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome**; * **Lazy loading option**; * **Advanced cache options**; * **Classic and grid layouts**; * **Ability to insert albums to posts/pages**; * **Resizing crop function**; * **Floatable front end interface elements**; * **Custom ordering of the images**; * **W3C CSS validate (no errors, notices, warnings)**; > #### **Useful Links** > * [More Details](http://2joomla.net/wordpress-plugins/2j-gallery) = Content Gallery = With our plugin you can create simple images section with animation. In plugin settings you can find shortcode which you can insert to the post or page. in the case of content usage instansce have all nessesary options for interface config. Plugin don't have any limits for images hover animation effect. = Lightbox = Our lightbox provide you great looking images grid and lightbox with advanced interface. Interface looks stylish work very quick. Lightbox work properly with all mobile, touch screen devices. Lightbox interface have few elements: navigation arrows, thumbnails carousel. Lightbox support full screen mode. = Responsibility = Our plugin implemented with fully responsive layout. Our wordpress gallery tested on most popular mobile devices with different screen size. Lightbox and image on front page work properly with different screen sizes. = Thumbnails = Front end interface represented as thumbnails grid. Plugin support few thumbnail layouts: classic square thumbnails and grid layout with different image size. = Portfolio Gallery = Use component as portfolio section of your website. Portfolio site it's most effective way to represent result of your hard work. Portfolio with pictures it's one of the most important section of your website. You can customize interface of your portfolio the way you need very fast. = Photography = Photo gallery have wide range of config settings where you can customize view. Media library can contain images of the different formats. Upload images into media resources, configure hover effect and styles off the thumbnails. Publish it in few minutes with eye-catching animation on your page. == Installation == Download plugin from the Wordpress.org repository and install it using regular wordpress plugin installer. If you see some error or have any other problem == Frequently Asked Questions == = How to install plugin? = Download plugin from the Wordpress.org repository and install it using regular wordpress plugin installer. If you see some error or have any other problem please contact our support team = How to upload images? = On the right side of the item settings you can see panel with big green button. This buttonopen upload manager. There you can manage all resources uploaded to the server. Upload new images or config already existen media. = How to align thumbnails block on page? = In general settings you can find align option. There you can align whole thumbnails block on front end page/post = How to change images settings? = In media manager, when you click on some image you'll see panel with additional parameters on the right side. There you can see all additional parameters for every particular image element. = How to make linked image? = In resources manager you can find additional images parameters. There you can specify link to some page or video. Link could be different for every photo image. == Screenshots == 1. Ligth weight demos. White styles hover colors and animated text. White lightbox with slider and full screen mode. Screenshot 1. 2. Demo with square thumbnails. Dark background and black border. Grey menu and dark lightbox. Screenshot 2 3. Multi pages pagination. Fresh blue hovered images. White title and description. Screenshot 3 4. Zoom thumbnails hover effect. Combination of the different size borders. Fullscreen slideshow in lightbox. Screenshot 4 5. Layout settings. Thumbnails. Align. Screenshot 5 6. Background color selector. Thumbnails height. Screenshot 6 7. Horizontal and vertical offset. Horizontal and vertical thumbnails spacing. Screenshot 7 8. Hover text effect. Overlay color. Text color. Navigation view. Screenshot 8 9. Navigation size. Navigation color. Navigation offset. Breadcrumbs. Screenshot 9 10. Images per page. Pagination offset. Pagination size. Screenshot 10 == Other Notes == [2J Gallery plugin with wide range of functionality. Mobility, multi categories, advanced gallery images management tools](http://2joomla.net/wordpress-plugins/2j-gallery) = Minimum requirements for 2J Gallery = WordPress 3.3 PHP 5.x MySQL 5.x == Changelog == = 2.0.8 Version = * Optimization of the gallery CSS on the fron end. * Modified of the CSS structure for load speed up. = 2.0.7 Version = * Recommit of the last modifications = 2.0.6 Version = * Updated languages support. = 2.0.5 Version = * Recommit plugin 2.0.4 after error. = 2.0.4 Version = * Added new thumbnail quality option. * New thumbnails resolution configurations. = 2.0.3 Version = * Updated of the admin interface section. * Added new admin features. = 2.0.2 Version = * Added new features which hide text for on hovered thumbnail. * Fixed compatibility with old PHP version. * Modification of the admin section. = 2.0.1 Version = * Fixes of the front end CSS. * Fixes in styles of hover effects. * Updated admin interface notification mode. = 2.0.0 Version = * Absolutely brand new gallery, new core engine, new front end and backend! Great set of functionality! Almost no limits!