=== BlogMechanics Theme Gallery === Contributors: 2jgallery,blogmechanic Tags: theme,gallery Requires at least: 2.3 Tested up to: 2.5 Stable tag: trunk This is a Wordpress theme gallery plugin that allows you to upload/download/manage any number themes on your blog. == Description == This is a Wordpress 2.3+ theme gallery plugin that give you easy management over any number of wordpress themes you would like to showcase on your blog. Simply past the URL of a theme you would like to add into the admin panel. The plugin will download the theme, decode and install it by reading the style.css file, and resizing the screenshot.png file. Then edit the description of the theme in the database before making it available on your website. Alternatively, you can add a theme from your harddisk by uploading it in the same panel. == Installation == (1) unzip the bm_themegallery.zip file in /wp-content/plugins (2) Active the plugin (3) Upload themes into database through Options >> BM Gallery in the Admin panel (4) Create a place holder page (Write >> Write Page) (5) Add a title (for example "BlogMechanics Gallery") (6) Add a description (optional) (7) Add a "custom" field named "bm_gallery_home" with value "true" (8) Publish the page (8) Add a link to the newly created gallery page from your blog. == Requirements == (1) This plugin was build and tested on a linux system. (2) PHP needs to support GD (png) for resizing screenshot.png / jpg files (3) Your wordpress theme needs to support Widgets. == Trouble Shooting == (1) The plugin will attempt to create 2 database tables ($table_prefix) bm_gallery ($table_prefix) bm_gallery_options Make sure your user account has create table privileges (2) The plugin will attempt to create the directory /wp-content/bm_gallery for storing the themes. (3) Currently hard coded is the "/tmp" directory, used to download uploaded themes before storing them into the final directory. If this directory is not available, create another working directory and modify the BM_GALLERY_TEMP setting in main.php