April 22, 2008 1.3 * Better support for Wordpress installations in a sub directory (/wordpress/) * Updated the configuration screens to better match the WP 2.5 layout * Added l10n support (modify the bm_themegallery.po for your own language) April 16, 2008 1.2 * Removed the dependency on 'unzip' by including the pclzip.lib.php library March 25, 2008 1.1 * Added basic support for the google-sitemaps-plugin [http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/google-sitemap-generator/] * Modified the Admin Panel User interface to use DBX March 22, 2008 1.0 * Run "file_exists" before unlinking any files to avoid warnings * Added support for themes with no screenshot.png , but who do have a screenshot.jpg March 21, 2008 -- Basic Development