=== Blog ID in Site Admin Menu === Contributors: trepmal Donate link: http://kaileylampert.com/donate.php Tags: wpmu, multi-site Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 4.2 Stable tag: trunk Adds the ID of the current blog/site to the Edit Site menu item. == Description == Adds the ID of the current blog/site to the Edit Site menu item. Available only to super-admins. == Installation == 1. Standard installation. Disables itself on non-multisite. Works per-site, network-activated, or in mu-plugins. 1. Upload `blog-id-in-side-admin-menu.php` to the `/plugins/` directory 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. Network activation recommended, but not required == Screenshots == 1. ID added to Edit Site menu item == Changelog == = 2 = * Dropping support for old versions of WordPress * Rewritten for l10n, simplicity, namespacing = 1.7.1 = * make sure "Site ID" isn't clickable for regular admins = 1.7 = * 3.3 compatibility, ID under Site Name menu = 1.6 = * In 3.2, ID appears in "Howdy" dropdown, or under Dashboard in the sidebar * Fixed broken network admin links * Notice appears if not running multisite = 1.5 = * 3.1 compatibility (about time!) = 1.3 = * works for wpmu 2.9 and wp 3.0 (for the sake of my sanity...) = 1.2 = * WP 3.0 upgrades (not compatible with WPmu) = 1.1 = * Blog ID links to Edit Blog Screen = 1.0 = * Initial Release.