=== Hide Adsense Ads for specific countries === Contribuintes: Cilene Bonfim Plugin Name: Hide Adsense Ads for specific countries Plugin URI: http://plugins.cbnewsplus.com/ Tags: para o plugin Author URI: http://www.cbnewsplus.com/ Autor: Cilene Bonfim. Donate link: http://www.cbnewsplus.com para receber doações. Requires at least: 3.9 Tested up to: 4.1.1 Stable tag: 1.5 Version: 1.5 Integrate Adsense Ads into Wordpress content easily. == Description == The simplest solution to integrate Adsense Ads into Wordpress Content. Just copy your Google Adsense code, paste it and configure where you want to display. 1. This script will import the GeoLite City CSV file into a usable MySQL table in your database. ( http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/legacy/geolite/ ) The GeoLite databases are our free IP geolocation databases. They are updated on the first Tuesday of each month. These databases are offered in the same binary and csv formats as our subscription databases. Any code which can read the subscription databases can also read the GeoLite databases. The GeoLite Developer's Package allows you to distribute GeoLite databases (including updates) royalty-free for one year. 2. Choosing which countries do not show the Adsense Ads. 3. Usage is easy, just use the following shortcode: * [hide-adsense-block number=1] * [hide-adsense-block number=2] * [hide-adsense-block number=3] == Supported languages == * English == Installation == This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. 1. Upload folders and files to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Access setting - Hide Adsense Ads to configure it == Frequently Asked Questions == Does it work with WordPress MU? - Yes Which languages are included when I install the plugin? * English == Screenshots == 1. Sample == Changelog == = 1.5 = * Add hide option = 1.4 = * Fix small problem = 1.3 = * Add random option = 1.2 = * Changed logic = 1.1 = * Changed way to import a .csv file into database = 1.0 = * Public release = 0.0.1 = * First release == Upgrade Notice == = 1.5 = Hide Adsense Ads for specific countries 1.5