=== Support #BlackLivesMatter === Contributors: satellitewp, maximejobin, moustaphasaba Tags: blacklivesmatter, black, lives, matter, blm, blmsupport, blms Requires at least: 4.9 Tested up to: 5.7.1 Stable tag: 1.1 Requires PHP: 7.1 License: GPLv3 Make your homepage colorless to support #BlackLivesMatter. == Description == Make your homepage colorless between May 23-25 to support #BlackLivesMatter. The plugin uses **an external** JavaScript file to make your homepage colorless. See the [BlackLivesMatter.support](https://www.blacklivesmatter.support?utm_source=wordpress_repository) website for more information. This plugin was created and is maintained by SatelliteWP, a [WordPress maintenance service](https://www.satellitewp.com/en?wordpress_repository). = Compatibility = This plugin is multilingual ready. == Installation == 1. In your WordPress administration section, goto `Plugins > Add new`. 1. Search for `BLMS`. 1. Click on 'Install now'. 1. Once the plugin is installed, click on 'Activate'. 1. Wait for the date to be between May 23-25! == Frequently Asked Questions == = Can I have some control about how things are displayed? = Yes! Go to https://blacklivesmatter.support for more information or see the Settings section. == Privacy policy == This plugin uses an external JavaScript file and does not log or share your personal information. You are invited to [take a look at the JavaScript](https://github.com/SatelliteWP/blacklivesmatter.support/blob/master/js/blms.js) file to validate its content. == Changelog == = 1.1.0 = * Add settings page = 1.0.0 = * First stable version