=== BlaatSchaap SSO: VATSIM === Contributors: GromBeestje Donate link: http://code.blaatschaap.be/donations/ Tags: vatsim, sso, authentication Stable tag: trunk Requires at least: 3.0.0 Tested up to: 4.1.1 License: BSD License URI: http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause This plugin allows your users to sign in with VATSIM. VATSIM uses a modified OAuth protocol. The modifications cause the generic OAuth plugin not to work. This plugin is a modified version to work with VATSIM SSO only. == Description == The VATSIM plugin for WordPress allows you to provide authentication against VATSIM SSO. == Installation == Plugins are usually installed through the WordPress admin panel, which is an automated process. If manual installation is desired, extract the archive and upload the files and directories to /path/to/your/webroot/wp-content/plugins/ == Changelog == 0.4 : Based on the BlaatSchaap SSO: OAuth 0.4 codebase. The generic OAuth library is replaced by a library specific for use with VATSIM SSO.