=== Bizarski Cute Records === Contributors: sparxdragon Donate link: http://cuteplugins.com Tags: album, record, release, tracks, lyrics, band, musician, artist, mp3, player Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 3.4 Stable tag: 1.4.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Showcase your albums and tracks. Great for artists and record labels. == Description == Cute Records can manage albums, track lists, lyrics, album covers, mp3 files, and more. You can display a list of released albums, or just one album. The lyrics and album covers are displayed inside a Fancybox window (jquery). The MP3's are streamed online using a built-in lightweight flash player. Easily set the image size of the album covers. Customize layout using CSS. The records can be displayed inside a post or a page, using shortcodes. You can also display a selected record in an area by using the built-in widget. * [Docs](http://cuteplugins.com/wordpress-cute-records/) * [Demo](http://cuteplugins.com/cute-records-demo/) = Bizarski Cute Records Plugin - Features = This is a list of the main features that this plugin has. For feature suggestions, feel free to contact Bizarski. *Manage Records* * Easily upload an album cover. The image will be automatically resized and cropped. * Add information about a record: album name, release date, album format, and record label. * Add additional information: artist name, catalog number, and more. * Add up to three buttons with customizable text and links. *Display Records* * Display a list of records inside a page or a post. * Limit and offset the list of records for pagination. * Display details of specific album. * Display the album cover of a specific album, thumbnail or full-size. * Display the album cover of a specific album inside a widget with customizable link. *Manage Tracks* * Add information about a track: name, number, and length. * Add additional information: link to video, and lyrics. * Upload an mp3 of a track and let visitors listen to it online. * Set mp3 file to be downloadable. *Display Tracks* * Display the track list of each album in the list of all records. * Separately display the track list of a specific album. * Lyrics will be displayed inside a Fancybox window. * Video link will be opened in a new window. * MP3 will be streamed online using a built-in lightweight flash player. == Installation == 1. Download, install, and activate the Bizarski Cute Records plugin. 2. From your Wordpress Dashboard, go to Cute Records > Manage Records/Tracks > New Record/Track > Follow the on-screen cues. 3. Go to a post/page, and enter one of the shortcodes to display one or more records. For more details, you can also have a look at the [plugin homepage](http://cuteplugins.com/wordpress-cute-records/). == Screenshots == 1. screenshot-1.jpg - Tracklist and album cover displayed in the front end 2. screenshot-2.jpg - Adding a new record from the back end == Shortcodes == The Bizarski Cute Records plugin currently has 4 shortcodes. = Display records = * *Display a list of all records: [cuterecords_display]* * *Display 5 records after skipping 10: [cuterecords_display limit=5 offset=10]* * *Display a list of the latest 5 records with their track lists included: [cuterecords_display limit=5 show_tracklist=1]* * *Display details of specific album: [cuterecords_display id=1 show_tracklist=1]* = Display an album cover = * *Display the full-size album cover of record #1: [cuterecords_show_full_cover id=1]* * *Display a thumbnail of the album cover of record #1: [cuterecords_show_cover id=1]* = Display track list = * *Display the track list of record #1: [cuterecords_tracklist id=1]* == Changelog == = 1.4.1 = * Bugfix: Fixed flash player's button issue in Internet Explorer. = 1.4.0 = * Bugfix: Fixed incompatibility issues with Wordpress 3.5. * Changed: Improved filtering by record in the track management. = 1.3.6 = * Bugfix: fixed issues with opening lyrics and streaming mp3 files. = 1.3.5 = * NEW: Added a shortcode argument for displaying a specific album. * Changed: Reordered the elements of album specification. * Removed: Removed the fields "Album type" and "Running time" from album specification. * NEW: Added a "More info" field for records. = 1.3.0 = * Secured: Don't allow downloading of streaming mp3 files. * Changed: Converted the mp3 player script into a jquery plugin. = 1.2.5 = * Bugfix: Made the flash player lightweight, no longer crashing. * NEW: Added filtering by album in the track management. * NEW: Added an "Artist Name" field for records. = 1.2.0 = * NEW: Added a flash mp3 player for streaming mp3 files. * NEW: Added choice between opening links in new window, or same window. * NEW: Added a "Downloadable" option for uploaded mp3 file. * NEW: Added a "Video" field for tracks. * NEW: Added a "Catalog Number" field for records. = 1.1.2 = * Changed: Cleaned up folder structure. = 1.1.1 = * Bugfix: Fixed a javascript issue. * Changed: Moved file storage to Wordpress's "upload" folder. = 1.1.0 = * NEW: Added support for displaying a track list for each album in list: [cuterecords_display show_tracklist=1] * Changed: When clicked, the album cover will be displayed in its full size inside a Fancybox window. * NEW: Added support for up to three buttons per album. * NEW: Added support for uploading mp3 files of album tracks. * NEW: Added support for custom URL inside the widget. * Bugfix: Fixed a display issue with longer album titles. == Known issues == * Sometimes the Fancybox window appears behind the website menu. To fix this issue, go to your theme's CSS file and look for z-index rules that have a value higher than 1100. Change their value to 1099 and save the file. * The plugin "Google Analytics for WordPress by Yoast" causes Fancybox to misbehave. * Flash player's button in all versions below 1.4.1 will not work in Internet Explorer. * All versions below 1.4.0 will cause issues in the Dashboard of Wordpress 3.5 and above. * Lyrics and mp3 streaming don't work in versions below 1.3.6, because of missing javascript files. * The track player in version 1.2.0 could crash, and is very heavy on the browser. Please, upgrade to higher version for a lightweight player. * Upgrading from version 1.1.0 to any newer version will delete all album covers and mp3's. * Upgrading from version 1.0.0 to any newer version will delete all widget links.