=== Bizarski Cute Records === Contributors: sparxdragon Donate link: http://cuteplugins.com Tags: album, record, release, tracks, lyrics, band, musician, artist Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 3.4 Stable tag: 1.2.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Showcase your albums and tracks. Great for artists and record labels. == Description == Display a list of released albums, or just one album. Optional features: track list, lyrics, MP3's, and videos. The lyrics are opened in a Fancybox window (jquery). The MP3's are streamed using a built-in flash player. Easily set image size and customize layout using CSS. The records can be displayed inside a post or a page, using shortcodes. You can also display a selected record in an area by using the built-in widget. == Installation == 1. Upload the `cuterecords` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Add a new album through the 'Cute Records' - 'Manage Records' menu in the Dashboard 4. Add tracks to an album through the 'Cute Records' - 'Manage Tracks' menu in the Dashboard 5. To display a list of all records, add this shortcode to a page or a post: [cuterecords_display]. To display a thumbnail of an album cover, use this shortcode: [cuterecords_show_cover id=1]. To display the full-size album cover, use this shortcode: [cuterecords_show_full_cover id=1]. To display the track list of an album, use this shortcode: [cuterecords_tracklist id=1]. In all examples, replace '1' with the ID of the album. == Screenshots == 1. screenshot-1.jpg - Tracklist and album cover displayed in the front end 2. screenshot-2.jpg - Adding a new record from the back end == Known issues == 1. Sometimes the Fancybox window appears behind the website menu. To fix this issue, go to your theme's CSS file and look for z-index rules that have a value higher than 1100. Change their value to 1099 and save the file. 2. Updating from version 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 will delete all album covers and widget links. 3. Updating from version 1.0.0 to any newer version will delete all widget links. 4. Updating from version 1.1.0 to any newer version will delete all album covers and mp3's.