=== BetterLinks - Shorten, Track and Manage any URL === Contributors: wpdevteam, re_enter_rupok, asif2bd, sapanmozammel, priyomukul, hrrarya Donate link: https://wpdeveloper.com Tags: affiliate links, link branding,Link Shortner, link tracking, redirects, links, shortlinks, urls, link cloaking, tinyurl, link shortener, url shortener, cloak, cloaking, slugs, shorturl, shorten, shortening, marketing, marketing plugin, affiliate, pretty links, short links, shrinking, shortlinks, betterlinks, affiliate, affiliate marketing, link redirection, url shortener, 301, 302, 307, 404, seo, url redirection Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 6.5 Requires PHP: 7.4 Stable tag: 1.9.1 License: GPLv3 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Ultimate plugin to create, shorten, track and manage any URL. Gather analytics reports and run successful marketing campaigns easily. == Description == Want to make your brand standout? [BetterLinks](https://betterlinks.io/) brings you the chance to easily create, shorten and manage any URL to help you cross-promote your brands & products. With its aesthetic User Interface, you can shorten anything without breaking any sweat and track analytics to measure successful campaigns easily. ## WHY YOU NEED BETTERLINKS πŸ”₯ - Easy-to-use WordPress link shortener - Create attractive looking links instantly - Add multiple link redirect types (301, 302, 307) - Analyze & track your marketing campaigns - Enhance your affiliate marketing strategies - Manage your links directly in Gutenberg Editor - Manage your tags and check the performance of your links associated to each tags - Reduce link load time with optimized queries - Monitor marketing campaigns with UTM Builder - Prevent bot traffic and clicks with Bot Blocker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJqBrFhQC1A ## SIMPLE & FAST LINK MANAGEMENT PLUGIN πŸŽ‰ **✨ Aesthetic Drag & Drop UI:** Create & manage any links with just a couple of clicks. Manage everything from creating, editing, configurations & all from just one place **🧲 Quick Link Shortening:** Make your long URL links into short ones and create pretty links within minutes **πŸ’« One-Click Share:** Copy your shortened URL right from the dashboard and share it instantly **βš™οΈ Easy Configuration:** Easily setup your Link Redirects (301, 302 and 307) and all your Link options **πŸ’ͺ Fast Response:** Less Database queries resulting in faster response time **πŸ”ƒ Simple Migration:** Migrate from Third-party Plugins such as PrettyLinks with one-click ## POWERFUL LINK TRACKING & ANALYTICS FEATURES πŸš€ **πŸ“ˆ Real Time Analytics:** Generate real-time analytics data and easily evaluate the performance of your cloaked links with just a glance **πŸ”Ž Examine Click-Through Rate:** Examine the performance of your click-through rates of your shortened URLs right from one place **πŸ“Š Generate Reports:** Gather analytics reports to evaluate and run successful marketing campaigns **πŸ“… Interactive Calendar to Filter Clicks:** Easily filter your cloaked links based on certain dates from the interactive calendar **πŸ”— UTM Builder to Track Campaigns:** Add parameters to URLs to monitor your marketing campaigns ## More Advanced Features with BetterLinks PRO: - Get better insights with Individual Analytics [PRO] - Control and manage user roles & permissions [PRO] - Set link scheduler, expiration dates & number of click limits [PRO] - Integrate seamlessly with Google Analytics [PRO] - Carry out split tests with Dynamic Redirects [PRO] - Force enable secure HTTPS Redirection [PRO] - Broken Link Checker with Email Notification [PRO] - Auto-Link Keywords [PRO] - Auto-Create Links [PRO] - Affiliate Link Disclosure [PRO] - Password Protected Redirect [PRO] - Customize Link Preview [PRO] [ALL FEATURES](https://betterlinks.io/features/) | [DOCUMENTATION](https://betterlinks.io/docs/) | [PRICING](https://betterlinks.io/#pricing) ## πŸ”₯ WHAT’S NEXT If you like BetterLinks, then consider checking out our other WordPress Plugins for FREE: πŸ” [Essential Addons For Elementor](https://essential-addons.com/elementor/) – Most popular Elementor extensions with 2 million active users in the WordPress repository. πŸ”” [NotificationX](https://notificationx.com/) – Best Social Proof & FOMO Marketing Solution to increase conversion rates. πŸ“„ [EmbedPress](https://embedpress.com/): Easiest WordPress embedding plugin to add content from 100+ sources with one-click. Works in Gutenberg, Elementor, and more. ⏰ [SchedulePress](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-scheduled-posts/) – Complete solution for scheduling WordPress posts through an editorial calendar & social share. Visit [WPDeveloper](https://wpdeveloper.com/) to learn more about how to do better in WordPress with [Help Tutorial, Tips & Tricks](https://wpdeveloper.com/blog). ## πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» DOCUMENTATION AND SUPPORT ## - For documentation and tutorials go to our [Documentation](https://betterlinks.io/docs/) - For video tutorials go to our [YouTube Playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJqBrFhQC1A&list=PLWHp1xKHCfxBtIjolI693SDWtdfKZCc37) - If you have any more questions, visit our support on the [Plugin’s Forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/betterlinks/) - For more information about features, FAQs and documentation, check out our website at [BetterLinks](https://betterlinks.io/) ## πŸ’™ Loved BetterLinks? ## - Join our [Facebook Group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/wpdeveloper.net/) - Learn from our tutorials on [Youtube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOjzLEdsnpnFVkm1JKFurPA) - Or rate us on [WordPress](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/betterlinks/reviews/?rate=5#new-post) == Installation == = Modern Way: = 1. Go to the WordPress Dashboard "Add New Plugin" section. 2. Search For "BetterLinks". 3. Install, then Activate it. 4. Follow the [Documentation](https://betterlinks.io/docs/) = Old Way: = 1. Upload `betterlinks` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Follow the [Documentation](https://betterlinks.io/docs/) == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does it work with any WordPress theme? = Yes, it will work with any standard WordPress theme. = Can I migrate to BetterLinks from any plugin? = If you were previously using any link shortener and redirection plugin, you can migrate to BetterLinks instantly. = Who can benefit more from BetterLinks? = BetterLinks is very useful for website owners, affiliate marketers, SEO experts or anyone who requires link shortening, redirection, tracking or overall link management on WordPress. == Screenshots == == Changelog == = 1.9.1 - 24/04/2024 = - Fixed: Exported CSV file's column label - Few minor bug fixes & improvement = 1.9.0 - 31/03/2024 = - Added: Custom Fields Feature - Improved: Manage Links UI - Few minor bug fixes & improvement = 1.8.3 - 25/03/2024 = - Fixed: Console error on API request in Manage Link Page - Fixed: Custom Link Preview teaser - Few minor bug fixes & improvement = 1.8.2 - 24/03/2024 = - Few minor bug fixes & improvement = 1.8.1 - 06/03/2024 = - Improved: Added Target URL in List View - Improved: Added Custom CSS import support from ThirstyAffiliates - Few minor bug fixes & improvement = 1.8.0 - 08/02/2024 = - Added: Manage Tags Feature - Fixed: Undefined variable issue in Analytics - Fixed: Fatal Error - Uncaught TypeError issue - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.7.3 - 17/01/2024 = - Fixed: Uncaught Error issue with Settings API - Improved: Manage Links UI Responsiveness - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.7.2 - 01/01/2024 = - Fixed: Style issue inside the Gutenberg Editor - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.7.1 - 31/12/2023 = - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.7.0 - 31/12/2023 = - Improved: Revamped Analytics for performance improvement - Added: Individual Analytics for all links - Fixed: Link Uncloaking not working properly when a link is added directly - Fixed: Analytics not showing when BetterLinks is translated - Fixed: Redirection not working properly in different languages - Fixed: Triggering an infinite loop on the network while updating a page from Gutenberg - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.6.3 - 20/11/2023 = - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.6.2 - 09/11/2023 = - Fixed: Feature Images update issue for Author / Editor roles - Improved: Added Support for Longer Target URL - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.6.1 - 15/10/2023 = - Improved: Security Enhancements - Improved: Added Support for Tags And Description for Link Searching - Improved: Included the target URL for Exporting Analytics - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.6.0 - 8/10/2023 = - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.5.18 - 21/09/2023 = - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.5.17 - 13/09/2023 = - Fixed: PHP Deprecation Warnings - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.5.16 - 11/09/2023 = - Fixed: PHP Warning generated for 'Undefined array key' in "REQUEST_METHOD" - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.5.15 - 27/07/2023 = - Fixed: Manage Links not working when REST API is disabled - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.5.14 - 26/07/2023 = - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.5.13 - 13/06/2023 = - Improved: Added option to filter Favorite Links - Improved: Added indicator icon to show broken links in 'manage links' - Fixed: Visiting Expired Links throws PHP errors - Fixed: Unique Counts not working properly - Fixed: Changing Link category by using 'edit link' option making the stats & favorite link data disappear - Fixed: Total clicks not being added when Disable IP from Analytics option is enabled - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.5.12 - 30/04/2023 = - Improved: Optimization of analytics data fetching - Fixed: Misleading ip count data in analytics - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.5.11 - 16/04/2023 = - Added: Option to search link by 'shortened url' or 'target url' in 'List view' - Added: Option to Reset Clicks data - Added: Option to disable 'logging of IP addresses data' from analytics - Fixed: Page scrolling to bottom when using BetterLinks format in Gutenberg - Fixed: Gutenberg instant redirect sidebar not appearing sometimes - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.5.10 - 06/03/2023 = - Fixed: Added empty target url check to prevent breaking site’s FrontEnd - Fixed: Admin menu infinite loading on sites that has rest api disabled - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.5.9 - 28/02/2023 = - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.5.8 - 07/02/2023 = - Fixed: Not able to add Featured Images in Gutenberg Editor for non-admin users - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.5.7 - 29/01/2023 = - Fixed: BetterLinks sidebar not rendering inside Gutenberg Editor - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.5.6 - 25/01/2023 = - Fixed: Throwing fatal error while importing links from CSV file - Fixed: Too many redirects when shortened url and target url are same - Removed: Click data column from exported BetterLinks Analytics csv - Fixed: Gutenberg instant redirect option not showing sometimes - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.5.5 - 22/12/2022 = - Added: Link QR Code Scanner inside List View - Improved: Date Format in BetterLinks Analytics - Improved: Added Link prefix option when importing from Thirsty Affiliates - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.5.4 - 30/11/2022 = - Fixed: ThirstyAffiliates links not migrating properly - Fixed: Link Expiration Date Schedule not working - Improved: Optimized requests when opening Link Editor modal - Fixed: Duplicate category being created when creating through link editor modal - Fixed: Some links being missing in the Manage links screen - Fixed: Conflict with Presto Player - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.5.3 - 23/11/2022 = - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.5.2 - 20/11/2022 = - Fixed: Instant Gutenberg Redirect | Options not working properly - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.5.1 - 06/11/2022 = - Revamped: Improved background process during migration from third party plugins for better performance - Fixed: Database Error – Table doesn't exist - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.5.0 - 20/09/2022 = - Added: Option to Add/Manage Links inside Gutenberg Editor - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.4.1 - 03/08/2022 = - Added: Option to enable/disable links being case sensitive - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.4.0 - 06/07/2022 = - Added: Option to "Add Links as Favorites" - Fixed: Shortened URLs being case sensitive - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.3.4 - 19/06/2022 = - Fixed: Link redirection not working for sub-directory sites - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.3.3 - 30/05/2022 = - Fixed: Sorted link not staying at the same position after editing the link in the Grid view - Fixed: 'Select option arrow' of 'Rows per page' in 'list view' not showing correctly - Fixed: Unable to create links as Manage Links page showing blank screen - Added: Visit link option in the Grid view - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.3.2 - 25/05/2022 = - Compatibility: Compatible to WordPress v6.0 - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.3.1 - 19/04/2022 = - Improved: Query optimization for better performance - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.3.0 - 19/01/2022 = - Added: Instant Link Redirect option inside Elementor Page Builder - Few minor bug fixes & improvements = 1.2.9 - 11/01/2022 = - Few minor bug fix & improvements = 1.2.8 - 30/11/2021 = - Few minor bug fix & improvements = 1.2.7 - 28/10/2021 = - Added: Option to generate random strings for shortened links - Added: Translations for missing strings - Improved: Import functionality to overwrite existing links - Few minor bug fix & improvements = 1.2.6 - 19/10/2021 = - Added: QR Code Generator for shortened links - Added: Sample CSV export option - Improved: Security enhancement for CSV - Few minor bug fix & improvements = 1.2.5 - 07/10/2021 = - Added: ThirstyAffiliates Migration - Added: Translations compatibility - Few minor bug fix & improvements = 1.2.4 - 29/09/2021 = - Improved: Query optimization for better performance & security enhancement - Added: Default Link Prefix option - Few minor bug fix & improvements = 1.2.3 - 21/09/2021 = - Added: CSV Import/Export option - Fixed: CSS conflict with Yoast SEO - Fixed: Import/Export Category relation issue - Few minor bug fix & improvements = 1.2.2 - 31/08/2021 = - Few minor bug fix & improvements = 1.2.1 - 24/08/2021 = - Few minor bug fix & improvements = 1.2.0 - 23/08/2021 = - Fixed: Tags not updating & creating - Fixed: Category not updating properly - Added: Link title automatically being converted to Shortened URL - Few minor bug fix & improvements = 1.1.9 - 12/08/2021 = - Added: AJAX Fallback when REST API is disabled - Fixed: Sanitized REST API data - Few minor bug fix & improvements = 1.1.8 - 28/07/2021 = - Improved: Coding structure to enhance security - Few minor bug fix & improvements = 1.1.7 - 08/07/2021 = - Few minor bug fix & improvements = 1.1.6 - 06/07/2021 = - Improved: Updated User Interface - Few minor bug fix & improvements = 1.1.5 - 23/06/2021 = - Removed: PHP session = 1.1.4 - 20/06/2021 = - Fixed: Conflict with Gutenberg Editor - Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.1.3 - 15/06/2021 = - Added: Instant Gutenberg Redirect option - Added: Bot Blocker option - Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.1.2 - 07/06/2021 = - Improved: Optimized background process for better performance - Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.1.1 - 24/05/2021 = - Fixed: Database migration issue with version update - Fixed: BetterLinks Import/Export feature not working properly - Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.1.0 - 20/05/2021 = - Added: UTM Builder - Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.0.5 - 07/04/2021 = - Fixed: Redirection not working if shortened URL ends with a β€˜/β€˜ - Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.0.4 - 01/04/2021 = - Fixed: Link categories not updating correctly after deletion - Fixed: Parameter forwarding not working - Fixed: Link order not showing correctly after migrating from Simple 301 Redirects - Improved: URL parsing before redirecting - Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.0.3 - 25/03/2021 = - Added: Migration for Simple 301 Redirects plugin - Tweaked: UI/UX update - Added: Wildcard option - Removed: Blank link showing in the Grid view - Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.0.2 - 24/02/2021 = - Fixed: Analytics not showing instantly after regenerating stats - Fixed: Clicks count not working - Fixed: Most Recent click data not showing at the top in Analytics - Improved: Overall UI/UX - Improved: Migration from Pretty Links - Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.0.1 - 15/01/2021 = - Fixed: Migration not working - Few minor bug fix and improvements = 1.0.0 - 11/01/2021 = - Added: 'List View' to manage links - Added: 'Analytics' Feature - Added: Migration from PrettyLinks - Added: General Settings panel - Improved: optimized code for faster response - Few minor bug fix and improvements = 0.0.1 - 14/01/2021 = * Initial beta release == Upgrade Notice ==