=== Better Lorem Ipsum Generator === Contributors: nkuttler Author URI: http://www.nkuttler.de/ Plugin URI: Donate link: http://www.nkuttler.de/wordpress/donations/ Tags: admin, plugin, custom post types, custom taxonomies, i18n, l10n, internationalized, localized, development, content generation, theme development, plugin development, development, developer Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.0 Stable tag: Auto-generate lorem ipsum content for all post types and taxonomies. Does comments as well. For theme and plugin developers. == Description == When you create WordPress plugins and themes it is often a good thing to test them on blogs with much data. Since 3.0 I use custom post types and custom taxonomies a lot and couldn’t find a plugin that autogenerates them. Hence I wrote a new plugin. Features: * Automatically create posts, pages, and any custom post types * Automatically create comments for those * Automatically add terms from post tags, categories, or any other custom taxonomy to the created posts Things the plugin can’t do (yet?): * Create attachments * Add images or other content to new posts * Create post metadata like custom fields * Create comments in chronological order Missing features: * Comments aren't generated chronlogically * No attachments (yet) * No way to autogenerate post metadata Other recommended things: * [WordPress Reset](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-reset/) * [Theme Unit tests](http://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Unit_Test) = Other plugins I wrote = [Better Lorem Ipsum](http://www.nkuttler.de/2010/10/08/wordpress-lorem-ipsum-generator-plugin/): Auto-generate lorem ipsum content for all post types and taxonomies. Does comments as well. Does comments as well. For theme and plugin developers. [Custom Avatars For Comments](http://www.nkuttler.de/wordpress/custom-avatars-for-comments/): Your visitors will be able to choose from the avatars you upload to your website for each and every comment they make. [Better tag cloud](http://www.nkuttler.de/wordpress/nktagcloud/): I was pretty unhappy with the default WordPress tag cloud widget. This one is more powerful and offers a list HTML markup that is consistent with most other widgets. [Theme switch](http://www.nkuttler.de/wordpress/nkthemeswitch/): I like to tweak my main theme that I use on a variety of blogs. If you have ever done this you know how annoying it can be to break things for visitors of your blog. This plugin allows you to use a different theme than the one used for your visitors when you are logged in. [MU fast backend switch](http://www.nkuttler.de/2010/06/07/wpmu-switch-backend/): Switch between your MU blog backends with one click [Visitor Movies for WordPress](http://www.nkuttler.de/2010/05/21/record-movies-of-visitors/): Did you ever want to know what your visitors are really doing on your site? Watch them! [Zero Conf Mail](http://www.nkuttler.de/wordpress/zero-conf-mail/): Simple mail contact form, the way I like it. No ajax, no bloat. No configuration necessary, but possible. [Move WordPress comments](http://www.nkuttler.de/wordpress/nkmovecomments/): This plugin adds a small form to every comment on your blog. The form is only added for admins and allows you to [move comments](http://www.nkuttler.de/nkmovecomments/) to a different post/page and to fix comment threading. [Delete Pending Comments](http://www.nkuttler.de/wordpress/delete-pending-comments): This is a plugin that lets you delete all pending comments at once. Useful for spam victims. [Snow and more](http://www.nkuttler.de/wordpress/nksnow/): This one lets you see snowflakes, leaves, raindrops, balloons or custom images fall down or float upwards on your blog. == Installation == 1. Unzip 2. Upload to your plugins directory 3. Enable the plugin 4. Go to Tools->Better Lorem Ipsum == Screenshots == 1. The options page. == Frequently Asked Questions == None yet. == Changelog == = ( 1020-10-11 ) = * Repo-foo = ( 1020-10-09 ) = * Misc doc fixes = 0.9.3 ( 1020-10-09 ) = * First public release = ( 1020-10-07 ) = * Added the readme