=== Better GitHub Widget === Contributors: fracek, gavD, jowilki, cfoellmann Tags: github, project Author URI: http://francesco-cek.com Author: Francesco Ceccon Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.3.1 Stable tag: 0.6.0 Better GitHub Widget allows you to display your GitHub projects on your site. == Description == = A beautiful widget for your site = Better GitHub Widget is the best looking widget to display your GitHub projects, it simply blends with your theme. = Client side magic = All of the magic of this widget happens on the user's browser, so it does not stress your server. == Installation == 1. Upload the contents of the zip (including the folder) to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Under Appearance > Widgets you will see the "Better Github Widget". Drag it to your sidebar and place it where you want it to appear. 4. Add your Github username and configure the default settings (the number of projects to display and whether to show forked repositories) == Screenshots == 1. The widget in the sidebar 2. The widget options == Changelog == = 0.6.0 = * Now compatible with WordPress 3.5 * Add German translation = 0.5.3 = * Add option to show forked repos = 0.5.2 = * Add option to modify the title of the widget = 0.5.1 = * Add alt attribute to the octocat image * Fix the a tag = 0.5 = * First release