=== Better Captcha === Contributors: bettersecurity, riklewis Tags: better, security, captcha, hcaptcha, recaptcha, bots Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 5.4 Stable tag: trunk Requires PHP: 5.6 License: GPLv3 License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Stop bad bots from attacking your forms using hCaptcha == Description == This plugin stops bad bots from attacking your forms using hCaptcha (https://bettersecurity.co/hcaptcha/). hCaptcha is a drop-in replacement for Google's reCAPTCHA, but with the added benefit of getting paid for challenges completed. "Private. Secure. Faster. And we pay you to use it." Please note, you will need a free hCaptcha account for this plugin to work.