=== Better Admin Pointers === Contributors: ssuess, Tags: admin pointers, help Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=paypal%40c%2esatoristephen%2ecom&lc=US&item_name=Stephen%20Suess¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 3.9.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Allows creation and placement of Admin Pointers (those little blue help boxes) on any page or post, including custom post types. == Description == This plugin will allow creation of admin pointers on any screen in the WordPress admin area. It creates a custom post type called Pointers to store information. You need to add the following info to make it work: 1. Title - the part in the blue title bar 2. Main content area 3. Pointer id - A unique id so that it can be tracked in the WP DB as dismissed 4. Screen - What page/screen it should appear on 5. Target - CSS id or class we want the pointer to attach to on the screen above 6. Position Edge - Which edge should be adjacent to the target? (left, right, top, or bottom) 7. Position Align - How should the pointer be aligned on this edge, relative to the target? (top, bottom, left, right, or middle) EXAMPLE: Let's say I want to add a pointer on the edit plugin page that tells a user to notice which plugin they are editing. I would use: 1. "Which Plugin am I Editing?" 2. "This is the file you are editing, duh" 3. "ss_editplugs" 4. "plugin-editor" 5. ".fileedit-sub" 6. "top" 7. "right" OPTIONAL: If your pointer is slightly misaligned, no worries. You can use the last 2 fields (Nudge Horizontal and Vertical) to reposition. This plugin leverages the great work done by others here: For configuring metaboxes on the custom post type: https://github.com/WebDevStudios/Custom-Metaboxes-and-Fields-for-WordPress For base class and code to allow pointers to display properly: https://gist.github.com/brasofilo/6947539 == Installation == As always, make a backup of your database first! Upload the folder "better-admin-pointers" to "/wp-content/plugins/" Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress Alternatively, get it through the WP repository by searching for it in the the WP admin panel (Plugins/Add New/Search) == Frequently Asked Questions == = Q: How can I find the screen/page id name to use? = A: This can be easily deduced from looking at the URL in the admin. For regular posts, it would just be "post". For a custom post type, it would be the name of that custom post type (my-custom-post-type). For other pages (like my plugin editor example), it usually works to just remove the ".php" from the end of the url (i.e. "plugin-editor.php" becomes "plugin-editor"). = Q: Is there some handy reference somewhere for the main admin screen ids? = A: You are in luck: = Q: How can I find what to target (i.e. how to know what to put in for target to tell the system where to place my pointers on the page)? = A: Using built in tools in Chrome or Safari or Firefox or Other, right click on the element you want to target, select "Inspect Element" from the contextual menu, then look for the class or id of that item. Note, if it is a class, prepend with a period (.classname) and if it is an ID prepend with a hash (#idname). = Q: How can I target just the "New" post page, and not have my pointer show up on the "Edit" post page? = A: You will find that each type of page has its own base css, so for example if I am wanting to target the Add Media button on just the new post, I would use ".post-new-php #insert-media-button" as my target. = Q: Sometimes the boxes are slightly offset from where I want them, is there any way to correct for that? = A: There is now (as of version 1.2). Use the newly added Nudge Vertical and Nudge Horizontal fields. You can leave these fields blank for default, or use positive or negative numbers only. Don't put any other text in those boxes or bad things may happen. == Screenshots == 1. The config page for my example pointer. 2. The example pointer in action. == Changelog == = Version 1.2 = * NEW FEATURE: Ability to nudge pointer in settings if it isn't sitting exactly in the right place * NEW FEATURE: Added columns to listing page * ALSO: added to FAQ, cleaned up strings = Version 1.1 = Added options page with permissions = Version 1.0.1 = Added FAQ, better explanation strings = Version 1.0 = First Version, awaiting bug reports...