=== Beon Comment Protection === Contributors: dika283 Tags: comment, spam Donate link: beon.co.id Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 4.4 Stable tag: 4.4 License: GPLv2 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Detect the comment which potentially recognized as spam == Description == This plugin's function is to check the IP address of the comment sender, gravatar, comment content. How this plugin works : 1. Getting IP blacklist from stopforumspam.org This step determines the IP is a spammer or not by checking the IP on http://api.stopforumspam.org/api?ip=(the IP sender) using curl. The result will be appear on the form of .txt Non spammer IP will be marked by "no" 2. Validating the gravatar Access http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/(encoded email) Later,you can get the data of the registered email by using curl. 3. Validating the comment content Create hook on 'wp_blacklist_check' to check if the content of the comment contains the word listed on the Comment Blacklist on wp-admin Comment Blacklist is stored on Beon Intermedia's server that is copied on the user's wp-admin. User can add and delete the keyword listed on Comment Blacklist from wp-admin. Meanwhile, user can see only the keyword of Comment Blacklist on http://db1.andhikamw.com/ The updated Comment Blacklist keyword is shown on the column 'update_secure_discussion' of wp-option table After the comment is submitted, the plugin will determine whether the comment is a spammer or not from its IP , gravatar and comment content. Next, this plugin will change automatically the status into approve, moderation, or spam. However, the user can change the default status by himself on wp-admin (sub menu 'Beon Comment Option') as shown on Screenshot_2.png At the end, the plugin will force the default status (generated by the plugin) into the same setting of the wp-admin (managed by user) by using hook 'pre_comment_approved' == Installation == Simply upload all files and folders on the plugin folder == Frequently Asked Questions == = What to concern on this plugin = The most highlighted concern if this plugin is the application of comment status on the comment After submitted, the comment will be directed into these categories : 1. Gravatar = Registered ; IP Sender = Clean and Content = Approved 2. Gravatar = Registered ; IP Sender = Clean and Content = Blocked 3. Gravatar = Registered ; IP Sender = Blocked and Content = Approved 4. Gravatar = Registered ; IP Sender = Blocked and Content = Blocked 5. Gravatar = Unregistered ; IP Sender = Clean and Content = Approved 6. Gravatar = Unregistered ; IP Sender = Clean and Content = Blocked 7. Gravatar = Unregistered ; IP Sender = Blocked and Content = Approved 8. Gravatar = Unregistered ; IP Sender = Blocked and Content = Blocked The plugin's user is able to set those 8 categories on the 'Beon Comment Option' submenu. The change will impact the status of the comment. So, user should keep an eye on the update. However, we have provided some secure status for this plugin's user, the default status are : 1. Gravatar = Registered ; IP Sender = Clean and Content = Approved --> approved 2. Gravatar = Registered ; IP Sender = Clean and Content = Blocked --> moderator 3. Gravatar = Registered ; IP Sender = Blocked and Content = Approved --> spam 4. Gravatar = Registered ; IP Sender = Blocked and Content = Blocked --> spam 5. Gravatar = Unregistered ; IP Sender = Clean and Content = Approved --? approved 6. Gravatar = Unregistered ; IP Sender = Clean and Content = Blocked --> moderator 7. Gravatar = Unregistered ; IP Sender = Blocked and Content = Approved --> spam 8. Gravatar = Unregistered ; IP Sender = Blocked and Content = Blocked --> spam Thus, the newbie user who is too busy to do the configuration will be safe on the comment use. == Screenshots == 1. http://andhikamw.com/wordpress/Screenshot_1.png 2. http://andhikamw.com/wordpress/Screenshot_2.png == Changelog == = 1.1 = * Update appearance plugin page = 1.0 = * The first origin plugin == Upgrade Notice == = 1.1 = Update appearance plugin page = 1.0 = This plugin's user must choose this plugin version since we found nothing to be upgraded for this plugin