The files in this ("/Languages/") folder are created at the same time when plugin package is created. So that means, that any file that are in this folder (or in it sub-folders, if the extensions feature is used), COMES WITH the plugin install package. By keeping that in mind, if you are an translator-only, you DO NOT WANT want to add your own translations to this directory, as they will be lost during plugin updates. Instead, you want store your translations at: a) If plugin is extensions-based: /wp-content/languages//.php (e.g. /wp-content/languages/MunicipalityVoting/en_US.php, when pre-packaged plugin extension language files are located at at /wp-content/plugins/VotingSystem/Languages/MunicipalityVoting/), to keep them safe from loss during updates. b) If plugin is NOT using extensions feature: /wp-content/languages//.php (e.g. /wp-content/languages/InternetVoting/en_US.php, when pre-packaged plugin language files are located at at /wp-content/plugins/InternetVoting/Languages/), to keep them safe from loss during updates. ======================================================================================================================== ======================================================================================================================== ======================================================================================================================== ======================================================================================================================== F.A.Q.: 1. What language file formats are supported to be in this folder (or in external wp-content/languages/ folder)? ===================================== The language files can be in one of two formats: a) Preferred - Unicode CLDR '.php' KEY=>VALUE array-structured language files ( ), that CAN BE EDITED INSTANTLY with any free (i.e. Notepad++) or paid (i.e. PHPStorm IDE). This KEY=>ARRAY method is faster than .PO/.MO files ('when the milliseconds matter') and also it is fully capable to use plugin folder as a 'base' MVC abstraction layer, with ability to use it for UNLIMITED amount of plugin-extensions on that base. Plus CLDR KEY=>VALUE format is directly-compatible with world class-standards of 3rd party well-known libraries, i.e. ISO 3166 Country List, Google's "Lib Phone Number" etc. Also Unicode CLDR is compatible with .PO/.MO structure via transpiler file (see F.A.Q. below for more details). b) Optional - .PO, .MO files, made with Shareware (Paid-Only) PoEditor, that CANNOT BE EDITED INSTANTLY (any .PO/.MO file has to be regenerated), is slower than php KEY=>VALUE arrays, and are not capable to work with plugin-extensions, because the primary language text (usually in English) are always hardcoded straight into Model / Controller / View files and Templates, i.e. "__('Confirm ballot vote')", that makes the plugin almost impossible to translate that into different extensions text. 2. How Unicode CLDR files looks like? ===================================== The "Unicode CLDR Project"-based language file, i.e. "en_US.php" will have the content of: ----------------------------------- return array( 'TEST_BUTTON_LABEL' => 'Test', ..., ); ----------------------------------- In the templates it will get loaded as: And it the Models it will be loaded as: ----------------------------------- lang->getText('TEST_BUTTON_LABEL'); ... ----------------------------------- 3. What are the benefits of Unicode CLDR KEY=>VALUE array-type language files versus .PO/.MO: ===================================== Unicode CLDR KEY=>VALUE array-type language files has the following benefits versus .PO/.MO files: 1) Easier to edit for developers - any developer knows what is array, and they can add / fix / update the language file immediately and absolutely free with any editor they want, i.e. Notepad++. While PO/MO files can be edited only by shareware software, and it requires PO/MO file regeneration = NO instant editing. 2) Via PHP you can also create CLDR .php KEY=>VALUE file parser/generator as same as for PO/MO. 3) PO/MO-only idea is absolutely bad for plugins that works with extension-base. I.e. if you will use __(..) text in all plugin, models, controllers and templates for "Municipality-Voting" case, and you want your plugin to be only a base of "Voting" with two extensions - "Municipality Voting" and "SMS Polls", then with PO/MO-only you just won't be able to have proper translations system at all. While with CLDR .php KEY=>VALUE arrays you can always use abstract versions for keys, i.e. VOTE_BUTTON_LABEL, and define it's exact value in the CLDR language files, that will be different for "Municipality Voting" and "SMS Polls", i.e. "Languages/MunicipalityVoting/en_US.php": ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $lang['VOTE_BUTTON_LABEL'] = 'Confirm ballot vote'; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and "Languages/SMS_Pools/en_US.php": ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $lang['VOTE_BUTTON_LABEL'] = 'Confirm SMS vote'; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4) .php arrays reading is FASTER than .PO/.MO file parsing. As that is another layer of processor. And when milliseconds matters, it does make sense to save them. 5) Event if you use CLDR .php KEY=>VALUE Arrays, you can still go with PO/MO for translations in desired languages, if you want, by just creating a very simple intermediate language file(-s), i.e. 'pt_PT.php' and 'br_BR.php' with content: Then in 'po_MO.php' file you can just use: $lang['VOTE_BUTTON_LABEL'] = __('Confirm ballot vote'); That's it - it is enough that your shareware .PO/.MO software can pick-up all these language lines and create the translation files. 6) Unicode CLDR KEY=>ARRAY value language file are much more cross-platform and cross-system. I.e. if you will want to easily integrate Google PhoneLib, to extract phone details to specific language, or use some world-class libraries i.e. for country list by the country codes - again all they are written in KEY=>VALUE format, and with Unicode CLDR language file format you can run/include them immediately directly into your language file / folder. With .PO/.MO files you just CAN'T DO THAT AT ALL!