=== bbPress Notify (No Spam) === Contributors: useStrict Author URI: http://www.usestrict.net/ Plugin URI: http://usestrict.net/2013/02/bbpress-notify-nospam/ Tags: bbpress, email notification, no spam Requires at least: 3.1 Tested up to: 4.6 Text Domain: bbpress_notify License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Stable tag: 1.14.1 Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=VLQU2MMXKB6S2 == Description == This is a modification of the original bbPress-Notify plugin, after several failed attempts to contact the author requesting that he add the no-spam code to it. I don't like spam. Do you? This plugin integrates into bbPress and sends a notification via e-mail when new topics or replies are posted. It is fully configurable in the bbPress settings. = Settings include = * Override bbPress' core subscription messages with your own; * Notification recipients for new topics; * Notification recipients for new replies; * Notification e-mail's subject and body for both new topics and replies; * Set Background Notifications (to avoid delays in loading pages for large user databases); * Extensible through almost 40 handy actions and filters;
= Premium Add-Ons = = Partnerships = We've made a parnership with ISIPP.com, securing their SuretyMail Email certification (to make sure the email you send gets delivered to the inbox instead of the junk folder) for a fraction of the full price, and without the need to have a dedicated IP. Learn more about it here.
== Installation == 1. Upload the entire plugin folder via FTP to `/wp-content/plugins/`. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 3. Go to the Settings -> Forums and select which roles should get notifications. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Why am I not receiving notifications of a topic/reply that I created? = * As of version 1.9.4, topic/reply authors no longer get notified of their own posts. * Version 1.12 has settings to decide whether authors get notified or not. = Where are the settings? = * All settings are under Admin -> Settings -> Forums -> Email Notifications = Can a user turn off notifications? = * Originally, this plugin was developed to alert Administrators of new topics and replies. After a few iterations, users requested the ability to send messages to other roles, which then could be characterized as spam. To allow your users to opt-out from receiving notifications, please consider purchasing the [Opt-out Add-on](http://usestrict.net/product/bbpress-notify-no-spam-opt-out-add-on/). * As of version 1.12, you can use this plugin with bbPress Forum/Topic subscribers, instead of or in addition to roles. Just turn on the Override option for Forums or Topics. = Does this plugin integrate with BuddyPress Groups? = * Out of the box, no. However, you can get BuddyPress Group notification functionality using our premium [bbpnns/BuddyPress Bridge plugin](http://usestrict.net/product/bbpress-notify-no-spam-buddypress-bridge/). == Screenshots == 1. The settings page 2. Ability to send notification when managing topics/replies in the admin UI == Changelog == = 1.14.1 = * Fix: Mailgun is replacing our multipart/alternative header boundary, so now admins can chose whether to send HTML, Plain Text, or Multipart messages. = 1.14 = * New: WYSIWYG emails, complete with automatic multipart text version for non HTML clients. * New: Added user-name tags support. = 1.13.1 = * Fix: Bad copy/paste on previous commit, which replaced the body with the subject line. = 1.13 = * New: Added tags to get topic and reply author email. = 1.12 = * New: Take over notifications for bbPress' Core Subscriptions * New: Decide whether authors must receive their own notifications or not = 1.11.1 = * ISIPP/SuretyMail partnership announcement. = 1.11 = * Added: calling set_time_out(0) if doing cron. This should help people who are not getting all mailouts sent due to too many recipients. = 1.10 = * Minor bug fix: [topic-forum] and [reply-forum] tags were missing from list of available tags, although functionality was fine. * Add: [topic-url] is now available in replies, too. = 1.9.4 = * New Feature: No longer add topic/reply author to the recipient list. = 1.9.3 = * Fix: Replace mb_internal_encoding() with iconv_get_encoding() as at least one host didn't have mb_string enabled. * Add: Admin option to enable or disable Subject line encoding. Admin -> Settings -> Forums -> E-mail Notifications -> Encode Topic and Reply Subject line. * Add: uninstaller. = 1.9.2 = * Fix filters bbpnns_filter_email_subject_in_build and bbpnns_filter_email_body_in_build to pass $type and $post_id = 1.9.1 = * New action: bbpnns_email_failed_single_user, allows for better handling of failed emails. Params: $user_info, $filtered_subject, $filtered_body, $recipient_headers * New action: bbpnns_before_wp_mail, executed immediately before wp_mail() call. Params: $user_info, $filtered_subject, $filtered_body, $recipient_headers * New action: bbpnns_after_wp_mail, executed immediately after wp_mail() call. Params: $user_info, $filtered_subject, $filtered_body, $recipient_headers = 1.9 = * New Filter: bbpnns_skip_notification * New Filter: bbpnns_available_tags * New Action: bbpnns_after_email_sent_single_user * New Action: bbpnns_after_email_sent_all_users * Change: Only filter subject and body if user is OK to receive message * Change: Reduce DB calls by one per user * Change: stop using PHP4-style pass-by-reference. PHP5 always passes by reference now. * Change: Improve Encoding of subject line = = * Fix: added a workaround for emails with UTF-8 Characters in the subject line that weren't being sent. = 1.8.2 = * Added: support for people using wpMandrill and getting emails without newlines. We turn on nl2br momentarily while sending out our emails. This option can be overridden by using the filter 'bbpnns_handle_mandrill_nl2br'. = 1.8.1 = * Fix: no longer return if wp_mail fails for a given email address. This was an issue for people using wpMandrill with an address in the blacklist. = 1.8 = * New Filter: bbpnns_post_status_blacklist * New Filter: bbpnns_post_status_whitelist * New Action: bbpnns_before_topic_settings * New Action: bbpnns_after_topic_settings * New Action: bbpnns_after_reply_settings * New Action: bbpnns_register_settings = 1.7.3 = * Remove admin message as it's not getting dismissed properly. * Update tested up to. = 1.7.2 = * Fix parameters for 'bbp_new_reply' filter * Added call to 'bbp_get_reply_forum_id()' in case the forum_id was blank (should no longer happen with 'bbp_new_reply' filter fix) = 1.7.1 = * Notify about existence of Opt-Out add-on = 1.7 = * Added support for Opt-Out add-on * Added labels to all input fields = 1.6.7 = * Added support for tags [topic-forum], and [reply-forum]. ([Towfiq I.](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/feature-forum-name-in-email)) = = * Removed Pro message. = 1.6.6 = * Added subject filter in _build_email: bbpnns_filter_email_subject_in_build * Added body filter in _build_email: bbpnns_filter_email_body_in_build * Renamed filter: bbpnns-filter-recipients => bbpnns_filter_recipients_before_send * Renamed filter: bbpnns-filter-email-subject => bbpnns_filter_email_subject_for_user * Renamed filter: bbpnns-filter-email-body => bbpnns_filter_email_body_for_user = 1.6.5 = * Added user-contributed filters: bbpress_reply_notify_recipients, and bbpress_topic_notify_recipients = 1.6.4 = * Added filters: bbpnns-filter-recipients, bbpnns-filter-email-subject, and bbpnns-filter-email-body = = * Fixed: buggy dismiss link in previous commit. = 1.6.3 = * Added notice about bbPress Notify Pro project at Kickstarter. = 1.6.2 = * Fix bug where topic and reply post_types were not set in time to send post. * Only send notification if post_status is publish, besides not being spam. * Adjustments to notify_on_save * Added tests for notify_on_save = 1.6.1 = * Passing $post_id and $title variables to filters added in 1.6. = 1.6 = * Added support for filters 'bbpnns_topic_url', 'bbpnns_reply_url', and 'bbpnns_topic_reply' = 1.5.5 = * Improved Tests * Renamed some variables. = 1.5.4 = * Fix: Make sure bbPress is installed and avoid race conditions when loading. = 1.5.3 = * Fix: corrected missing newlines in topic/reply content email. = 1.5.2 = * Fix: admin-only emails not working due to missed boolean casting. = 1.5.1 = * Fixed bug, 'hidden forum override reply' setting not registered * Added filters: bbpnns_skip_topic_notification, bbpnns_skip_reply_notification, bpnns_excerpt_size, bbpnns_extra_headers = 1.5 = * Added override option to only send emails to Admins in case a Forum is hidden. * Added tests = 1.4.2 = * Tweak: make sure we have unique recipients. In some installs, duplicate emails were being sent. = 1.4.1 = * Fixed: preg_replace error in some installs. = 1.4 = * Fixed: Strict notices. * Added: Settings link in Plugins page. * Added: Logging failed wp_mail call. * Added: Option to send notifications when adding/updating a topic or reply in the admin. * Added: Enforce replacement of
tags for newlines. = 1.3 = * New: Added background notifications = 1.2.2 = * Fixed: bug that was sending emails to everyone if no role was saved. * Fixed: no longer using 'blogadmin' as default, but 'administrator' upon install. = 1.2.1 = * Added back old plugin deactivation * Bug fix for topic author not displaying when anonymous by Rick Tuttle = 1.2 = * Improved role handling by Paul Schroeder. = 1.1.2 = * Fixed edge case where user doesn't select any checkbox in recipients list. * Array casting in foreach blocks. = 1.1.1 = * Fixed load_plugin_textdomain call. = 1.1 = * Fixed methods called as functions. = 1.0 = * No-spam version forked. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.11 = Added code to help stop timeouts during cron for people who have huge recipient lists.