=== bbPress Notifications === Contributors: dfactory Donate link: http://www.dfactory.eu/ Tags: bbpress, bbp, forum, forums, email, notify, notification, notifications, topic, reply, plugin, plugins Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 3.5.2 Stable tag: License: MIT License License URI: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT bbPress Notifications allows you to automatically send email notifications to specific users when new topics or replies are posted. == Description == [bbPress Notifications](http://www.dfactory.eu/plugins/bbpress-notifications/) allows you to automatically send email notifications to specific users when new topics or replies are posted. It integrates seamlessly into WP, by adding new section to bbPress settings page, where you can configure your notifications. For more information, check out plugin page at [dFactory](http://www.dfactory.eu/) or plugin [support forum](http://www.dfactory.eu/support/forum/bbpress-notifications/). = Features include: = * Send notification when New Topic is published * Send notification when New Reply is published * Specify email addresses for notifications * Design email templates with a number of shortcodes * Available shortcodes: [blogname], [reply-title], [reply-content], [reply-excerpt], [reply-url], [reply-author], [topic-title], [topic-url], [topic-author] * .pot file for translations included == Installation == 1. Install bbPress Notifications either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 1. Go to the Forum menu is Settings and set your email notifications. == Screenshots == 1. screenshot-1.png == Changelog == = 1.0.1 = * Tweak: Confirmed WordPress 3.5.2 support * Tweak: Modified default settings for message content = 1.0.0 = Initial release == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0.1 = Confirmed WordPress 3.5.2 support