=== bbpress-loadmore-topics === Contributors: ckchaudhary Donate link: http://webdeveloperswall.com/contact-us Tags: bbpress,bbpress load more, bbpress loadmore Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 4.1 Stable tag: 1.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Load more topics with ajax == Description == Add a 'load-more' button in topics archive. On click of it, new topics are appended at the end of topics list. The plugin has no setting, check the 'Installation' screen for more information. == Installation == Install the plugin like you'd [install any wordpress plugin](http://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins). The plugin will automatically add a loadmore button at the bottom of topics list. +++++++++++++++++ **Important:-** If you are updating from old version of this plugin, chances are you might get 2 'load more' buttons. In that case: 1. You can either remove the function call from your template file(which you'd have done earlier) 2. Or, you can put the following code in your functions.php *`remove_action( "bbp_template_after_topics_loop", "bbpresslmt_loadmore_button" );`* +++++++++++++++++ In case, 'load more' button is not added automatically, you can put following code in bbpress template file called loop-topics.php, *` `* preferably inside `
  • ` or `
  • ` or `