=== baidu-ping-booster === Contributors: same2cool Donate link: http://www.getacho.com Tags: Baidu, ping, booster, baidu seo, baidu ping, baidu plugin Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 3.5.1 Stable tag: Baidu, SEO, Ping, Ping License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html **Baidu Ping Booster** will ping your activities (Post, Upload, update, modify) to Baidu Search Engine itself. == Description == [Baidu Search Engine](http://www.baidu.com/) is counted in popular search engines in China. China is the largest population country in the world. We should not ignore it. Baidu Ping Booster will increase your Baidu SEO for your WP blogs, you can get more traffic from China. Baidu Ping Booster will update your activites like your posts, your images, your pics, your documents to Baidu. == Installation == 1. Upload `baidu-ping-booster.zip` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Enjoy == Frequently asked questions == = How to use it? = Just Active the Plugin, it will ping your updates to Baidu Seach Engines itself. = Would I need to submit site in Baidu? = Yes You need to submit your site into Baidu. = How to submit website in Baidu? = You need to make an account in Baidu Web Master and submit your site into Baidu just like Google Web Masters. = Is Baidu powerful Search Engine For SEO? = Yes Baidu is powerful search engine for china traffic. We can not ignore it, because China is the Largest population country in the world. = What is Baidu Web Master URL = http://zhanzhang.baidu.com/ It is Baidu Web Master URL = Baidu Website Submission Procedure? = 1. Sign Up 2. Confirmation by email 3. Sign in 4. upload Confirmation file or add meta tag 5. submit your robots.txt file = Should I need to submit XML sitemap? = No Need to submit that, Baidu will locate it itself. == Need Baidu SEO == For *Baidu SEO* Contact to [Getacho Company](http://www.getacho.com).