=== BadgeOS === Contributors: credly, webdevstudios, williamsba1, rzen, jtsternberg, ryanduff, Messenlehner, LisaSabinWilson Donate link: http://badgeos.org/contribute/donate/ Tags: badge, badges, openbadges, credly, OBI, mozilla, open badges, achievement, award, reward, engagement, submission, nomination, API, open credit, credit Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 3.5.1 Stable tag: 1.0.1 License: GNU AGPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html Easily create badges and set up the steps and achievements users complete to earn them. Badges are Mozilla OBI compatible and sharable via Credly. == Description == [BadgeOS](http://badgeos.org "BadgeOS")™ turns your WordPress site into an achievement and badging system. Your site's users complete steps, demonstrate skills and knowledge, and earn digital badges. Easily define the achievements, organize the badge requirements any way you like, and choose from and combine a range of assessment options to determine whether each task or requirement has been achieved. Create badges and set up the achievements to earn them. Badges are Mozilla OBI compatible and sharable via [Credly](https://credly.com/ "Credly.com"), the free web service for recognizing and displaying lifelong achievement. BadgeOS is extremely powerful and infinitely extensible. Check out some of the out-of-the-box features: **Many ways to define achievements and give badges** * Reviewed submissions * Auto-approving submissions * Nominations and review * Site activity (triggers based on commenting and logging in to your site) * Completing specific other achievements one or a specific number of times * Completing one, select or all achievements of a specific type * Point thresholds * Admin Given Badges **Define an Unlimited Number of Achievement Types** * Create as many types of achievement as you like * Name achievement types whatever you wish * Easily define how they relate to one another using the 'Required Steps' tool * Set default images for each achievement type or select unique images for every achievement item. **Sharable Badges with Credly Integration** * Badges are Mozilla Open Badge (OBI) compatible through [integration](http://badgeos.org/about/credly-integration/ "Credly Integration") of the "Open Credit" API by [Credly](https://credly.com/ "Credly.com"), the free web service for issuing, earning and sharing badges. * Connect your Credly account to your BadgeOS site and voila! You're using WordPress to issue "Open Badges" that can be displayed virtually anywhere. * Badges you create in BadgeOS automatically appear and update on Credly * Use Credly iOS app to issue badges you created on your WordPress site. * As badges are earned on WordPress, they can be automatically sent to Credly for easy sharing on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Mozilla Backpack, the earner's own web site, blog, or Credly profile. **'Required Steps' Manager** * Simple yet powerful admin interface for defining the "Required Steps" for any badge or achievement. * Easily link together one or more triggers, steps or actions into the conditions needed to earn a badge or mark an achievement. **Reward User Progress** * Issue badges for any combination of achievements * Award points for commenting, logging in, making submissions, completing tasks **View and Issue your BadgeOS badges via iOS Mobile App** * Badges created in BadgeOS are immediately available on the Credly iOS mobile app (with free Credly integration enabled). * Create badges in WordPress, and then issue them from your iPhone! * BadgeOS badge earners can receive, accept, view and share their badges from the iOS app (with their profile set to receive badges via Credly). * Credly app's "ID Card" view essentially turns a BadgeOS badge into an "access pass" for face-to-face activities. **Earned Badges Widget** * Shows logged in users what badges they have earned. * Set the parameters for the widget to decide how many recent badges to display. * Members can share their badges right from the widget to their Credly profile and off to their linked social networks or Mozilla Backpack. **Theme Agnostic & Shortcodes** * BadgeOS works with just about any standard WordPress theme. * No special hooks or theme updates are needed. * Just activate BadgeOS and place the simple shortcode on any page or post * And you've got an engagement management system running on your WordPress site! **Submission and Nomination Review** * Easily review submissions and nominations from members. * Approve or deny submissions with one click * Add comments to engage the member and elaborate on your decisions. * Optional notification emails inform you when people on your site have made submissions or nominated peers. = Extensibility and BadgeOS Add-ons = * BadgeOS is designed to be a true operating system for turning any WordPress site into an engagement management application. * Built with expandability in mind to allow virtually anything to trigger and recognize achievement. * BadgeOS plans to release a range of Add-Ons to the plugin that enhance core functionality with specialized functions. * Check out some of the [BadgeOS customizations](http://badgeos.org/services/badgeos-customization/ "We'll help you customize your BadgeOS site") we've already implemented to get a sense for what you might expect. = Stay Connected / Helpful Links = BadgeOS is made available by [Credly, LLC](https://credly.com/ "Credly web site"). Here are some ways to stay connected and to see what else we are up to: * [BadgeOS.org](http://badgeos.org/ "BadgeOS web site") - Contact Us, Video Tutorials, Examples, News * [Credly.com](https://credly.com/ "Credly web site") - Recognize, manage and share lifelong achievement * [Credly Knowledgebase](http://support.credly.com/ "Credly FAQ and Support") - Credly FAQ * [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/Credly "Credly on Facebook") - Credly on Facebook * [Twitter](https://twitter.com/credly "Credly on Facebook") - Credly Tweets * [E-Mailing List](http://badgeos.org/join-list/ "BadgeOS Occasional Mailing List - No spam!") - Occasional updates via e-mail * [GitHub](https://github.com/opencredit/badgeos "BadgeOS on GitHub") - Report issues, contribute code = License Info = Credly, LLC licenses BadgeOS to you under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation. There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, at [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html "License") for more details. == Installation == 1. Upload 'badgeos' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Visit the BadgeOS menu to add Badges and set up new Achievement Types. 4. Enter Credly credentials for the badge Issuer in the Credly Integration settings to enable badge sharing. (First get free account at Credly.com if you do not have one.) 5. Visit the Help/Support section of the BadgeOS menu for shortcodes to turn any page or post on your site into a BadgeOS list of available achievements and badges. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Any ideas for making badge images? = Yes! You can start at [Credly.com](https://credly.com/ "Badge Builder Tool") and use the badge builder there to create beautiful looking badges. = Can you help us design custom badge images? = Yes, our designers are available to create custom badges that represent your brand, the kind of achievements you recognize, and the audience you are reaching. From a single badge to a complete constellation, our team of professional badge designers get to know your needs through a tested Badge Design Process which consistently produces successful and delightful results. See examples and learn more at: [http://badgeos.org/services/badge-design/](http://badgeos.org/services/badge-design/ "Badge Design") = Do you offer services to help us design, build or customize our BadgeOS site? = Yes, we do. We especially enjoy working on innovative projects with forward-thinking teams extending achievement recognition into new environments and surfacing achievement in new ways. See [examples](http://badgeos.org/about/sample-sites/ "Sample pojects") and learn more at: [http://badgeos.org/services/badgeos-customization/](http://badgeos.org/services/badgeos-customization/ "BadgeOS Customization"). = Where should I report issues or bugs? = The ideal place for bug and issue reporting is on the [GitHub](https://github.com/opencredit/badgeos "BadgeOS on GitHub") site for the BadgeOS project. = Where should I contribute code back to the project? = Thanks for asking! Please do share back code modifications or enhancements you make for inclusion in BadgeOS core or as add-ons. (Functions that are specialized for just some users are likely best as add-on plugins to BadgeOS. We can help figure that out with you.) Visit us on [GitHub](https://github.com/opencredit/badgeos "BadgeOS on GitHub") to share your code with the BadgeOS community. = Credly is really cool. How can I learn more about it? = [Credly](https://credly.com/ "Credly web site") is the universal way to recognize, store and share life's achievements. We've integrated Credly into BadgeOS because it's downright the easiest, most fun way to collect evidence of all your achievements in one place and then share them out when and where it matters most. There are a rapidly growing number of platforms and apps that are using the Credly "Open Credit" API to enable sharable badges; the BadgeOS WordPress integration is just one great example! Visit us [Credly.com](https://credly.com "Credly on the Web") to learn more or [contact](https://credly.com/contact "Contact us") us for guidance with using the free Open Credit API in your own projects or applications. == Screenshots == 1. Example of multiple methods for awarding and defining achievements 2. Use BadgeOS to create an unlimited number of achievement types, and easily define how they relate to one another. 3. Earned badges on your BadgeOS site are "Open Badges" that are sharable via Credly to virtually any social network, site, blog or the Mozilla Backpack. 4. BadgeOS gives you a simple yet powerful admin interface for defining the "Required Steps" for any badge or achievement. 5. BadgeOS shortcodes make it easy to turn any WordPress page into an achievements page, regardless of the theme you are using. == Changelog == = 1.0.1 = * Fix: The "Award an Achievement" section on the User Profile page now grabs the appropriate custom post type slugs. * Fix: Updated an incorrectly named function. * Fix: Stop completed filter from showing all achievements if no achievements have been completed * Updated: Achievement display and awarding UI improvement. * Updated: [badgeos_achievements_list] shortcode now supports show_filter and show_search attributes = 1.0 = * BadgeOS says "hello world", earns "Hello World" badge. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0.1 = * Fix: The "Award an Achievement" section on the User Profile page now grabs the appropriate custom post type slugs. * Fix: Updated an incorrectly named function. * Fix: Stop completed filter from showing all achievements if no achievements have been completed * Updated: Achievement display and awarding UI improvement. * Updated: [badgeos_achievements_list] shortcode now supports show_filter and show_search attributes = 1.0 = * Initial release