=== Plugin Name === Contributors: wenzizone Tags: backto, back to top, go to top, top of page, wenzizone Requires at least: 3.2.1 Tested up to: 3.3.1 Stable tag: 1.3 Back To Top == Description == 在页面的左侧或者右侧创建一个“返回顶部”的按钮,使用“返回顶部”按钮,可以方便快捷平滑的返回到blog的顶部。 == Installation ==


  1. 下载并解压
  2. 将此文件夹上传到Wordpress的插件目录:'Wordpress根目录/wp-content/plugins/'。
  3. 在后台的插件管理处激活。
== Screenshots ==
  1. `/tags/1.0/Screenshots/screenshot-1.png`
  2. `/tags/1.0/Screenshots/screenshot-2.png`
== Changelog == = 1.3 = * 轻微调整“返回顶部”按钮,修改了部分css = 1.2 = * 美化了“返回顶部”按钮 = 1.1 = * fix dir bug = 1.0 = * first version release