=== Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce | WooCommerce Waitlist Pro === Contributors: codewoogeek Tags: woocommerce, waitlist, out of stock, email, notification Donate link: https://codewoogeek.online Requires at least: 4.7 Tested up to: 5.6 Requires PHP: 5.6 Stable tag: trunk License: GPL-3.0+ License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt Automatically send mails to your subscribers when Product Back In Stock - Supported Product Types are Simple,Variable,Grouped,Simple Subscription and Variable Subscription. == Description == [Live Demo](https://demo.codewoogeek.online/back-in-stock-notifier-for-woocommerce/) Back In Stock Notifier is a WooCommerce Waitlist Pro Plugin which displays the Email Subscription form in frontend when a product is Out of Stock. When Product Back in Stock, this plugin will notifies the subscribers by email in a background process. Many of the existing plugins are loop through the subscribers to send mail so here there is many chance it will either fail/timeout. This plugin is designed to overcome this problem by sending a mail using background process, so that it will not fail till the completion of loop, by this you can turn your subscribers to customers. == Supported Product Types of WooCommerce == We designed this product to manage subscribers in one place and what happen if we send instock mail for 10000+ subscribers, definitely server will crash or timeout issue/sometime duplicate mail to be sent to the subscribers. We designed this plugin to overcome this situation by sending a mail in a background means asynchronous way so that mail will be sent to the respective user without any issue. == Features == == Extensions == We keep support this plugin based on our paid extensions. Anyone can afford to buy our extensions as it is only $5.00 and it can be used for your unlimited sites(we don't have any restrictions). Our Add-ons will add value to the core product. Listed Extensions is not mandatory to use but we recommend to buy all this extensions.
  1. WPML - Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce | WooCommerce Waitlist Pro - $5.00
  2. Unsubscribe - Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce | WooCommerce Waitlist Pro - $5.00
  3. Ban Emails - Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce | WooCommerce Waitlist Pro - $5.00
  4. Export CSV - Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce | WooCommerce Waitlist Pro - $5.00
  5. Custom CSS - Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce | WooCommerce Waitlist Pro - $5.00
  6. Bundle Add-ons(All Add-ons with discounted price) - Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce | WooCommerce Waitlist Pro - $20.00
  7. and more coming soon
  [WPML - Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce | WooCommerce Waitlist Pro - $5.00](https://codewoogeek.online/shop/back-in-stock-notifier/wpml/) This Addon is based on WPML, for sending a mail to your subscribed user based on their language will has more potential rather than sending from site language. If you are already using WPML then you already knows the pros. After activation, this plugin will register admin_texts_cwginstocksettings for string translation. Then we pick the subscriber current language, check the translated text available for that language and finally we mail to the corresponding user. This Addon is necessary when you want to make use of WPML. [Unsubscribe - Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce | WooCommerce Waitlist Pro - $5.00](https://codewoogeek.online/shop/back-in-stock-notifier/unsubscribe/) If you subscribed wrongly to the product/someone wrongly subscribed to the product without your notice, using this addon anytime that user can unsubscribe from the list. For All Members(guests as well) Success Subscriber mail will have unsubscribe link (using our shortcode). For members they can anytime unsubscribe from their my account which has subscribed lists. [Ban Emails - Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce | WooCommerce Waitlist Pro - $5.00](https://codewoogeek.online/shop/back-in-stock-notifier/ban-emails/) This Add-on gives great value to the core and it blocks disposable email domains/public email domains also specific email addresses. Website like mailinator etc.. will allow to create the email and subscribe to the product and hence this will give one more check with email address to avoid fake domains being subscribed. [Export CSV - Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce | WooCommerce Waitlist Pro - $5.00](https://codewoogeek.online/shop/back-in-stock-notifier/export-csv/) Export your subscriber lists to CSV data, where it can be used for your records/you can use those email ids for promotional emails/ subscribe to the newsletter etc. As soon as the plugin active Export CSV button will appear above the list table of Subscribers and by click the button will export the csv data [Custom CSS - Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce | WooCommerce Waitlist Pro - $5.00](https://codewoogeek.online/shop/back-in-stock-notifier/custom-css/) Everyone want to customize their subscriber form, by the way they want an easy method to design. Using this Addon we designed the settings to customize the subscriber form like Color/Size/ and with Custom CSS. This addon will very much helpful to others without customize css files. [Bundle Add-ons(All 5 Add-ons with discounted price) + Future any New Add-ons - Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce | WooCommerce Waitlist Pro - $20.00](https://codewoogeek.online/shop/back-in-stock-notifier-bundle-add-ons/) Some people need few add-ons and some people need all add-ons, so for them we created bundle add-ons with discounted price(5 Add-ons x 5$ = 25$) which is only $20 for all five add-ons + any new add-ons(future), this will also has unlimited license with premium support. == Support == You can contact us via support Forum of WordPress or by creating a support ticket from our site [https://codewoogeek.online/](https://codewoogeek.online/) == Installation == = Minimum Requirements = * PHP version 5.2.4 or greater (PHP 5.6 or greater is recommended) * MySQL version 5.0 or greater (MySQL 5.6 or greater is recommended) * WooCommerce 3.0+ * WordPress 4.7+ = Automatic installation = Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of Back In Stock Notifier, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New. In the search field type “Back In Stock Notifier” and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found our plugin with author codewoogeek you can view details about it such as the point release, rating and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking “Install Now”. = Manual installation = The manual installation method involves downloading our plugin and uploading it to your webserver via your favourite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains [instructions on how to do this here](https://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins#Manual_Plugin_Installation). == Frequently Asked Questions == = Difference between this plugin and other similar plugins? = Actually we sync and send the email to your subscribers in a background process and hence server crash or timeout will be ignored using our plugin, and the sent rate will be 99.99% = How to import subscribers data to my new site? = You can do this by native way of wordpress, go to Admin Dashboard -> Tools -> Export -> Subscribers -> Download Export File(xml), then later you can import that into your new site by visiting Admin Dashboard -> Tools -> Import -> Upload Downloaded XML file and Finish Import, now you've successfully migrated subscribers data. = Something went wrong error upon subscription? = Actually the main cause may be from your cache, where nonce also cached by your cache plugin, we suggest you to set the timeout for cache in your cache plugin settings to avoid this kind of issue, also we have alternate verification by Google reCAPTCHA v2 Checkbox with server side validation, this will validate response of google reCAPTCHA instead of WP Nonce(many people mentioned this option sort out the issue). = My site is behind BasicAuth will your plugin works? = By default if your site behind BasicAuth then our plugin won't work is because we completely rely on HTTP API and WP Cron, but here there are some workaround solution which we listed here [Click here to know more ](https://codewoogeek.freshdesk.com/solution/articles/36000179785-back-in-stock-notifier-for-woocommerce-basicauth) = How to disable mail for subscription and instock notification? = We have the settings to disable each mail individually, see the latest screenshot or checkout our demo page [https://demo.codewoogeek.online/back-in-stock-notifier-for-woocommerce/](https://demo.codewoogeek.online/back-in-stock-notifier-for-woocommerce/) = How to troubleshoot if the mail was not sent? = We use WooCommerce function to send mail hence if you face any problem then most likely the same will applicable for woocommerce order email, please check if your mail server has some problem, can be confirm by installing smtp related plugins. [https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-wp-smtp/](https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-wp-smtp/) = What is meant by Background Process Engine in settings page? = We send mail in a background process(queue process) and both option is doing the same process, if you choose WooCommerce Background Process you can see the detailed status about the background process in WooCommerce-> Status -> Scheduled Actions Tab, so in default you cannot track the background process activities but result are same. = Fully Compatible with Product Bundle of WooCommerce? Can you please explain the flow? = When Bundle Product(s)/any of Bundle Items was out of stock our Subscribe Form shows automatically in frontend, when any of the bundled items back in stock we automatically detect the list of bundle products where the item linked and fetch the subscribers belongs to the bundled products(we even check the bundle product and items is in stock ) and send a mail in background process. = Do you accept feature requests for this plugin? = We accept your valuable feedback to ensure our product to be updated with loads of features, hence please let us know if you have any = Do you accept any customization work with respect to this plugin? = Yes we accept customization work with respect to any WordPress/WooCommerce Plugins or Themes. == Screenshots == 1. Subscriber Lists Backend 2. Back In Stock Notifier Backend Settings 3. Subscriber Form Frontend 4. Success Subscription Email 5. Success Instock Mail == Changelog == Version 1.10.1 on 26th February 2021 Fix: Call to undefined member function is_type() on bool upon using WP All Import Plugin Tweak: Improvement made two tier verification of nonce Tweak: Changed default Background Process engine to WooCommerce Background Process(for new installation) New: Compatible with WooCommerce v5.0 Version 1.10.0 on 15th December 2020 Tweak: Nonce Validation Improvement to avoid Something went wrong error New: Compatible with WooCommerce v4.8.0 New: POT File added instead of po file, now admin can create po files from POT template file Version 1.9.9 on 12th May 2020 New: Fully Compatible with WooCommerce Product Bundle[https://woocommerce.com/products/product-bundles/](https://woocommerce.com/products/product-bundles/) Version 1.9.8 on 04th May 2020 Fix: Email Address not empty error even input field has email address(More than one subscribe form in page cause this kind of error) Fix: Subscribe Form duplication upon variation selection(this happen on some theme) Version 1.9.7 on 21th April 2020 Fix: contextual_help deprecated warning after upgrade wordpress Fix: undefined index warning enable_success_sub_mail and enable_instock_mail when that mailing option was unchecked Tweak: Improved default email message New: Tested with WooCommerce 4.0 and WordPress 5.4 Version 1.9.6 on 11th February 2020 Fix: Conflict with third party admin side plugins because of our admin scripts and styles. Tweak: Added current screen id in admin side to load our scripts and styles only on required places. Version 1.9.5 on 23rd January 2020 New: Tested with WooCommerce Version 3.9 Tweak: Allow target attribute in anchor tag , previously it was removed because of sanitization Version 1.9.4 on 20th January 2020 New: Background Process Engine Option(one is default Background Process and Another is WooCommerce Background Process) in Settings Page New: Bulk Option added for to send email Tweak: Manual In stock Notification now will update subscriber status based on email response. Version 1.9.3 on 10th January 2020 Tweak: Enhanced Security for settings options by sanitization Version 1.9.2 on 06th January 2020 New: Option added to not overwrite theme configuration for disabled variations New: Minified JS and CSS Version 1.9.1 on 06th November 2019 New: Visibility Subscribe Form based on Product Tag New: {product_image} shortcode added to show corresponding product image, you can also define the size in shortcode like {product_image=thumbnail}, accepted values are thumbnail/medium/large/ 300x200(any width and height value) New: Tested with WooCommerce Version 3.8 Fix: Fatal error Undefined function is_product() when conflict with third party plugins(WooCommerce Boost sales) Version 1.9 on 29th October 2019 New: Google reCAPTCHA v2 Response verify it in Server Side(as an option - this will ignore WP Nonce Validation) Tweak: Dev API added to customize RAW Subject and Message for Email Version on 13th October 2019 Fix: Duplicate Meta "cwg_total_subscribers" generated for products Version 1.8.5 on 10th October 2019 Fix: Debug Error upon Subscribe from Frontend Fix: Allow Sync Variation to Variable Product for Instock Notification when variable product has only one variation Version 1.8.4 on 3rd October 2019 New: Subscribers Count Column in Product List Table(Admin) including sorting - Feature helps to restock product on priority Fix: Mail sent to all Variations instead of corresponding variation Fix: Removed unwanted codes from core Version 1.8.3 on 16th September 2019 New: Ignore WooCommerce Out of Stock Visibility settings for Variations as an option in our settings page New: [Compatible with WPC Product Bundle Plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woo-product-bundle/) Version 1.8.2 on 2nd September 2019 New: Bulk Update Option added for mark the status New: SKU Shortcode added in email Tweak: Changed the capabilities from manage_options to manage_woocommerce for admin menu Version 1.8.1 on 14th August 2019 New: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.7 Minor Fix: Debug Warning upon filter products in subscriber list table Minor Tweak: Moved calling product permalink function as a api Version 1.8 on 29th July 2019 New: Shortcode for Product Name {only_product_name} (to skip product id/sku from product name) New: Option to Hide subscribe form on sale price/regular price out of stock products Tweak: Removed unwanted codes from core file Fix: No Notification trigger when you manage stock from product level of variation Version on 24th June 2019 Tweak: [Compatible with Kadence Email Designer](https://wordpress.org/plugins/kadence-woocommerce-email-designer/) Version 1.7.5 on 06th June 2019 Tweak: Unwanted Email Headers part removed from core(as it is already exists in WooCommerce Mail Function) Fix: Debug Warning in Logger Version 1.7.4 on 2nd June 2019 Fix: Variable Product Add to cart Disable Problem after update to 1.7.3 Version 1.7.3 on 1st June 2019 New: GDPR Compliance I Agree Checkbox for Subscriber Form Tweak: Altered code of email part to load header and footer template Tweak: Altered shortcode function to load SKU along with Product Name Fix: Altered code to load reCaptcha only when that settings option enabled Version 1.7.2 Fix: Conflict with Yith Gift Card Plugin (Free Version) Version 1.7.1 New: {product_link} shortcode added Fix: Apostrophe Problem in Settings Field Version 1.7 New: Hide Subscribe form for Members New: Show/Hide Subscribe Form for Specific Products and Categories Fix: Fatal Error in subscriber list upon deletion(permanently) of simple products Version 1.6.3 New: View Subscribers Count with Hyperlink in Products New: Sorting Option for Product based on Product ID New: Enable Disabled Variations (in some theme(ex:shopkeeper theme, etc) out of stock variation was disabled by default) Tweak: Enhanced Filter by Products with Variable Product(If it is variable product then all variations belongs to variable product will be listed) Version 1.6.2 New: Filter by Products Option Added in Backend to filter more than one specific products. Version 1.6.1 Fix: Fatal Error in Subscriber Lists when corresponding WooCommerce Product Deleted Tweak: Enhanced code to check whether WooCommerce is active or not Version 1.6 Fix: Instock Variation Conflict Fix: Undefined Index Warning in admin settings page Tweak: Troubleshoot Settings added for to tackle subscriber form breaks/input field overlap Tweak: Moved Inline CSS to External CSS Version 1.5.8 Fix: Google reCAPTCHA site key value not properly linked Version 1.5.7 Fix: Bootstrap CSS Conflict Fix: Undefined Index in Google reCAPTCHA site key field Version 1.5.6 New: Google reCAPTCHA added to subscribe form and customize from settings page New: Send subscribe email copy to specific email ids (Ex: If admin/shop owner want to receive email) Fix: Enhanced code to avoid JS Conflict Fix: Break Theme Editor when plugin is active Version 1.5.5 Fix: GDPR Include File Missed Version 1.5.4 New: GDPR Support Export/Erase Personal Data Version 1.5.3 Tweak: Subscribe Form Display by default on no variation Variable Product Version 1.5.2 New: Option to show Subscribe Form on Back Order Tweak: Added WooCommerce Compatibility 2.6.x Version 1.5.1 Fix: Bootstrap JS Conflict Tweak: Code Improvement for enqueue script Version 1.5 Fix: Bootstrap CSS override Theme CSS Tweak: Code Revamped Tweak: Block UI for only subscribe box instead of page New: Quick View Compatibility Version 1.4 Fix: Debug Notice - session had already been started - ignoring session_start() Tweak: Added Quick Links to Settings Page in Plugin Actions Version 1.3 New: Subscriber Bubble Count in Admin Menu Version 1.2 Fix: CSS Override Fix: Block UI keep loading issue on subscribe Version 1.1 New: Form Visibility for Guests Version 1.0 - Initial Release