=== BabelZ - Google Translate Widget === Contributors: Gorkfu Donate link: https://www.rswr.net/donate/ Tags: babel fish, babelfish, translate, translation, google translate, google translation, google translator Requires at least: 2.7 Tested up to: 4.8 Stable tag: 1.1.5 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Translate blog posts/pages with a Google Translate widget in your side bar. == Description == = What this plugin does: = Displays a website translator widget by Google Translate. Language settings available. = Features: = * Add a Google Translate widget to your sidebar for translating your posts and pages. * Choose from over 100+ languages you would like available for translation. * Choose from three Google Translate Display Modes * Track translation usage with Google analytics * Settings can be changed from admin settings page. == Installation == 1. Download and install BabelZ using the built in WordPress plugin installer. For a manual install upload the "BabelZ" folder to the "/wp-content/plugins/" directory 2. Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress 3. Click "BabelZ" in admin menu to access the settings 4. Fill out the settings == Frequently Asked Questions == = Which version of WordPress is supported? = WordPress 2.7.x to 4.8.x is currently supported. This plugin has not been tested on any versions prior to 2.7. == Screenshots == 1. Admin Settings == ChangeLog == = 1.1.5 - 7/9/17 = * Added Google Analytics tracking option * Updated list of languages to choose from to a total of 103 languages * Added a short how to in new usage section * Minified the JavaScript file * Cleaned Up HTML * Updated images and screenshot = 1.1.4 - 6/23/17 = * Fixed mixed content issue when using over HTTPS * Moved Settings page from WordPress Settings to it's own admin menu item = 1.1.3 - 3/28/13 = * Added additional inline display modes (Google Translate) * Updated language list (Google Translate) * Added option "Your page contains content in multiple languages." (Google Translate) * Added option "Automatically display translation banner to users speaking languages other than the language of your page." (Google Translate) = 1.1.2 - 1/23/13 = * Updated compatibility to 3.5 * Removed Yahoo Babelfish widgets = 1.1.1 - 2/28/10 = * Widget Setting Bug Fixes = 1.1.0 - 2/25/10 = * Added Google Translate Widget with several options * Added BabelFish Text/URL combo box = 1.0.2 - 6/13/09 = * Updated the CSS for boxes to fix visual glitch in 2.8 = 1.0.1 - 2/26/09 = * Link Fix = 1.0.0 - 2/24/09 = * Initial Release == Upgrade Notice == = 1.1.4 - 6/23/16 = Fixed the mixed content issue for those that used the BabelZ plugin over HTTPS. Upgrade recommended.