=== AWS Easy Page Link === Contributors: Derek Ashauer Tags: wysiwyg, tinymce, link, page Requires at least: 2.5 Tested up to: 2.5 Stable tag: trunk Using the External Link List feature of TinyMCE, this makes it easy to create a link to another page on your website. == Description == TinyMCE has a built in feature to include a predefined list of links to select from. This plugin simply creates a list from your pages in WordPress. Create a link like usual in TinyMCE, but you now have a new drop down menu called "Link List" where all pages/links are already setup for you. This currently only works for pages, not for posts. == Installation == 1. Upload `AWS-easy-page-link` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. That's it :) == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does this work for posts? = No == Screenshots == 1. Screenshot of new link popup window in TinyMCE with "Link List" drop down option