=== Aviary Editor === Contributors: bainternet Donate link: http://en.bainternet.info/donations Tags: Aviary editor, Aviary, Aviary widget, Image editor, Image filters, instagram Requires at least: 3.0.0 Tested up to: 3.4.1 Stable tag: 0.2 A plugin that integrates The Awesome Aviary editor In the WordPress Media Library. == Description == Simple lightweight plugin integrates The Awesome [Aviary editor][1] In your the WordPress Media Library. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-HUYXMgJPM] **Main Features include:** * About 20 languages to select from. * Ajaxed save process. * Named Theme Images sizes. * Saved file format (jpg,png,original). * Very Very Easy to use. Note: This plugin makes calls to Aviary's API server for saving images. any feedback or suggestions are welcome. check out my [other plugins][2] [1]: http://www.aviary.com/ [2]: http://en.bainternet.info/category/plugins == Installation == Simple steps: 1. Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation. 1. Then activate the Plugin from Plugins page. 1. Set your ApI key. 1. Done! == Frequently Asked Questions == =What are the requirements?= PHP 5.2 and up. =I have Found a Bug, Now what?= Simply use the Support Forum and thanks a head for doing that. == Screenshots == 1. Plugin Options panel. 2. Media Library with Aviary editor button. 3. Aviary editor inside WordPress. == Changelog == = 0.2 = * Fixed txt file format on save (quick hack untill aviary guys sort out the issue), * removed extra notification of saved file. * set fixed position for editor to avoid scrolling to top. = 0.1 = * initial release.