== Changelog == = 4.3.9 = * **Improvements** * Fluent Forms: Support to checkbox fields. = 4.3.8 = * **Bug fixes** * GamiPress: Improved check for delete post triggers. = 4.3.7 = * **Bug fixes** * GamiPress: Fixed tag selection in user fields. = 4.3.6 = * **Improvements** * WordPress: Check for delete post triggers. * **Bug Fixes** * MailerLite: Fixed bug related to add subscribers trigger. = 4.3.5 = * **Bug Fixes** * Bug fixed to avoid launching triggers related to post updates twice. * ActiveCampaign: Fixed a PHP warning related to user information. = 4.3.4 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed bug related to Webhooks tags. = 4.3.3 = * **Improvements** * Added tags for post taxonomies. = 4.3.2 = * **New Features** * Availability to create Action Tags. * **Improvements** * Ensure compatibility of form integrations with the new Trigger Tags. * WPCode: Ensure compatibility with PRO version. = 4.3.1 = * **Bug Fixes** * SureCart: Fixed bug to get the customer data correctly. = 4.3.0 = * **New Features** * New integration: ARForms. * ARForms: New trigger: User submits a form. * ARForms: New trigger: Guest submits a form. * New integration: ConvertKit. * ConvertKit: New action: Add user to form. * ConvertKit: New action: Add user to sequence. * ConvertKit: New action: Add tag to user. * ConvertKit: New action: Remove tag from user. = 4.2.2 = * **Improvements** * BuddyBoss: Improvements in the preview link function when adding activity. = 4.2.1 = * **Bug Fixes** * BuddyPress: Added compatibility with BuddyPress 12.0.0. = 4.2.0 = * **Bug Fixes** * MailerLite: First name and last name can be added when a user is subscribed to a group. = 4.1.0 = * **Bug Fixes** * ClickUp: Fixed typo. * MailerLite: Fixed typo. * Restrict Content PRO: Fixed expiration date in Add Membership action when is empty. = 4.0.0 = * **Improvements** * WordPress: Added filters on "Update post" triggers to allow override all parameters. = 3.9.0 = * **Improvements** * Improved SQL queries to add indexes. = 3.8.0 = * **Improvements** * Improved support for strict mode databases. = 3.7.0 = * **Improvements** * Ensure times option in triggers does not allow value zero. * Added confitions to WordPress triggers related to metas. = 3.6.0 = * **Improvements** * Ensure compatibility with PHP 8.2. = 3.5.0 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fluent Forms: Fixed anonymous trigger. * Restrict Content Pro: Fixed expiration date in Add Membership action. = 3.4.0 = * **Improvements** * Added checks to avoid unnecessary ajax requests. = 3.3.0 = * **Bug Fixes** * Check call to API to avoid warnings due to integrations. = 3.2.0 = * **New Features** * New integration: ClickUp. * ClickUp: New action: Add comment to a task. * ClickUp: New action: Add tag to a task. * ClickUp: New action: Create a list. * ClickUp: New action: Create a new task in list. * New integration: Kadence Blocks. * Kadence Blocks: New trigger: User submits a form. * Kadence Blocks: New trigger: Guest submits a form. * New integration: WP All Import. * WP All Import: New trigger: User completes an import. * WP All Import: New trigger: User imports posts of a type. = 3.1.0 = * **Bug Fixes** * Check call to API to avoid warnings due to integrations. = 3.0.0 = * **Bug Fixes** * ARMember: Fixed compatibility with ARMember Complete Membership. = 2.8.0 = * **New Features** * New integration: ARMember. * ARMember: New trigger: User added to a membership plan. * ARMember: New action: Add user to membership plan. * New integration: WooCommerce Shipstation. * WooCommerce Shipstation: New trigger: User\'s order gets shipped. * New integration: Code Snippets. * Code Snippets: New action: Activate a snippet. * Code Snippets: New action: Deactivate a snippet. * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed input fields to allow value 0. * WooCommerce: Fixed tag "woocommerce_order_number". = 2.7.7 = * **Bug Fixes** * Restrict Content PRO: Fixed detection of Restrict Content PRO plugin. = 2.7.6 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed JS error. = 2.7.5 = * **New Features** * New integration: Gravity Kit. * Gravity Kit: New trigger: User gets entry approved in form. * Gravity Kit: New trigger: Guest gets entry approved in form. * New integration: WPCode. * WPCode: New action: Activate a snippet. * WPCode: New action: Deactivate a snippet. = 2.7.4 = * **New Features** * New integration: Charitable. * Charitable: New trigger: User makes a donation. * Charitable: New trigger: Guest makes a donation. = 2.7.3 = * **Improvements** * Added filter to handle tags in schedule actions. = 2.7.2 = * **New Features** * New integration: Thrive Leads * Thrive Leads: New trigger: User submits any/specific form. * Thrive Leads: New trigger: Guest submits any/specific form. * New integration: Thrive Ovation * Thrive Ovation: New trigger: User submits a testimonial. * Thrive Ovation: New trigger: Guest submits a testimonial. = 2.7.1 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fluent Forms: Fixed deprecated hooks to adapt to Fluent Forms latest version. = 2.7.0 = * **Bug Fixes** * WPLMS: Updated to the WPLMS latest version. = 2.6.9 = * **Bug Fixes** * Prevent incorrect formatting of the URL in the "Redirect user to URL" action. = 2.6.8 = * **New Features** * Added a clear all logs button on logs list view. * Added post date and modified date tags (GMT version too). * New action: Run an all users automation. * New action: Run an all posts automation. = 2.6.7 = * **Bug Fixes** * MailerLite: Fixed bug on MailerLite connection. * Paid Memberships Pro: Fixed trigger "User cancels a subscription of a membership level" to adapt to latest version of Paid Memberships Pro. = 2.6.6 = * **New Features** * New integration: MailerLite * MailerLite: New action: Add/Update user to MailerLite. * MailerLite: New action: Add user to group. = = * **Developer Notes** * Fixed PHP notices caused by add_submenu_page() function when passing null as first parameter. = 2.6.5 = * **Improvements** * BuddyBoss: Improved checking to ensure BuddyBoss functions exist. = 2.6.4 = * **Improvements** * BuddyBoss: Improved trigger "User updates profile information" to avoid launch it when information did not change. = 2.6.3 = * **Improvements** * Advanced Custom Fields: Improved the selection of fields for all types of posts. * Advanced Custom Fields: Improved trigger "User updates post field with a value" will be launched when the field value is added the first time. * JetEngine: Trigger works only with JetEngine types. = 2.6.2 = * **New Features** * New integration: JetEngine. * JetEngine: New trigger: User publishes a post of a type. * **Improvements** * WordPress: Improved trigger "User meta gets updated with a value" to work when a value is added. = 2.6.1 = * **New Features** * New integration: Easy Affiliate. * Easy Affiliate: New trigger: User becomes an affiliate. * Easy Affiliate: New trigger: User earns a referral. = 2.6.0 = * **New Features** * New integration: SureCart. * SureCart: New trigger: User makes a purchase. * **Developer Notes** * Moved old changelog to changelog.txt. = = * **Improvements** * Improved escaping of SQL queries. = 2.5.9 = * **Improvements** * Added more nonce checks to prevent CSRF attacks. * Added more sanitization checks to database queries. = 2.5.8 = * **Improvements** * AffiliateWP: Updated "User becomes an affiliate" trigger to adapt to AffiliateWP new version. = 2.5.7 = * **Improvements** * WordPress: New field to update Display Name on action "Update User". = 2.5.6 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed logs clean up recurring schedule when Action Scheduler is active. = 2.5.5 = * **Improvements** * Performance improvements while loading integrations. * Added an extra check to prevent issues if an old integration is active. * Removed backward compatibility for free integrations since they have been removed 1 year ago. = 2.5.4 = * **Developer Notes** * Added new hooks to extend the automation clone functionality. * **Bug Fixes** * ActiveCampaign: Fixed a PHP warning related to webhooks. = 2.5.3 = * **Improvements** * Improved the auto logs cleanup to work even with large amounts of logs entries. = 2.5.2 = * **Improvements** * BuddyBoss: Added check for updated activities to avoid send notifications. = 2.5.1 = * **Improvements** * Added more nonce checks to prevent CSRF attacks. = 2.5.0 = * **Improvements** * Meta Box: Added support for custom types. * **Bug Fixes** * FluentCRM: Fixed function to get the WordPress user ID. * WP Fusion: Fixed triggers to handle "Any" tag. * **Developer Notes** * Moved old changelog to changelog.txt. = 2.4.9 = * **Bug Fixes** * WP Simple Pay: Fixed display of form titles. = 2.4.8 = * **New Features** * New tag: {date:FORMAT:VALUE} to place relative dates like {date:d/m/Y:+1 month} * New tag: {timestamp:VALUE} to place relative timestamps like {timestamp:+1 month} = 2.4.7 = * **New Features** * New integration: Meta Box. * Meta Box: New trigger: User updates post field with a value. * Meta Box: New action: Update post field with a value. = 2.4.6 = * **Improvements** * Advanced Custom Fields (ACF): Custom option on post selection for "Update post field with a value" action. * wpDiscuz: Improved checking to detect if it is configured the option "Use guest email to detect registered account". * wpForo: Updated forums and topic selections to adapt triggers to version 2.0.0. * **Bug Fixes** * BuddyPress: Fixed group ID type in action "Add user to group". = 2.4.5 = * **Improvements** * Updated add-ons API. = 2.4.4 = * **Bug fixes** * Presto Player: Fixed tags to get data from logged automations. = 2.4.3 = * **Improvements** * Skip some checks for automations with 1 trigger to allow run the automation even if there are invalid logs from previous tests. * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed date calculation for recurring automations. = 2.4.2 = * **Improvements** * Prevent to check for redirects if user is not logged in. = 2.4.1 = * **Bug Fixes** * Adding property checks to response object to prevent TypeError warnings in redirect Javascript. = 2.4.0 = * **Improvements** * Tested with WordPress 6.1. * **Developer Notes** * Moved old changelog to changelog.txt. = 2.3.9 = * **Bug Fixes** The Events Calendar: Fixed warning when confirming RSVP since Events Tickets has 2 different ways to launch the same hook with different parameters. = 2.3.8 = * **Improvements** * Added more sanitization and escaping checks (thanks Shahjahan Jewel). = 2.3.7 = * **Bug Fixes** * AmeliaBooking: Fixed anonymous triggers checking user logged. = 2.3.6 = * **Improvements** * Improved URL sanity checks to prevent duplicated ampersands in "Redirect user to URL" action. * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed incorrect check to meet if a plugin integration should be loaded. = 2.3.5 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed typo when including JetFormBuilder integration files. = 2.3.4 = * **Improvements** * Improved URL sanity checks to keep its parameters in "Redirect user to URL" action. = 2.3.3 = * **New Features** * New integration: Download Manager. * New integration: JetFormBuilder. * New integration: StudioCart. * JetFormBuilder: New trigger: User submits a form. * JetFormBuilder: New anonymous trigger: Guest submits a form. * StudioCart: New trigger: User purchases a product. * **Improvements** * LearnDash: Added name of groups in "Make user the leader of a group" action label. = 2.3.2 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed user ID assigned on "Delete user" action. = 2.3.1 = * **New Features** * New integration: Google Calendar. * **Developer Notes** * Fixed wrong options in number condition fields (thanks @alexstewartja). * Improved automatorwp_get_array_key_value() function bringing support to search by multiples keys (thanks @alexstewartja). = 2.3.0 = * **Improvements** * Ensure to load all required script files in the automation edit screen. * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed custom options replacement on filters. * **Developer Notes** * Moved old changelog to changelog.txt. = 2.2.9 = * **New Features** * BuddyBoss: New tags: Invitation tags to get the inviter and invited IDs. * **Bug Fixes** * MailPoet: Fixed variable type error in "Add subscriber to list" action due to MailPoet new version. = 2.2.8 = * **Bug Fixes** * BuddyPress: Fixed the add user to group action to prevent to work with strings as group ID. * BuddyBoss: Fixed the add user to group action to prevent to work with strings as group ID. * Fixed a PHP notice in AutomatorWP settings screen. = 2.2.7 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed incorrect function in the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) integration. = 2.2.6 = * **New Features** * New integration: Advanced Custom Fields (ACF). * Advanced Custom Fields: New trigger: User updates post field with a value. * Advanced Custom Fields: New action: Update post field with a value. * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed some incorrect text domain names. = 2.2.5 = * **Improvements** * ActiveMember360: All actions adapted to last version of ActiveMember360. * **Bug Fixes** * wpForo: Updated wpForo install check to meet wpForo main class change in 2.0.0. * Fixed parameters check when excluding URLs. = 2.2.4 = * **Bug Fixes** * ActiveCampaign: Fixed a bug that causes contact is not detected in ActiveCampaign if email contains special characters. = 2.2.3 = * **New Features** * Added the "All posts" automation, an automation to run actions on all or on a filtered group of posts manually, on a specific date or on a recurring basis (Ideal for automate maintenance tasks on your site posts like clean up the older posts or email administrators about pending ones). * **Improvements** * Improved the redirect URL Javascript checks. = 2.2.2 = * **New Features** * Added the "All users" automation, an automation to run actions on all or on a filtered group of users manually, on a specific date or on a recurring basis. * **Improvements** * Improved the redirect URL action to work even when other plugins do a redirect. * Removed a non required check of a Javascript file exists in AutomatorWP > Settings screen. * Prevent PHP warnings during activation caused by CMB2 library. = 2.2.1 = * **New Features** * New integration: Autonami. * Autonami: New trigger: User added to list. * Autonami: New trigger: Tag added to user. * Autonami: New anonymous trigger: Contact added to list. * Autonami: New anonymous trigger: Tag added to contact. * Autonami: New action: Add a tag to the user. * Autonami: New action: Add a tag to a contact. * **Improvements** * Style improvements to table fields display. = 2.2.0 = * **Bug Fixes** * ActiveCampaign: Fixed a bug that causes tags are not getting loaded correctly. * **Developer Notes** * Moved old changelog to changelog.txt. = 2.1.9 = * **Bug Fixes** * Prevent PHP warnings during activation caused by checking the existent database tables during activation. = 2.1.8 = * New integration: Jetpack CRM. * Jetpack CRM: New trigger: New company added. * Jetpack CRM: New trigger: New contact added. * Jetpack CRM: New trigger: Tag added to company. * Jetpack CRM: New trigger: Tag added to contact. = 2.1.7 = * **Improvements** * Performance improvement reducing the database queries to check if a table exists. * FluentCRM: Performance improvement reducing the database queries to build the contact tags. = 2.1.6 = * **Bug Fixes** * Tutor LMS: Fixed a bug on the "Enroll user to course" action for paid courses. = 2.1.5 = * **New Features** * New integration: Thrive Quiz Builder. * Thrive Quiz Builder: New trigger: User completes a quiz. * BuddyBoss: Added the ability to add a link preview to the "Add an activity to user" action. * WooCommerce: New tag: Order Currency. * WooCommerce: New tag: Order Currency Symbol. * **Bug Fixes** * LearnPress: Fixed hidden button "Continue" in lessons. = 2.1.4 = * **New Features** * WordPress: Added the ability to select a different user in the action "Add, change or remove role to user". * **Improvements** * GamiPress: Check if user to reward on actions exists. * Tested with WordPress 6.0. = 2.1.3 = * **New Features** * WordPress: New trigger: User updates a post. * WordPress: New trigger: User updates a post of a type. * WordPress: New trigger: User updates a post of a taxonomy. * WordPress: New trigger: User updates a field of a post. * **Improvements** * Prevent to display revisions from on post selector fields. = 2.1.2 = * **New Features** * New integration: Thrive Apprentice. * Thrive Apprentice: New trigger: User completes a course. * Thrive Apprentice: New action: Enroll user to a product. = 2.1.1 = * **Improvements** * Mailchimp: Make tags selector be able to query all tags in the account. = 2.1.0 = * **New Features** * BuddyBoss: Added the activity author ID tag. * BuddyPress: Added the activity author ID tag. * **Improvements** * WooCommerce: Added a link to the order on logs entries where an order is assigned. * **Bug Fixes** * Mailchimp: Fixed a small bug that caused credentials not getting saved correctly. = 2.0.9 = * **New Features** * Added the "Post Type Label" tag to display the post type label. * **Improvements** * Mailchimp: Only load Mailchimp libraries when needed. = 2.0.8 = * **New Features** * Mailchimp: New action: New Integration: Mailchimp. * Mailchimp: New action: Add tag to user. * Mailchimp: New action: Subscribe user to an audience. * Mailchimp: New action: Add note to user. = 2.0.7 = * **New Features** * New Integration: Amelia. * Amelia: New trigger: User books an appointment. * Amelia: New anonymous trigger: Guest books an appointment. * **Improvements** * Added support for datetime fields. = 2.0.6 = * **New Features** * New integration: ActiveCampaign. * ActiveCampaign: New trigger: User added to ActiveCampaign. * ActiveCampaign: New trigger: Tag added to user. * ActiveCampaign: New action: Add user to ActiveCampaign. * ActiveCampaign: New action: Add tag to user. * **Improvements** * Update code to prevent PHP warnings caused by old PHP versions. * TutorLMS: Updated code to match with TutorLMS 2.0. = 2.0.5 = * **Developer Notes** * Added the object_id parameter when parsing the automation item label. = 2.0.4 = * **Improvements** * Added support to render options with multiples values in triggers or actions labels. = 2.0.3 = * **Improvements** * LearnPress: Updated enroll user to course action to match with the latest LearnPress version. * WPLMS: Updated check to meet if WPLMS is installed to match latest WPLMS v4.3. = 2.0.2 = * **Developer Notes** * Updated CMB2 library to 2.10.1. = 2.0.1 = * **Improvements** * Dashboard updated with new links to documentation. * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed issue with the reset password link and URL replacement. = 2.0.0 = * **New Features** * Added the "Dashboard" page. * New tag: Added the {date} tag to render the current date & time with support for custom formats using the is as {date:FORMAT}. * New tag: Added the {timestamp} tag to render the current timestamp. * **Improvements** * WooCommerce: Added support to detect manual memberships assignations. * **Developer Notes** * Moved old changelog to changelog.txt. = 1.9.9 = * **New Features** * New Integration: Divi. * Divi: New Trigger: User submits a form. * Divi: New Anonymous Trigger: Guest submits a form. = 1.9.8 = * **New Features** * WooCommerce: Added the order customer note tag. * **Improvements** * LearnPress: Updated enroll user to course action to match with the latest LearnPress version. * Reorder the integrations list alphabetically in the edit automation screen. = 1.9.7 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed incorrect call of the wp_update_user() function. * **Developer Notes** * Tested with WordPress 5.9. = 1.9.6 = * **Bug Fixes** * WishList Member: Prevent to render levels without ID on membership levels option fields. = 1.9.5 = * **New Features** * New integration: Fluent Support. * Fluent Support: New trigger: Agent opens a ticket. * Fluent Support: New trigger: Client opens a ticket. * **Improvements** * Zoom: Force auto approval if registrant status is set to approve. = 1.9.4 = * **Developer Notes** * Added support for CMB2 fields data removal if field has "multiple" set to "true". = 1.9.3 = * **New Features** * New trigger: User gets deleted. * New trigger: User role changes from role to role. * New Action: Update multiple posts. * New Action: Delete a post. * New Action: Delete multiple posts. * New Action: Delete a user. * **Improvements** * WishList Member: Updated class check to correctly detect if WishList Member is active. * Zoom: Added the ability to register registrants with a custom status (approved, denied or pending). * WordPress: Added support to the user nicename in the trigger "User field gets updated". * **Developer Notes** * Make use of the min() function when defining length of the table keys (thanks to @mholubowski). = 1.9.2 = * **New Features** * FluentCRM: New trigger: User gets added. * FluentCRM: New trigger: User status change to a status. * FluentCRM: New anonymous trigger: A tag added to a contact. * FluentCRM: New anonymous trigger: Contact gets added to a list. * FluentCRM: New anonymous trigger: Contact status change to a status. * FluentCRM: New tags: Contact field and custom field tags. = = * **New Features** * Make the post type selector more flexible and with support to private post types. = 1.9.1 = * **Improvements** * LearnDash: Update quiz listener to match with LearnDash 3.0.0 changes. * **Developer Notes** * Quote all fields and indexes during database creation to improve compatibility with some database servers. = 1.9.0 = * **Improvements** * Store the "Call a function" action result to meet the function return. * Ensure to pass all tags on filter logs entries. * **Developer Notes** * Moved old changelog to changelog.txt. = 1.8.9 = * **Improvements** * WooCommerce: Improved "User is added to a membership" trigger detection. = 1.8.8 = * **Improvements** * WooCommerce: Ensure to trigger "User is added to a membership" only for active memberships. * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed the {times} tag replacement to show the correct number of times the user has triggered a trigger. = 1.8.7 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed incorrect check for the "starts with", "ends with" and "contains" conditions. = 1.8.6 = * **Improvements** * LearnDash: Update code to match with latest LearnDash changes. = 1.8.5 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed issue during database tables creation for numeric keys. = 1.8.4 = * **Improvements** * Ensure to provide a key length during database indexes creation to avoid issues with databases that requires key length. = 1.8.3 = * **Improvements** * Improved database indexes creation to ensure maximum performance on the AutomatorWP tables. * Ensure the creation of table indexes during installation. * Updated AutomatorWP table versions to force table indexes creation on already installed websites. * Updated Custom Tables library. = 1.8.2 = * **Developer Notes** * Added more hooks to make the triggers replacement more flexible. = 1.8.1 = * **Improvements** * Tutor LMS: Ensure to mark the enrollment as completed on "Enoll user in a course" action. = = * **Improvements** * Ensure to get the existent cache for database recounting queries. = 1.8.0 = * **New Features** * WordPress: New filter: User with field exists or does not exists. * New integration: SliceWP. * SliceWP: New trigger: User becomes an affiliate. * **Improvements** * Improved the way to detect that all actions of an automation has been executed. * Ensure to clear the completion times cache when a filter entry gets registered. * **Developer Notes** * Moved old changelog to changelog.txt. = = * **Improvements** * Improved support for numeric values on "Call a function" and "Run a WordPress hook" actions. = = * **New Features** * Added support for booleans on "Call a function" and "Run a WordPress hook" actions. = 1.7.9 = * **New Features** * New action: Call a function. * New action: Run a WordPress hook. * GamiPress: Added the ability to insert a user earning entry in the "Award points to user" action. = 1.7.8 = * **New Features** * New trigger: User deletes a post. * New trigger: User deletes a post of a type. * New trigger: User deletes a post in a taxonomy. * **Improvements** * Added checks in Javascript to detect if URL is correctly passed on redirect. * **Developer Notes** * Added filter to prevent to load an integration. = 1.7.7 = * **Bug Fixes** * Presto Player: Fixed typo on a video selector label. = 1.7.6 = * **Improvements** * Improvements in the flat condition filter to apply better checks depending of the condition configured. * Security improvements added extra checks to all ajax calls. = 1.7.5 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed flat condition filter check to correctly compare the values provided. = 1.7.4 = * **New Features** * Added new tags to get the post thumbnail as an img HTML tag, ID and URL. * **Improvements** * Make the flat condition filter able to detect numeric values to correctly compare them. * Newsletter: Improved the list selector. = 1.7.3 = * **New Features** * PeepSo: Added post tags to the "User writes an activity post" trigger. * **Improvements** * Presto Player: Improved the video selector to correctly load videos instead of video blocks. = 1.7.2 = * **Improvements** * WPLMS: Updated check to meet if WPLMS is installed to match latest WPLMS v4. = 1.7.1 = * **New Features** * New integration: Advanced Ads. * Advanced Ads: New trigger: User ad gets published. * Advanced Ads: New trigger: User ad gets unpublished. * Advanced Ads: New trigger: User ad expires. = 1.7.0 = * **Bug Fixes** * wpForo: Fixed typo that prevents some tags to get rendered correctly. * **Developer Notes** * Moved old changelog to changelog.txt. = 1.6.9 = * **New Features** * Tested AutomatorWP with WordPress 5.8. * **Improvements** * wpForo: Improved all listeners to correctly match with the wpForo database structure. * **Bug Fixes** * MailPoet: Fixed typo in "Add subscriber to list" action. * **Developer Notes** * Added new filters to exclude URLs from the redirect check. = 1.6.8 = * **Bug Fixes** * WS Form: Fixed WS Form version check. = 1.6.7 = * **New Features** * New integration: WS Form. * WS Form: New trigger: User submits a form. * WS Form: New trigger: Guest submits a form. * **Improvements** * LearnPress: Updated complete lesson listener to latest LearnPress version. = 1.6.6 = * **New Features** * Added the log time in AutomatorWP > Logs. * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed contains and does not contains check for the Flat Condition filter. = 1.6.5 = * **New Features** * New integration: Awesome Support. * Awesome Support: New trigger: Agent opens a ticket. * Awesome Support: New trigger: Client opens a ticket. * New integration: Modern Events Calendar. * Modern Events Calendar: New trigger: User booking for any/specific event is completed. * **Developer Notes** * Made ajax selector request data more extensible. = 1.6.4 = * **New Features** * WordPress: New trigger: User resets their password. * WordPress: New trigger: User profile field gets updated. * **Improvements** * Style improvements for the filter selector. = 1.6.3 = * **Improvements** * Elementor: Improved pro version detection checks. * Replace the use of constants by the plugin_dir_url() when registering integrations. * **Bug Fixes** * Elementor: Fixed constants already defined. = 1.6.2 = * **Improvements** * Improved filters check for triggers and actions with multiples filters. * Performance improvements in filters check function. = 1.6.1 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed a issue that causes that automations with several OR filters does not get completed. = 1.6.0 = * **Bug Fixes** * BuddyBoss: Fixed the group tags and stop to use the post tags in groups. * BuddyPress: Fixed the group tags and stop to use the post tags in groups. * **Developer Notes** * Moved old changelog to changelog.txt. = 1.5.9 = * **Improvements** * Improved functions to detect if integration is active to make it work even if some WordPress core functions have been deactivated. = 1.5.8 = * **Improvements** * Paid Memberships Pro: Improved membership expiration listener. * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed undefined var in Javascript. = 1.5.7 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed bug on filters check when all filters operators are OR. * Elementor: Fixed tags replacement bug. * GamiPress: Fixed user to award on all GamiPress actions. * WooCommerce: Fixed issue that prevents to load all actions correctly. = 1.5.6 = * **New Features** * New integration with Newsletter. * Newsletter: New anonymous trigger: Guest subscribes to a list. = 1.5.5 = * **Improvements** * Improved the display of nested elements in logs. * HappyForms: Added support to detect HappyForms pro. * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed a typo that causes that notifications to new created users on anonymous automations are not getting sent. = 1.5.4 = * **Improvements** * Renamed integrations class names to prevent errors if any integration is installed. = 1.5.3 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed some integrations are not getting loaded. * Fixed detection of recommended triggers and actions. = 1.5.2 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed undefined function call on activation. = 1.5.1 = * **New Features** * Moved all integrations inside AutomatorWP core plugin. * **Improvements** * Style improvements on the settings area. = 1.5.0 = * **New Features** * Added a new setting to configure the minimum role allowed to manage AutomatorWP. * New user tag: {user_url} to pass the user's website URL. * **Improvements** * Improved support for array fields on export through URL. * **Developer Notes** * Updated Custom Tables library. * New hooks to exclude options when getting cloned or exported through URL. = 1.4.9 = * **New Features** * New action: Update a post. * New user tag: {avatar} to pass the user avatar image (in a HTML tag). * New user tag: {avatar_url} to pass the user avatar URL. * Added the "URL slug" field to the "Create a post" action. * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed a typo on "Post of a specific type meta with any/specific key gets updated with any/specific value" trigger. = 1.4.8 = * **New Features** * New trigger: Post of a specific type meta with any/specific key gets updated with any/specific value. * Added the ability to clone automations. * Added the ability to export automations through URL (no files required!). * **Improvements** * Added installation instructions on the Licenses page. = 1.4.7 = * **Improvements** * Prevent incompatibility issues caused by others plugins to the AutomatorWP licenses screen. = 1.4.6 = * **Improvements** * Prevent incompatibility issues caused by others plugins to the AutomatorWP settings screen. * **Developer Notes** * Updated internal libraries. = 1.4.5 = * **New Features** * Added support for filters! * New filter: Flat condition (you can build the filter using tags). * New filter: User role matches with a specific role. * New filter: User field matches with a specific value. * New filter: User meta key matches with a specific value. * Added controls to reorder triggers and actions. * **Improvements** * Code reduction on the events handler. * Code reduction on the trigger and actions execution functions. * Improvements for the log's array display function. * Style improvements. = 1.4.4 = * **New Features** * New trigger: Post meta with any/specific key gets updated with any/specific value. * New trigger: User meta with any/specific key gets updated with any/specific value. * New anonymous trigger: Guest views any/specific post. * New anonymous trigger: Guest views any/specific page. * New action: Update a user. * **Developer Notes** * Ensure compatibility with PHP 8. * Updated internal libraries. = 1.4.3 = * **New Features** * New action: Redirect user to url. = 1.4.2 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed typo on taxonomy selectors. = 1.4.1 = * **New Features** * Added support for custom values on "Add, change or remove role to user" action. * **Improvements** * Improved approved comment trigger detection. = 1.4.0 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed incorrect calculation in decrement user/post meta actions. * Fixed typo on increment/decrement meta labels. * **Developer Notes** * Added the automatorwp_send_email() function. * Moved old changelog to changelog.txt. = 1.3.9 = * **Improvements** * Added stronger escaping functions when inserting logs metas. = 1.3.8 = * **Improvements** * Make post statuses field handle all registered statuses correctly. * Allow shortcodes on "Send email" action subject and content. * Added filters on "Send email" action to allow override all parameters. = = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed click and focus triggers for some HTML elements in Javascript. = 1.3.7 = * **New Features** * Added the ability to place custom values on selector fields using the option "Use a custom value". * **Improvements** * Updated deprecated jQuery functions. = 1.3.6 = * **New Features** * New user tag: {reset_password_url} to pass the user reset password URL. * New user tag: {reset_password_link} to pass the user reset password HTML link. * New post tag: {post_url} to pass the post URL. * Changed {post_link} tag to pass the post HTML link. * Full support to RTL websites. * **Improvements** * Escape HTML tags on the tags selector previews. * Improved the post selector to support custom post statuses (like bbPress or BuddyBoss "hidden" status). = 1.3.5 = * **Improvements** * Style improvements on automations UI. * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed a bug on license clear and deactivation functions causing that previous value gets back after save the licenses again. * **Developer Notes** * Added support for multiples selection on selectors fields. = 1.3.4 = * **Improvements** * Style improvements on settings. * Let WordPress decide SSL verification in some API requests. * Updated add-on updater class. * Ensure correct server URL for AutomatorWP add-ons. = 1.3.3 = * **Improvements** * Ensure that WordPress content filters allow place tags on fields with support to HTML. = 1.3.2 = * **New Features** * Added the Settings menu. * Added a configurable automatic logs cleanup. * Added the setting "Automatic logs cleanup". * Added a top bar menu to easily access to the AutomatorWP menus. * Added the setting "Disable top bar menu". * **Improvements** * Style improvements on automations UI. * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed a incorrect check on "User publishes a post in any/specific taxonomy" trigger. * **Developer Notes** * Added support for Actions Scheduler when scheduling the automatic logs cleanup process. = 1.3.1 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed a incorrect post type check on "User publishes a post in any/specific taxonomy" trigger. = 1.3.0 = * **New Features** * Added anonymous automations: automations that can be executed without a user assigned. * New anonymous trigger: Guest views a post of any/specific type. * New anonymous trigger: Guest views a post of any/specific taxonomy. * New anonymous trigger: Guest comments on a post of any/specific type. * New anonymous trigger: Guest comments on a post of any/specific taxonomy. * On create a new automation, a new dialog will appear to setup the automation type (logged-in or anonymous). * Added the "Completions" column on automations list screen. * **Improvements** * Full rework of the "Save Changes" box. * Large rework of several areas to make them more extensible for future new automation types. * Several style improvements and changes on the automations UI. = 1.2.9 = * Changes merged on 1.3.0. = 1.2.8 = * **Improvements** * Added more sanitization when inserting logs. * Added more sanitization checks on ajax parameters. * Improvements on number conditional functions (used to compare conditions in some triggers). = 1.2.7 = * **New Features** * New trigger: User views a post of any/specific taxonomy. * New trigger: User publishes a post in any/specific taxonomy. * New trigger: User comments on a post of any/specific taxonomy. * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed plugin conflict with Yoast SEO Premium. = 1.2.6 = * **New Features** * New trigger: User gets created through any/specific automation. * New trigger: Post gets created through any/specific automation. * **Improvements** * Ensure to always get triggers and actions titles up to date on the automations list screen. = 1.2.5 = * **Improvements** * Prevent to show recommendations if the integration is already installed. * **Developer Notes** * Delayed the initialization of the Custom Tables library. = 1.2.4 = * **New Features** * New trigger: User post of any/specific type status changes to any/specific status. * **Improvements** * Style improvements on the automations UI. * Added post information when using the "Set, insert, increment or decrement post meta" action. * Correctly pass automation tag on logs labels. * Improved the events engine performance. * **Bug Fixes** * Correctly detect multiples events triggered in a row. * **Developer Notes** * Added several hooks to extend the events engine. * Added several hooks to extend the automations UI. * Added several hooks to extend the logs screens. = 1.2.3 = * **Bug Fixes** * Prevent any PHP warnings while migrating AutomatorWP database tables to InnoDB engine. = 1.2.2 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed issues on multisite installs. = 1.2.1 = * **Improvements** * Added the integration icon on the logs edit screen. * Improved the tags parser order to pass first dynamic tags and tags from external plugins. * Style improvements on the admin area. * Improved fields rendering on logs screen. * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed typo on the logs edit screen that causes automation links not getting rendered correctly. = 1.2.0 = * **Developer Notes** * Added more functions to make easier work with AutomatorWP custom tables data. * Moved old changelog to changelog.txt. = 1.1.9 = * **Improvements** * Added a required mark on all fields required. * Prevent PHP warnings on the "Create post action" when leaving the post metas field blank. * Added wp_mail filters to make emails work with 3rd party email providers like SendGrid. * Added support on parse tags to parse array elements. * Apply tag replacements only if content has any tags. * **Developer Notes** * Default tags renamed. * Improved tags flexibility to allow plugins register custom tags and trigger tags easily. = 1.1.8 = * **Developer Notes** * Added the ability to pass a custom callback to determine the post types of a post selector. = 1.1.7 = * **New Features** * New trigger: User gets added to any/specific role. * New trigger: User role changes to any/specific role. * New trigger: User gets removed from any/specific role. * **Developer Notes** * Initialize everything sooner to get all functions ready as soon as possible. = 1.1.6 = * **New Features** * New trigger: User publishes a post of any/specific type. * Added the "Post URL" tag to triggers who have a post assigned. * **Improvements** * Force custom database tables to use InnoDB on creation. * Added internal upgrade process to update custom database tables to InnoDB. * Prevent to perform API calls on areas outside the add-ons or licenses pages. * Add caching to several functions to speed up all queries implied on the event detection process. * Improvements on the cache functionality. * **Developer Notes** * Added the ability to force not search in options when retrieving a specific cache element. = 1.1.5 = * **Bug Fixes** * Prevent issues caused by the get_editable_roles() function. = 1.1.4 = * **New Features** * New trigger: User comments on a post of any/specific type. = 1.1.3 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed tags selector not working in some repeatable fields. * Fixed editors not working after reorder the trigger or action. = 1.1.2 = * **Bug Fixes** * Correctly display add-ons thumbnails on licenses page. * **Improvements** * Added missing integration notice on automations and logs. * Added recommendations of integrations based on plugins installed. * Clear field when license gets deactivated included when server responds that license has been already deactivated. * Style improvements. = 1.1.1 = * **Improvements** * Make sure to assign user that completes the automation as post author if none provided on "Create a post" action. * Style improvements. * **Developer Notes** * Great amount of improvements on several hooks on the events handler and actions processing. * Added the global $automatorwp_event to make event accessible globally when an event gets triggered. = 1.1.0 = * **New Features** * Dynamic tags to pass user metas and post metas to actions. * **Improvements** * Make cache options don't get autoloaded. * Improved the speed and performance of the tags parser. * Code reduction thanks to the brand new tags parser functions. * Improvements on tags selection function. * **Developer Notes** * Added an automation tags parser function that automatically parses all automation tags to the content passed. * Moved old changelog to changelog.txt. = 1.0.9 = * **New Features** * New trigger: User publishes a post. * New trigger: User publishes a post in any/specific category. * New trigger: User publishes a post in any/specific tag. * New trigger: User publishes a page. * New action: Create a post. * New action: Create a user. * **Improvements** * Added the integration icon on the automation list on triggers and actions columns. * Added the integration icon on logs. * **Developer Notes** * Improved automatorwp_terms_matches() function. = 1.0.8 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed issue with admin menu parent file override. = 1.0.7 = * **Improvements** * Added the ability to clear license fields. * Removed the "Add new log" button. = 1.0.6 = * **Bug Fixes** * Fixed typo on license fields. = 1.0.5 = * **Improvements** * Keep license key hidden included if license key is not valid or gets expired. = 1.0.4 = * **Improvements** * Ensure to enqueue admin styles to make AutomatorWP icon visible. = 1.0.3 = * **Improvements** * Ensure to enqueue admin scripts only on the plugin screens to avoid any conflict. * Show trigger order if sequential is enabled for new added items. = 1.0.2 = * **New Features** * New trigger: User daily visits the site. * New trigger: User views a post of any/specific category. * New trigger: User views a post of any/specific tag. * New trigger: User comments on a post of any/specific category. * New trigger: User comments on a post of any/specific tag. * **Improvements** * Make post tags labels more flexible to allow pass the post type label. * Improvements on multiples translatable strings. = 1.0.1 = * **Improvements** * Prevent perform calls to database tables on installation. = 1.0.0 = * AutomatorWP lands on wordpress.org!