=== Auto Tag Links === Contributors: seoroma, whiletrue, pmiservizi Donate link: https://www.freeplugin.org/ Tags: tag, link, links, admin, image, page, post, posts, plugin Requires at least: 2.9 Requires PHP: 7.0 Tested up to: 6.5 Stable tag: 1.0.13 This plugin improves the navigation of your blog by adding links to your post's content that match tags in use in your blog. == Description == Depending to your preferences, it will target only a few tags, depending to the content's length, the frequency the tags have been used, and randomly in the content. Options provided: * Tag threshold and limit in a single post * Minimum and maximum tag links count * Custom link color Italian and French translations provided. = Reference = Auto Tag Links is a free plugin developed by SEO Roma & PMI Servizi. For more informations on this plugin: https://www.freeplugin.org/ = New in latest releases = * Polish translation by Aleksandra Czuba ( https://www.olaczuba.com ) = Credits = This plugin is partly based on previous work of (Anthony Dubois) Woodymood's Auto Link Best Tags plugin. = Our other plugins = * [Changes](https://www.freeplugin.org/changes-wordpress-plugin.html "Changes") * [Plagiarism](https://www.freeplugin.org/plagiarism-wordpress-plugin.html "Plagiarism") == Installation == Best is to install directly from WordPress. If manual installation is required, please make sure to put all of the plugin files in a folder named `auto-tag-links` (not two nested folders) in the plugin directory, then activate the plugin through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress. == Screenshots == 1. Options available in the Settings menu == Changelog == = 1.0.13 = * Added: News Feed * Changed: Plugin tested up WordPress 6.5 = 1.0 = Initial release == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0 = Initial release