=== Auto-Schedule Posts === Contributors: davidjmillerorg Tags: posts, scheduling, multi-author, auto-schedule Requires at least: 2.3 Tested up to: 2.9.1 Stable tag: trunk Auto-Schedule Posts allows users to separate their writing schedule from their publishing schedule - write when you want and have posts publish at the time you think best. This is also useful for multi-author sites because it can be used to prevent different authors from publishing too close together preventing one article from spending any time as with top placement because another was posted immediatly afterwards. == Description == Auto-Schedule posts catches posts as they are published and holding them until the previously set criteria are met for the proper publication time. You can set publication between certain hours, limit publication to certain days, and specify a minimum time period between posts. == Installation == To install it simply unzip the file linked above and save it in your plugins directory under wp-content. In the plugin manager activate the plugin. Settings for the plugin may be altered under the Auto-Schedule Posts page of the Options menu (version 2.3) or Settings menu (version 2.5 or later). == Frequently Asked Questions == = Can I publish overnight? = You can set a daily start time that is later than the daily end time to have posts publish overnight while still limiting when posts are published. = Why limit what times I publish? = It all depends on the purpose for your writing. Some poeple would want to publish at any time, but if you want to set criteria this allows it. If your target is a business audiance you might want to publish during business hours (or days) - if you have a thought outside of business hours it will be held until the next business hours. If you are publishing for late night gamers you might want to publish after regular business hours and late into the early morning. = How can this help with multiple authors? = There are two ways it can help - one, different authors cannot accidentaly publish overtop of each other; two, you can ensure that one author does nto dominate all the others by selecting posts from the least recently published author that has a post ready. == Screenshots == 1. This is a sample options page displayed in Wordpress 2.8 == Changelog == = 2.0 = * Instead of setting posts to the distant future the plugin now sets them to a new status - "auto-schedule" This removes them from the display of posts to edit. To compensate I have added a feature on the options page to edit posts waiting to be published as well as an option to force publication of a particular post without regard to the settings of the plugin. As a result of the bug in WP 2.9 with internal cron jobs I also added a button to the options page that will manually publish a post in the event that automatic publishing is not happening (I hope that Wordpress does not have the problem again, but I noticed a similar feature on another plugin that proved handy before the 2.9.1 upgrade so I am leaving the feature in this plugin as well. = 1.0 = * After using this for quite some time I discovered one wrinkle to iron out - in version 0.9 the last published post time was not handled correctly so when updating options new posts could be published before the scheduled time. Now updating options will not open the gate for an extra post to be published. = 0.9 = * A virtually beta release - the posts are caught and scheduled, but I would like to add a feature such as only scheduling on the hour (as opposed to at least an hour apart).