=== Auto Cloudinary === Contributors: junaidbhura Tags: cloudinary, dynamic-images, cdn, image-optimization, image-manipulation Requires at least: 4.4 Tested up to: 4.9 Requires PHP: 5.6 Stable tag: 1.0.3 Super simple Cloudinary auto-upload implementation for WordPress. == Description == [Check out the Github Repository ♥](https://github.com/junaidbhura/auto-cloudinary) This plugin provides a **super simple** [Cloudinary auto-upload](https://cloudinary.com/documentation/fetch_remote_images#auto_upload_remote_resources) implementation for WordPress. It is inspired by [Photon](https://developer.wordpress.com/docs/photon/) and [Tachyon](https://github.com/humanmade/tachyon-plugin). Cloudinary will **automatically fetch and serve the images** from your media library like a **CDN**, without you having to worry about the complicated upload API! Just [set up auto-upload](https://github.com/junaidbhura/auto-cloudinary/wiki/Setup) in your Cloudinary settings, enter the details in the plugin's options, and you're all set! Easy peasy 😎 ### Quick Links [Setup](https://github.com/junaidbhura/auto-cloudinary/wiki/Setup) | [Issues](https://github.com/junaidbhura/auto-cloudinary/issues) | [Functions](https://github.com/junaidbhura/auto-cloudinary/wiki/Functions) | [Filters](https://github.com/junaidbhura/auto-cloudinary/wiki/Filters) | [Best Practices](https://github.com/junaidbhura/auto-cloudinary/wiki/Best-Practices) ## Why did you build this plugin? There already is an **official Cloudinary plugin** available. But in my opinion, it's a bit of an overkill and takes over the admin UI. This plugin aims to be: * **Super simple** and light-weight * Totally seamless and **out of the way** * A flexible tool for **WordPress developers** ## What is Cloudinary Auto-Upload? Cloudinary gives you two options to upload files to it's servers: 1. The complicated **Upload API** 😱 2. The super easy and magical **Fetch API** 🎩 #### Upload API _TL;DR: Too complicated and in the way_ 👎 Cloudinary gives you an API, using which, you can manually upload the images to Cloudinary. So you'd need an **API key**, etc. The **official plugin** uses this method. When you upload an image to the media library, it in turn, uploads it to Cloudinary. This could be a problem if you have thousands of **existing images**, and might not be flexible enough to support **custom architecture**. #### Fetch API _TL;DR: Magical_ 👍 This plugin uses the super easy **Auto-Upload** feature in the **Fetch API**. We just tell Cloudinary where to find the files on our server (or on S3 or anywhere on the Internet), and it **automatically downloads** it from there and saves it on to it's servers the **first time you ask for it**, like a CDN would! ## What does this plugin do? This plugin does two main things: 1. Provides a simple function `cloudinary_url()` to get a Cloudinary auto-upload URL for any image in your media library, with all the Cloudinary transformations, so you can **dynamically manipulate an image on the fly**. 2. Attempts to automatically convert all image URLs on the front-end into a Cloudinary auto-upload URL, so you can **use Cloudinary as an image CDN**. ## The magical function 🎩 **`cloudinary_url( $identifier, $args )`** This function returns a Cloudinary Auto Upload URL for an image. Please read the [Best Practices](https://github.com/junaidbhura/auto-cloudinary/wiki/Best-Practices) page before using this. #### Parameters * **identifier** (integer/string)(required) : Either the ID of the attachment, or a full image URL. * **args** (array)(optional) : Arguments to manipulate the image. #### Return Value Returns a URL (string): ` 'https://res.cloudinary.com/cloud-name/auto-mapping-folder/2017/12/your-image.jpg' ` #### Arguments You can optionally send an array of arguments which can transform the image, and set a dynamic file name. Ex: ` array( 'transform' => array( // Optional. All transformations go here. 'width' => 300, 'height' => 200, 'crop' => 'fill', 'quality' => '80', 'gravity' => 'face', ), 'file_name' => 'whatever-file-name-you-want', // Optional. If you want to use a dynamic file name for SEO. Don't use the file extension! ); ` Here's a [full list of transformations](https://cloudinary.com/documentation/image_transformations) you can achieve with Cloudinary. ### Examples ` array( 'width' => 300, 'height' => 200, 'crop' => 'fill', 'quality' => '80', 'gravity' => 'face', ), 'file_name' => 'dynamic-file-name', ) ); $url_2 = cloudinary_url( 'https://www.yourwebsite.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/my-image.jpg', array( 'transform' => array( 'width' => 100, 'height' => 100, ), ) ); // $url_1 : https://res.cloudinary.com/cloud-name/images/w_300,h_200,c_fill,q_80,g_face/auto-mapping-folder/2017/12/my-image/dynamic-file-name.jpg // $url_2 : https://res.cloudinary.com/cloud-name/w_100,h_100/auto-mapping-folder/2017/12/my-image.jpg ?> ` == Installation == Upload 'auto-cloudinary' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. == Screenshots == 1. WordPress Options 2. Cloudinary Cloud Name 3. Cloudinary Auto Upload Setup == Changelog == = 1.0.3 = * New filters for default hard and soft crops [#2](https://github.com/junaidbhura/auto-cloudinary/issues/2). Props [@petersplugins](https://github.com/petersplugins) * Performance improvements * Full release details: [https://github.com/junaidbhura/auto-cloudinary/releases/tag/1.0.3](https://github.com/junaidbhura/auto-cloudinary/releases/tag/1.0.3) = 1.0.2 = * Remove empty width and height from URL [#1](https://github.com/junaidbhura/auto-cloudinary/issues/1) = 1.0.1 = * Add default crop to replaced content images. = 1.0.0 = * First stable release.