=== Yes or No Popup by Autience === Contributors: kranthitech, jayasrinagrale Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=RRK6C4QZSLBCG Tags: question popup, exit popup, popup on page load, scroll popup, yes or no popup, age restrction, age restriction popup, age gating popup, free popup, exit popup, gating popup, popupally alternative, optinmonster alternative, popup domination alternative, pippity alternative, pippity, warning popup, NSFW, exit intent, cart abandonment, checkout popup Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 4.2 Stable tag: 4.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Customize your Page Behaviour based on Visitor's Response to a Question == Description == **This plugin is NO LONGER SUPPORTED** **We have merged with [Yeloni Exit Popup](https://wordpress.org/plugins/yeloni-free-exit-popup/)** **Why would you use this popup?** * Restrict Visitors by Age - Warn Visitors if the content of your page is Not Safe For Work (NSFW) * Avoid Cart Abandonment - Warn Visitors while they are leaving your website before checking out - Offer a discount code if you visitors leave the site before checking out **How to use the Plugin?** * Install as you would install any other plugin * Customize the title and content on the popup using the simple drag and drop editor * Select when you want to show the popup (on page load, on exit, or after a delay) * Select the redirection url for the Yes Button * Select if you want redirect the visitor on the same tab or in a new tab * Setup the popup to show up on all pages or specific pages * Test it on any blog or product page **Customizations** *1. Customize Content:* - Click and update any text that you want to edit - Title, heading and subheading - Yes or No text ( to ‘accept’, ‘reject’ or any to any other language) *2. Customize triggering event:* - Immediately on page load - After a certain delay - When the user is leaving your website (Exit Intent) - After the user has read a portion of the blog *3. Customize action on clicking Yes button *4. Customize action on clicking the No button If you have any problems, suggestions or ideas, please report them [here](http://autience.helprace.com), or email us on support@autience.com To know more about Autience: [Click Here](http://www.autience.com) == Installation == **Installing the plugin:** *On the wordpress dashboard, click on Plugins -> Add new and search for “Yes or No popup by Autience”* *Click on “Install”to install the plugin* *Click on Activate to activate the plugin* **Once installed, click on Settings -> Yes or No Popup to setup the popup** *Section 1:* - Select a layout that you want to use for the popup - Click on the text you want to change, and edit in the dialog *Section 2:* - Provide appropriate values for all the settings. - All fields marked with * are compulsory *Section 3:* - Select all the checkboxes to enable the plugin - Click save to deploy the plugin - Test on any post or page on your site == Screenshots == 1. Once you install the plugin, you will be able to select the layout in which your popup should show up. You can select a side-slider, centered or full screen layout. You can see how the popup looks in different layouts in the sections below 2. To change a text on the popup, click click on it. A dialog opens up. You can enter the new text in this dialog and click the Ok button. 3. Once you have changed all the text as required, click on the Next button. In the new sectin, you can setup when your popup should show up (trigger event), how often should it show up for repeat visitors, and where should the user be redirected on clicking the Yes button. This could be a landing page, a product page or any important page you want your visitors to be on. 4. This is how your popup looks in the centered layout. 5. This is how your popup looks in the full screen layout. 6. This is how your popup looks in the side-slider layout. Now sitback and enjoy your improved conversion rate :) == Changelog == 2.0.0 - Added capability of themes - Fixed premium feature of showing on selected pages - Added ability to change font size, font colour, background colour and background image wherever applicable - Added option to reset template to undo any existing changes 1.6.0 - Added option of targeting specific pages in premium features