=== AuthorSure === Contributors: powerblogservice, diywebmastery Donate link: http://www.authorsure.com/donate/ Tags: authorship markup, google authorship, author rank, rel=author, rel=me, rel=publisher, googleplus, google+, rich snippets Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.8 Stable tag: 2.0.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Show your face and build your brand in Google search results. Or in SEO-speak, make sure your AuthorRank is contributing to your PageRank. == Description == * Makes it easier to get Google Authorship Verification * Uses rel=author, rel=me and rel=publisher links to connect your posts, archives, authors pages, Google Plus profiles and Google Plus pages. * Works on single and multiple author sites * Supports several ways to link your posts/pages to your author pages: byline, footnote, author box or menu link. * Helps you set up your archive pages for Google authorship verification * Allows you to add a title, short or extended bio and sub-headings to your author pages * Creates links from your site's author pages to the authors' Google Plus Profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and Skype as well as Google+ * Creates a link from your home page to your Google Plus Page for your product, brand or organization * Allows you to control whether your rich snippets show the original post publication date or the last time the post was updated. * Allows you to control whether external links in the author bios are rel=nofollow * http://www.authorsure.com/category/themes has set-up instructions for most popular WordPress themes == Installation == 1. Use the standard WordPress plugin automatic updates system for updating to the latest version or use the manual steps below. 1. Uncompress the downloaded zip archive in [WordPress install root]/wp-content/plugins 1. Activate the plugin in your WordPress plugins control panel 1. Choose which of the four mechanisms is right for your site to identify the author to Google == Frequently Asked Questions == See http://www.authorsure.com/category/faq/ for the full list of questions and answers about AuthorSure * Why is Google AuthorShip important? By verifying your authorship with Google, your face will appear in the search results and will tend to give your search entries a better click-through rate than entries without a human face. * What is AuthorRank? Google is now using the authority of the verified author of a page as a ranking factor in the SERPs. For more details see http://www.blindfiveyearold.com/author-rank/ * How Long Will It Take For My Face To Show Up In The Search Results? Our experience is that that it takes between 5 days and 6 months for Google to show author images in the search results; it seems that the more often you publish original content and interact on social media channels, the quicker your face will be featured in Google SERPs. == Screenshots == 1. Example of an author page 1. Example of using an author box example to indicate rel=author 1. Example of setting up a menu link to indicate rel=author on a single author blog == Changelog == = 2.0.1 = Bug fix - added missing declaration of authorsure::$intro. = 2.0 = Ability to set defaults for custom post types, improved integration with Genesis themes = 1.9.1 - Fix major bug in 1.9 - bio is not added to author page = 1.9 = Change Twitter URL to Twitter Name to avoid conflict with WordPress SEO Twitter Cards, fix last updated date on archive pages and add home page rel=author link = 1.8.1 = Fix Avatar display bug (sorry!) = 1.8 = Set minimum user role at which Google Authorship applies (e.g Administrator, Editor, Author or Contributor) and add facility to strip links from author bios. This is useful if your contributors are filling their profiles with affiliate links. = 1.7 = Fix issue with Author Box (or author footnote) not appearing when the content of the post was read more than once on the page (for example it was pre-fetched to derive a twitter description which was to be stored in meta values) = 1.6 = Add option to suppress author information on custom post type pages such as landing pages For full change history see http://www.authorsure.com/changelog/ == Upgrade Notice == = 2.0.1 = * Mandatory - added missing declaration used in the Archive Intro feature. == Links == Here are some of the useful AuthorSure WordPress Plugin links * AuthorSure Home Page http://www.authorsure.com/ * Google AuthorSure Markup Explained http://www.authorsure.com/google-authorship-markup/ * AuthorSure Plugin Features http://www.authorsure.com/category/features/ * AuthorSure Help and Support http://www.authorsure.com/help/ * AuthorSure Tutorials http://www.authorsure.com/free-video-tutorials/