=== AuthorSure === Contributors: powerblogservice, diywebmastery Donate link: http://www.authorsure.com/donate/ Tags: authorship markup, google authorship, author rank, rel=author, rel=me, rel=publisher, googleplus, google+, rich snippets Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.5 Stable tag: 1.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Show your face and build your brand in Google search results. Or in SEO-speak, make sure your AuthorRank is contributing to your PageRank. == Description == * Makes it easier to get Google Authorship Verification * Uses rel=author, rel=me and rel=publisher links to connect your posts, archives, authors pages, Google Plus profiles and Google Plus pages. * Works on single and multiple author sites * Supports several ways to link your posts/pages to your author pages: byline, footnote, author box or menu link. * Helps you set up your archive pages for Google authorship verification * Allows you to add a title, short or extended bio and sub-headings to your author pages * Creates links from your site's author pages to the authors' Google Plus Profiles * Creates a link from your home page to your Google Plus Page for your product, brand or organization * Allows you to control whether your rich snippets show the original post publication date or the last time the post was updated. * http://www.authorsure.com/category/themes has set-up instructions for most popular WordPress themes == Installation == 1. Use the standard WordPress plugin automatic updates system for updating to the latest version or use the manual steps below. 1. Uncompress the downloaded zip archive in [WordPress install root]/wp-content/plugins 1. Activate the plugin in your WordPress plugins control panel 1. Choose which of the four mechanisms is right for your site to identify the author to Google == Frequently Asked Questions == See http://www.authorsure.com/category/faq/ for the full list of questions and answers about AuthorSure * Why is Google AuthorShip important? By verifying your authorship with Google, your face will appear in the search results and will tend to give your search entries a better click-through rate than entries without a human face. * What is AuthorRank? Google is now using the authority of the verified author of a page as a ranking factor in the SERPs. For more details see http://www.blindfiveyearold.com/author-rank/ * How Long Will It Take For My Face To Show Up In The Search Results? Our experience is that that it takes between 5 days and 6 months for Google to show author images in the search results; it seems that the more often you publish the quicker your face will be featured in Google SERPs. == Screenshots == 1. Example of an author page 1. Example of using an author box example to indicate rel=author 1. Example of setting up a menu link to indicate rel=author on a single author blog == Changelog == = 1.1 = Added filter to make sure links in the bio are rel=nofollow = 1.0 = Add option to inject profile icons with link to Google+ on an author page that already has a bio = 0.9 = Add options to disable the author box on all pages and on the home page = 0.8 = Added improved control over the layout of your author page, now works with more WordPress themes, adds Skype status feature, added authorsure_authors shortcode for inclusion on authors listing page = 0.7 = Added support for category, tag or other taxonomy archive pages = 0.6 = Fixed bug in the display of the extended bio on the profile page = 0.5 = Initial Release == Upgrade Notice == = 1.1 = * Recommended - if you want links in the bios to be rel=nofollow == Links == Here are some of the useful AuthorSure WordPress Plugin links * AuthorSure Home Page http://www.authorsure.com/ * Google AuthorSure Markup Explained http://www.authorsure.com/google-authorship-markup/ * AuthorSure Plugin Features http://www.authorsure.com/category/features/ * AuthorSure Help and Support http://www.authorsure.com/help/ * AuthorSure Tutorials http://www.authorsure.com/free-video-tutorials/