=== Authors List === Contributors: WPKube Tags: author, authors, list, grid, authors list, authors grid Requires at least: 4.7.0 Tested up to: 5.6 Requires PHP: 5.4 Stable tag: 1.2.1 Use a shortcode to display a list or grid of post authors and links to their post archives page. == Description == Easily display a list or grid of post authors and links to their post archives page using a shortcode. The shortcode is [authors_list] and accepts the following attributes. * style (1,2,3) * columns (2,3,4) * columns_direction ( horizontal, vertical ) * avatar_size (any number, example 500) * amount (any number, no limit by default) * show_title (yes,no) * show_count (yes,no) * show_bio (yes,no) * show_link (yes,no) * orderby ( post_count, post_date, ID, login, nicename, email, url, registered, display_name, first_name, last_name ) * order ( ASC, DESC ) * skip_empty ( yes, no ) * minimum_posts_count ( any number ) * bio_word_trim ( any number, leave empty for no trim ) * only_authors ( yes, no ) * exclude ( user IDs separated by comma, example 1,3,4 ) * include ( user IDs separated by comma, example 1,3,4 ) * roles ( roles separated by comma, example administrator,editor ) * latest_post_after ( for example if set to 7 it will only show authors that have posts published in the past 7 days ) * name_starts_with ( limit to authors whose display name starts with specific characters ) * categories ( category IDs separated by comma, example 1,3,4 ) * terms ( term IDs separate by comma, example 1,3,4 ) * taxonomy ( name of a taxonomy, for example post_tag ) * title_element (the element that wraps the name of the user/author, defaults to div, can be any element, for example h2) Example usage with attributes:
[authors_list style="2" columns="2" amount="4" show_count="no"]
There are additional attributes for custom content before and after each element: * before_avatar * before_title * before_count * before_bio * before_link * after_avatar * after_title * after_count * after_bio * after_link Example usage with attributes:
[authors_list before_title="My custom content"]
These before/after attributes also support dynamic user/author meta fields using
Example usage:
[authors_list before_title="My first name is {al:first_name}"]
They also support some dynamic output functionality. Currently supports displaying posts links and social links (Yoast SEO needed): Example usage for posts links:
[authors_list after_title="{alf:posts}"]
[authors_list after_title="{alf:posts type=plain amount=5}"]
Example usage for social links:
[authors_list after_title="{alf:social}"]
Example usage for roles:
[authors_list after_title="{alf:role}"]
Example usage for link (the "to" parameter accepts foollowing values: archive bbpress_profile buddypress_profile):
[authors_list after_title="{alf:link to=bbpress_profile}"]
Social Icons SVGs by FontAwesome are licensed under CC BY 4.0 == Installation == - **WordPress Plugins Directory**: Navigate to *Plugins* → *Add New* in the WordPress admin and search “Authors List”. Click *Install* and then *Activate*. - **Zip Upload**: Navigate to *Plugins* → *Add New* → *Upload Plugin* in the WordPress admin. Browse to the .zip file containing the plugin on your computer and upload, then activate. - **Manual FTP Upload**: Upload the plugin folder to `/wp-content/plugins/`. Navigate to *Plugins* in the WordPress admin and activate. == Changelog == = 1.2.1 ( December 23rd, 2020 ) = * The "orderby" parameter now accepts the value "all_post_count" which orders by the count of all post types set in the "post_types" parameter = 1.2.0 ( October 27th, 2020 ) = * Parameter "count_text" now supports zero, singular and plural options = 1.1.9 ( October 17th, 2020 ) = * New parameter "count_text" that allows changing the text shown for "show_count" = 1.1.8 ( September 30th, 2020 ) = * Alt attribute added to avatar image * New parameter "avatar_meta_key" that allows getting the image URL from user meta instead of using Gravatar = 1.1.7 ( September 12th, 2020 ) = * New parameter "title_element" that allows changing the div that wraps the author's name/title to an h2, h3, h4... (title_element="h2") * New dynamic output functon added for showing the user's role (after_title="{alf:role}") * New dynamic output function added for showing a link to post archive, bbpress profile or buddypress profile (after_title="{alf:link to=archive}") = 1.1.6 ( July 20th, 2020 ) = * alf:social now shows the personal website URL as well * New parameter "minimum_posts_count" added to limit the authors shown to only those that have at least that amount of posts * New parameter "bp_member_types" that allows showing only specific BuddyPress member types = 1.1.5 ( July 2nd, 2020 ) = * The "orderby" parameter now accepts the value "comment_count" which order by the comment count what posts made by that author received * The "link_to" parameter now accepts linking to buddypress profile (link_to="buddypress_profile") * The "link_to" parameter now accepts linking to custom meta (link_to="meta" link_to_meta_key="meta_key") * New dynamic output function added for showing follow/unfollow button from BuddyPress Followers plugin (after_title="{alf:buddypress_follow"}) = 1.1.4 ( June 12th, 2020 ) = * The "orderby" parameter now accepts the value "rand" to have a random order * New parameter "link_to" added to allow linking to bbPress profile ( link_to="bbpress_profile" ) * New parameter "pagination" added, set to "yes" to enable pagination = 1.1.3 ( May 30th, 2020 ) = * New shortcode attribute to allow only showing authors by the first letter (or more letters) of their display name = 1.1.2 ( April 21st, 2020 ) = * New shortcode attributes to allow including only authors with posts in specific taxonomy and terms * New orderby attribute value "post_date" to order authors by the date of their latest post = 1.1.1 ( April 6th, 2020 ) = * Fix for skip_empty option * Added link for "submit support request" in the plugin action links * Bump up WordPress compatibility to 5.4 = 1.1.0 ( March 18th, 2020 ) = * Option to include only authors who have posts in specific categories = 1.0.9 ( February 12th, 2020 ) = * Improvements for output of dynamic user/author meta fields = 1.0.8 ( January 28th, 2020 ) = * Links to social profiles for authors = 1.0.7 (January 14, 2020) = * Load CSS only on pages where the shortcode is used * Option to set to show only authors of specific post types * Option for a vertical direction column layout (like a newspaper layout) * Option to show only authors that have posts published today = 1.0.6 (December 16, 2019) = * Option to limit visibility by author's post date * Option to order by first name * Option to order by last name = 1.0.5 (December 2, 2019) = * Option to include specific users by ID * Option to include specific user roles * Option to set posts list to be plain ( divs ) instead of unordered list items * Compatibility with custom avatar plugins * Responsive fixes = 1.0.4 (November 23, 2019 ) = * Option to exclude specific users/authors * Ability to display posts of the specific author = 1.0.3 (November 12th, 2019) = * Option to include all users, not just authors = 1.0.2 (October 30th, 2019) = * Added biography words trim option * Added ability to add custom content before/after each element * Added ability to display custom field values * Added option to also show authors that do not have any posts * Fixed issue where some authors are not shown = 1.0.1 (October 21st, 2019) = * Added plugin URI (for "view details" link in the WordPress admin) * Options to change the authors order * Fixed issue with layout if images not the same height = 1.0.0 = * Initial Release