=== Author Based Twitter Widget === Contributors: Razesdark Donate Link: http://blog.tommyolsen.net/donations/ Tags: widget, twitter, multi-author Requires at least: 3.0.0 Tested up to: 3.0.1 Stable tag: trunk A Author based twitter widget, made to help multi author blogs have individual twitter widgets for their authors. == Description == This plugin will allow all authors to have their own tweets shown on in the widget area of their posts, by adding it to their profiles. That way any multi-author blog can let their bloggers promote their own twitter account and not a joint account. == Installation == The installation process of this plugin is very simple. 1. Upload the folder and content `author-based-twitter-widget` to `/wp-content/plugins/` folder. 1. Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu in the Wordpress Administrative Panel 1. Place the Widget at desired location from the Widget Menu in the Wordpress Administrative Panel == Frequently Asked Questions == = Why is this application so poor? = Well, the only reason this application has been published in its state is because i did a mistake when i added the subversion to my IDE. Please bear with it for now, i will make some improvements very soon. == Screenshots == None at this time == Changelog == = 0.1.0 = * CSS and HTML templates to make it easier to modify to your own site without jumping into the PHP code. = 0.0.2 = * Actually has some controls, yet its still hard to modify this! = 0.0.1 = * First release of this program! == Upgrade Notice == = 0.1 = None yet