=== aThemes Blocks === Tags: athemes, blocks, gutenberg, sites Requires at least: 5.5 Tested up to: 6.1.1 Requires PHP: 5.6 Stable tag: trunk Contributors: aThemes License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Extend the Gutenberg Block Editor with additional functionality. == Description == == EXTEND THE BLOCK EDITOR == With aThemes Blocks, you can extend the Gutenberg block editor with additional functionality. CURRENTLY, ATHEMES BLOCKS INCLUDE A RESPONSIVE CONTAINER BLOCK WITH ADVANCED SETTINGS THAT ALLOWS YOU TO ADD MULTIPLE BLOCKS IN A SINGLE ROW AND A GOOGLE MAPS BLOCK. Our responsive container block lets you: * Add up to six columns to each row * Set a different text and background color combination for each block within the same row * Access the default settings of each block (e.g. font settings for text blocks, sizing and alignment settings for image blocks, etc.) * Customize the overall style of the container (content width, border radius, z-index, content alignment, background, spacing, and more) * Define different layouts and styles for mobile, tablet, and desktop screens * Create complex layouts easily, without the use of a page builder plugin As the plugin is under active development... MORE ATHEMES BLOCKS ARE COMING SOON! == Frequently Asked Questions == = Is aThemes Blocks Free? = Yes, aThemes Blocks is 100% free and will always be. = Can I use aThemes Blocks with any WordPress theme? = Yes, It can be used with any properly developed WordPress theme. = Where can I report a bug or request new features? = You can report bugs on our [support forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/athemes-blocks/) or send us an email using the [contact form on our website](https://athemes.com/contact/). [DOCUMENTATION](https://docs.athemes.com/documentation/other-themes/athemes-blocks/) || [SUPPORT](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/athemes-blocks/) = Want to know all the latest news and be part of the aThemes community? = [Join our Community](https://www.facebook.com/groups/athemes/) = Want to contribute to the plugin? = [Find aThemes Blocks on Github](https://github.com/athemes/athemes-blocks) == Screenshots == 1. Container Block with title and columns inside. 2. Container Block with background image and default GB heading and paragraph inside aligned to left. 3. Container Block with background image and default GB heading and paragraph inside. 4. Container Block with gray background color and default GB columns with text and image. == Installation == Go to Plugins > Add New and search for aThemes Blocks. Install and activate it.